Acts Online
GT Shield

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)

Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment

Marketing, Advertising and Communication (MAC) Sector Charter

3. Constitution of the MAC Charter Council


Annexure C : Funding and Budget



Equitable funding by all stakeholders: This option requires that all the industry bodies represented on the Charter Council contribute equally to annual projected expenditure required, which can be made in cash and in kind, to support and operationalise the work of the Charter Council. Industry representatives will source funding from individual organisations that belong to that industry body.


The model of equitable contribution by all industry bodies


1. Promotes a true sense of ownership, responsibility and buy-in from all members.
2. The contribution is a nominal amount because of the large number of industry representatives.
3. Relative ease of application and management.