Gold Membership
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic EmpowermentIntegrated Transport Sector CodesTaxi Industry Sub-Sector Code for B-BBEE3. Vision3.3 Government Undertakings (to achieve this vision): |
3.3.1 | Make decisive and direct interventions to enhance the competitiveness of the taxi industry as a mode of transport for commuters. |
3.3.2 | Set up structures that will ensure inter-governmental co-ordination between departments to align their programmes with the Transport and Taxi Industry B-BBEE processes. Examples of cross-cutting issues that require interventions across government departments and agencies include, and are not limited to: | | Increasing awareness within the transport sector of available government investment incentives and grants; | | Through Transport Charter Council, monitor stakeholder achievements in terms of the indicators in the Taxi Industry Balanced B-BBEE Scorecard; | | Convene an annual multi-stakeholder forum through the Transport Charter Council to investigate the scale of B-BBEE opportunities within the value chain; | | Ensure that the Public Sector/State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) maximise employment opportunities in the taxi industry through the use of labour-intensive methods, in so far as it is economically viable, in the maintenance and expansion of infrastructure; | | Ensure that the restructuring and formalisation of the taxi industry to effect new institutional arrangements in a manner that results in an increase in black participation at all levels, particularly black women, black youth and black people living with disabilities-in employment and the procurement of services and goods; | | Enforce and monitor compliance with existing legislation that may impact B-BBEE such as the Employment Equity, Skills Development, Competition Act, etc; and | | Publish an annual report on B-BBEE and job creation within the taxi industry that consolidates reports and information from all stakeholders. Stakeholders will use this report to review progress at an annual Transport Industry B-BBEE Forum. |