Acts Online
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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)

Industry Charters

Forest Sector Charter

5. Key principles

5.6 Shared Vision for the Industry


All role players need to commit to a shared vision for the forest industry and seek win-win approaches to tackling the transformation challenges arising. This needs to be underpinned by a common understanding of the challenges facing the sector and its sub-sectors, and a commitment to implement the strategies and instruments for sustainable growth and broad-based empowerment throughout the forestry value chain. This Charter represents the sector stakeholders' shared vision for broad-based empowerment with growth for the Forest Sector, namely:

An  inclusive  and  equitable  Forest  Sector  in which  black  women  and  men  fully participate.
A Forest Sector that is characterised by sustainable use of resources, sustainable growth, international competitiveness and profitability for all its participants.
A Forest Sector that contributes meaningfully to poverty eradication, job creation, rural development and economic value-adding activities in the country.