R 385
Carbon Tax Act, 2019 (Act No. 15 of 2019)Preamble |
SINCE the causality of the increasing of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere and the global climate change has been scientifically confirmed;
AND SINCE it has consequently become necessary to manage the inevitable climate change impact through interventions that build and sustain South Africa’s social, economic and environmental resilience and emergency response capacity;
AND SINCE it has also become necessary to make a contribution to the global effort to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that avoids dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system within a timeframe that enables economic, social and environmental development to proceed in a sustainable manner;
AND SINCE the costs of remedying pollution, environmental degradation and consequent adverse health effects and of preventing, controlling or minimising further pollution, environmental damage or adverse health effects must be paid for by those responsible for harming the environment (the polluter pays principle);
AND SINCE government is desirous to utilise a package of measures in an effort to address the challenges posed by climate change;
AND SINCE this package of measures will be achieved by the deployment of a range of measures to support the system of desired emissions reduction outcomes, including the appropriate pricing of carbon and economic incentives, as well as the use of emissions offsets;
AND SINCE government is of the view that imposing a tax on greenhouse gas emissions and concomitant measures such as providing tax incentives for rewarding the efficient use of energy will provide appropriate price signals to help nudge the economy towards a more sustainable growth path,
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:—