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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)Amended Codes of Good Practice (2017)Amended Code Series CSC100: Measurement of the Ownership Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction SectorStatement CSC100: The General Principles for Measuring OwnershipAnnexe CSC100 (B)2. Additional Criteria applicable to Broad-Based Ownership Schemes |
2.1 | For a Measured Entity to obtain the maximum points on its Ownership scorecard, the following additional requirements must be met by a Broad-Based Ownership Scheme: |
2.1.1 | A track-record of operating as a Broad-Based Ownership Scheme, or in the absence of such a track-record demonstrable evidence of full operational capacity to operate as a Broad-Based Ownership Scheme; and | | Operational capacity must be evidenced by suitably qualified and experienced staff in sufficient number, experienced professional advisors, operating premises, and all other necessary requirements for operating a business. |