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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic EmpowermentIntegrated Transport Sector CodesRail Sub-Sector Code for B-BBEE3. Indicators of Empowerment3.5 Skills Development3.5.3 TETA Commits to: | | Expand the number of learnerships available based on the sector's skills requirements identified in the sector skills plan and the demands of the industry. | | Facilitate easy access to finance learnerships and eliminate bottlenecks and bureaucratic procedures in accessing grants. This would entail streamlining processes and developing user-friendly procedures that encourage companies to participate in learnerships programmes. | | Introduce, after consulting stakeholders and completing the skills audit, new categories of learnerships-in management, technical and professional occupational categories-to help public and private sector organisations to achieve their employment equity targets. | | Conduct research to identify the management, professional and technical skills that the industry will require over the next decade and map out future demand/supply scenarios in a detailed skills audit that will guide and inform stakeholders in implementing their EE targets. | | Pay particular attention to the issue of addressing the current shortage of engineering professionals in the rail industry and make proposals on how to eliminate the skills deficit in the medium term. The proposal will quantify the financial resources that may be required to eliminate the skills deficit. | | Conduct research on the supply side of the skills development equation - i.e. the institutions that will provide the required management, professional and technical skills. The research will determine whether the identified institutions have the capacity to meet the expected demand and whether their curricula meet the needs of industry. | | Collect and publish detailed and aggregated statistics on the EE profile of the industry according to occupational level and occupational category. | | Assist in unlocking the funds from the National Skills Fund (NSF} for Management and Learnership Programmes in the identified areas. |