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Budget Speech 2021

14. Summary of the Presentation on the Fiscal Strategy


This 2021 budget framework puts South Africa on course to achieve a primary surplus. By doing this, government debt will stabilise at 88.9 per cent of GDP in 2025/26.


The path is challenging but achievable. It is the most prudent way to achieve higher levels of prosperity and avoid a sovereign debt crisis. Madam Speaker, Honourable Members, when the Constitution was adopted 25 years ago, the words “Nothing can stop us now!” resonated in this House.


As we affirm our commitment to sustainable public finances and the supremacy of our Constitution, we must again become resolute in the mission to recover and shape our destiny.






Madam Speaker, I thank the President and Deputy President for their

courageous leadership during these testing times. A word of appreciation

to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Dr. David Masondo. Thanks to the

Director‐General Mogajane and his dedicated team at the National


My thanks