Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Industry ChartersInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) CharterICT Sector Code for Black Economic EmpowermentCode Series 500: Measurement of the Preferential Procurement Element of Broad-Based Black Economic EmpowermentStatement 500: The General Principles for Measuring Preferential Procurement4. Black Owned Professional Services Providers and Entrepreneurs |
4.1 | A key intention of this statement is to promote the use by Measured Entities, of black owned professional service providers and entrepreneurs as suppliers. |
4.2 | Black owned professional service providers and entrepreneurs that comply with all the elements of the ICT Codes: |
4.2.1 | qualify for recognition in all three criteria in the preferential procurement scorecard; and |
4.2.2 | qualify as value-adding suppliers thereby attracting the benefits in paragraph 3.3.2. |