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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)NoticesProcedures for the Application, Administration and Allocation of Export Quotas under the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and Southern African Development Community for the year 20243. Application for EU export permits |
3.1 | Any person interested in exporting any of the products specified in Table 1 (excluding products that are indicated as first come first serve in the table) must apply on a copy of the application form attached as Annexure A. |
3.2 | Application for export permits issued annually must be submitted to the Registry Officer: Management Support (Mrs. E. Matlala) within four (4) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Permits will be valid from 01 January 2024 until 31 December 2024. |
3.3 | Applications for annual wine export permits must be submitted through the Wine Online System within four (4) weeks of the date of publication of this notice. |
3.4 | In the case of products indicated as first come first serve in table 1, potential exporters must apply to SARS (Customs and Excise) on a first-come first-served basis until the quota allocated is fully utilized. |
3.5 | The application form is also available electronically on request from [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected] can be downloaded from the following websites: http://webapps.dalrrd.gov.za/amis (Go to: Market Access>Preferential Market Access), www.dalrrd.gov.za (Go to: Branches>Economic Development Trade and Marketing>Marketing>Government Notices), www.wosa.co.za and www.safvca.co.za |
3.6 | Only duly completed application forms will be accepted. |
3.7 | An applicant bears the responsibility to ensure that— |
(a) | The application form reflects the correct information as requested for the product concerned; |
(b) | The application is submitted timeously as set out in paragraph 3.2; and |
(c) | The application delivered has been received by the Registry Officer: Management Support. |
3.8 | All exporters and potential exporters must comply with— |
(a) | The sanitary, phyto-sanitary and other technical requirements as stipulated by the EU; and |
(b) | The Rules of Origin that form part of the SADC-EU EPA and which can be obtained on request from the DTI (Chief Directorate: Foreign Trade Relations, EU desk). Please note: The EUR 1 form that must accompany each consignment to be exported in terms of the SADC-EU EPA preferential scheme, is obtainable from the applicant’s local SARS office. The exception is Wine exporters with “Approved Exporter Status”, who will follow the electronic exporter to client system on Wine Online. |
(c) | Wine exporters that have obtained “Approved Exporter Status” may not use manually issued EUR 1 certificates as an alternative to the electronic exporter to client system. Contravention of this procedure will be subject to suspension from the “Approved Exporter Status” classification by SARS and denied access on Wine Online. |
(d) | Wine exporters that used manually issued EUR 1 certificates without a quota will not qualify for a quota benefit in terms of the SADC-EU EPA preferential scheme and will therefore be temporarily denied access for exportation until it has been reversed or corrected on Wine Online or at SARS. |
(e) | Wine exporters that used manually issued EUR 1 certificates with a quota must declare it on Wine Online as in-quota exports. Contravention of this procedure will be subject to suspension and denial of access on Wine Online. |