Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Industry ChartersInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) CharterICT Sector Code for Black Economic EmpowermentCode Series 000: Framework for Measuring Broad-Based Black Economic EmpowermentStatement 000: General Principles and the Scorecard1. Objectives of this statement |
The objectives of this statement are to:
1.1 | Specify interpretative principles of B-BBEE: |
1.2 | Specify the application of the ICT Sector CODE and the basis for measurement under the ICT Codes; |
1.3 | Specify the qualifying thresholds for businesses to qualify as Exempted Micro-Enterprises (EME) or Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSE); |
1.4 | Specify the method of measuring start-up enterprises; |
1.5 | Specify the elements of B-BBEE measurable under the Scorecard; |
1.6 | Specify the Scorecard; |
1.7 | Specify the basis for determining compliance by entities with the ICT Sector CODE; |
1.8 | Provide for the Transitional Period before the compulsory use of the Scorecard starts; and |
1.9 | Define the duration for the applicability of the ICT Sector CODE. |