Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Codes of Good Practice on Broad-Based Black Economic EmpowermentAmended Property Sector Code3. Gender Transformation |
3.1 | The sector continues to reflect vast inequalities in representation of women in general and Black women in particular in ownership, control, management and in skilled professions in the sector. |
3.2 | In acknowledging the cross-cutting nature of gender across all elements of B-BBEE and its integral nature to transformation of the sector, the parties to this draft sector code commit to: |
3.2.1 | Enhance gender awareness in the workplace and promote a conducive and empowering environment for women in general; |
3.2.2 | Target skills development and employment equity for women particularly in areas that are presently male dominated; |
3.2.3 | Design targeted enterprise and supplier development programmes which increase the participation of women as owners in business and property assets in the sector; |
3.2.4 | Identify barriers for Black women advancement and design targeted programmes to increase the representation and the empowerment of black women in the sector as outlined in all elements of this draft aligned code; and |
3.2.5 | Promote policies on gender that address the above objectives. |