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Budget Speech 2023



Madam Speaker, our economy is facing significant risks. Uncertainty is on the rise. It requires us to do bold things. To put the fear of failure aside and execute the difficult trade-offs needed to get from where we are now, to where we want to be in the future.


The measures in this budget reflect these realities and the need to act boldly.


Madam Speaker, I am grateful to the President and Deputy President for their support and leadership.


Thank you to the Deputy Minister of Finance, and the National Treasury team, led by the Acting Director-General.


My sincere thanks to the Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service, and the Governor of the South African Reserve Bank.


Let me also thank my colleagues in the Ministers’ Committee on the Budget and in the Budget Council who have shared the load of the tough decisions that have to be made.


Similarly, to the Parliamentary Committees of Finance and Appropriations, I express my sincere appreciation.


My gratitude also goes to Mr Neil Bell from Parliament’s Bills Office.


He retires in May this year after 41 years of going the extra mile to support the tabling and passing of the Budget and other legislation in Parliament.


Mr Bell, a Bells to you, and the thousands of public servants who work behind the scenes to keep our country going.


Lastly, thank you to each and every South African.


Thank You