Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Industry ChartersInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) CharterICT Sector Code for Black Economic EmpowermentCode Series 600: Measurement of Enterprise Development Element of Broad-Based Black Economic EmpowermentStatement 600: The General Principles for Measuring Enterprise Development Element2. The Enterprise Development scorecard |
2.1 | The following table represents the criteria and method used for deriving a score for Enterprise Development under this statement: |
Criteria |
Weighting Points |
Compliance Target |
Average annual value of all Enterprise Development Contributions and Sector Specific Programmes made by the Measured Entity as a percentage of the target. |
11 |
5% NPAT |
2.2 | The weighting points in the ED scorecard represent the maximum number of points possible for each of the criteria. |
2.3 | The ICT sector has set the target of 5% Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) for Enterprise Development to accelerate transformation in the sector by developing black owned ICT companies. The Enterprise Development spend shall include financial and non-financial spend on enterprises including transfer of business skills to black owned ICT businesses in order to grow the sector. |