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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)

Industry Charters

Forest Sector Charter

13. Enterprise Development

13.2 Additional Instruments

13.2.3 Expedite the authorisation process for afforestation & paper and sawmilling facilities


The successful implementation of the Forest Sector Charter requires an afforestation authorisation process that is accessible and affordable to new entrants to the forestry industry. B-BBEE in the fibre-processing sub-sector also depends on the expeditious processing of applications for water use licences.


To this end Government, through DWAF, undertakes to implement a co-operative governance initiative between authorising government departments and levels of government that aims to:


(a) Streamline and expedite afforestation licensing procedures to facilitate the establishment of a minimum of 100 000ha net increase in planted area over ten years, based on a target average of 10 000ha per annum, while at the same time ensuring that forestry's water use is considered and weighted fully against competing proponents for water allocation in licensing decisions. The measures to be implemented are detailed in the Companion to the Charter (refer to Annexure A).


This measure will be operational within one year of the signing of the Charter.


(b) Publish procedures for mill licensing applications and authorisations that will indicate what information is required to make a decision on issuing a licence and the time frames in which they will make those decisions. This will include developing sector-specific guidelines for the compilation of information in support of water use licence applications by paper and pulp mills.


This measure will be operational within six months of the signing of the Charter.


(c) Apply the licensing and permit system under the National Water Act of 1998 and the National Forests Act of 1998 to promote the objectives of this Charter, as provided for under these Acts. Preferences will be given to enterprises that comply with the B-BBEE Forest Sector Scorecard. Guidelines will be issued by DWAF in this regard.


This measure will be operational from the effective date of the Charter.