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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic EmpowermentIntegrated Transport Sector CodesTaxi Industry Sub-Sector Code for B-BBEE7. Taxi Associations7.4 Skills Development |
7.4.1 | This indicator refers to expenditure on skills development and training as a proportion of total payroll. Our challenge is to exponentially increase the skills base of all stakeholders in the areas of communications, customer care, driving training, safety and other training needs as identified by stakeholders in the Taxi industry. Our vision is to substantially increase the economic value added (or productivity) of every employee in the Taxi Industry through best practice Human Resource and Skills Development and increase the scale of initiatives aimed at developing stakeholders in the Taxi industry. |
7.4.2 | Government Commits to: | | Design and fund a co-ordinated framework and programme for career awareness and training that leverages off and adds value to existing initiatives. The awareness programme will publicise and co-ordinate information regarding scholarships, training resources and careers in the industry. Other stakeholders will be encouraged to contribute towards the cost of this initiative. |
7.4.3 | Industry Commits to: | | Black Skills Development Expenditure: Invest a minimum of 2% of the leviable amount on skills development initiatives contained in the Learning Programme Matrix in Code 400 of the Codes of Good Practice aimed at black employees. | | Black Disabled Skills Development Expenditure: Invest a minimum of 0.5% of the leviable amount on skills development initiatives contained in the Learning Programme Matrix in Code 400 of the Codes of Good Practice aimed at black disabled employees. | | The number of Black employees on accredited training programmes being 5% of the total work force. | | To promote the effective utilisation of existing training opportunities and allow employees to participate in self- improvement initiatives. | | Develop a campaign to encourage operators to register as tax payers and design an appropriate training programme to educate them about government policies, tendering for government contracts, corporate and business management, tax-related matters, etc. |
7.4.4 | TETA Commits to: | | Conduct research to identify the management, professional and technical skills that the industry will require over the next decade and map out future demand/supply scenarios in a detailed skills audit that will guide and inform stakeholders in implementing their EE targets. | | Develop training programmes specifically designed for entrepreneurs in the Taxi Industry. | | Conduct research on the supply side of skills development - i.e. the institutions that will provide the required management, professional and technical skills. The research will determine whether the identified institutions have the capacity to meet the expected demand and whether their curricula meet the needs of industry. It will make proposals on how to increase the capacity and relevance of existing institutions and establish whether there is a need to establish a dedicated institution that will focus on developing skills for the taxi industry. | | Introduce, after consulting stakeholders and completing the skills audit, new categories of learnerships - in management, technical and professional occupational categories - to help public and private sector organisations achieve their employment equity targets. | | Collect and publish detailed and aggregated statistics on the EE profile of the industry according to occupational level and occupational category. Also, to monitor the industry's progress in meeting its targets and to publish an annual report on the EE Profile of the industry according to occupational level and category. |
7.4.5 | Measurement Principles and Applications of the Charter | | Measurement principles associated with the skills development element is contained in Statement 400 of Code 400 of the Generic Code of Good Practice. | | The formulae required in the determination of the skills development score are contained in Annexure 400 (A)-B of Statement 400 of Code 400 of the Generic Code of Good Practice. The formula for the determination of the Adjusted Recognition for Gender - Annexure 400 (A)-A will not apply. | | The measurement principles required in the determination of the skills development score for QSEs are contained in Statement 804 of Code 800 of the Generic Code of Good Practice. | | The Learning Programme Matrix is contained under Code 400, Annexure 400 (A) of the Generic Code of Good Practice. |