Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic EmpowermentIntegrated Transport Sector CodesRail Sub-Sector Code for B-BBEE3. Indicators of Empowerment3.8 Social-economic Development3.8.2 All Stakeholders commit to: | | A target of 1% of NPAT on social development projects as identified by the organisation/company with a specific focus on rural development, which may include HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention, education, etc. | | QSEs within this sub-sector will contribute a minimum of 1% of NPAT evaluated annually to socio-economic development initiatives over the next 5 years. | | The rand spend on contributions directed in the following programmes that will be Rail Sector specific and designed areas will be enhanced by a factor of 1.25: | | HIV Treatment and Prevention; | | Education; and | | Rural Development structures. |