Gold Membership
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic EmpowermentMining Sector CharterScorecard for the Broad Based Socio-Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African Mining Industry4.1 Human Resource Development |
The South African labour market does not produce enough of the skills required by the mining industry. Stakeholders shall work together in addressing this skills gap in the following manner:
• | Through the standing consultative arrangements they will interface with statutory bodies such as the Mines Qualifications Authority (MQA), in the formulation of comprehensive skills development strategies that include a skills audit; |
• | By interfacing with the education authorities and providing scholarships to promote mining related educational advancement, especially in the fields of mathematics and science at the school level; |
• | By undertaking to ensure provision of scholarships and that the number of registered learnerships in the mining industry will rise from the current level of some 1200 learners to not less than 5000 learners by March 2005; and |
• | Through the MQA shall undertake to provide skills training opportunities to miners during their employment in order to improve their income earning capacity after mine closure. |
Government undertakes that:
• | In its bi-lateral relations with relevant countries, undertakes to secure training opportunities for HDSA companies’ staff, as well as exchange opportunities with mining companies operating outside of South Africa; |
• | Through the MQA and in collaboration with academic institutions, DME associated institutions, NGO’s, and the Gender Commission, shall provide training courses in mining entrepreneur’s skills; |
Companies undertake:
• | To offer every employee the opportunity to become functionally literate and numerate by the year 2005 in consultation with labour; |
• | To implement career paths to provide opportunities to their HDSA employees to progress in their chosen careers; and |
• | To develop systems through which empowerment groups can be mentored as a means of capacity building. |