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Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003)

Amended Codes of Good Practice (2017)

Amended Code Series CSC300: Measurement of the Management Control Element of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Sector

Statement CSC300: The General Principles for Measuring Skills Development

Annexe CSC300 (C) : Measurement of Approved and Verified Mentorship Programmes




1. Steps to be followed by Verification Professional
1.1 Compare the company mentor program with the list of criteria provided in paragraph 2 below. If the program substantively complies with the list of requirements below, it will qualify for recognition in the score card.
1.2 The verification agent will evaluate the portfolio of evidence for the protégés against the list provided.
1.3 The verification agent will randomly select a few protégés to interview to determine the effectiveness of the program.
1.4 The verification agent will then sign off that the mentor program is compliant.


2. Criteria that constitute a Mentorship Program and that must be present in the Measured Entity
2.1 Each Measured Entity must have one person in the business who is responsible and accountable for mentoring, called the mentor champion. In a larger business, this may be the chairman of a committee set up to manage a mentor program.
2.2 A Mentorship Programme must have the minimum number of mentees as per the table below:


Total number of Employees in Measured Entity

Minimum number of Black Mentees

≤ 100


>100 ≤ 300


>300 ≤ 700





2.3 Other criteria for the program include the following:
2.3.1. The objectives and desired outcomes of the program;
2.3.2 The structure of the program;
2.3.3 Methods on how the protégés and mentors will be selected and matched;
2.3.4 The time frames for the implementation of the program.


2.4. The general portfolio of evidence should support the objectives stated above and may include the following:
2.4.1 Regular report to mentor champion on overall program (Internal progress review);
2.4.2. Minutes of meetings and/or communication between protégés and their mentors including details of time, location and duration of meetings, topics discussed advice and guidance given and progress review on required development outcomes;
2.4.3. Any training provided to support protégé development;
2.4.4 Individual development plan containing development interventions;
2.4.5 Annual progress review on individual development plan and targets completed by a mentor or manager;
2.4.6 Activities undertaken by the protégé including which departments the protégé worked in, details of job assignments and details of activities undertaken.
2.4.7 If an Employee is undertaking a mentorship for the purposes of professional registration then such documentation will supercede the conditions stated above. There must be evidence in the candidate file that mentorship took place during the Measurement Period.