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Child Care Act, 1983 (Act No. 74 of 1983)Chapter 2 : Children’s Courts and Commissioners of Child Welfare6. Commissioners of child welfare |
1) | Every magistrate shall be a commissioner of child welfare and every additional magistrate and assistant magistrate shall be an assistant commissioner of child welfare for the district of which he is magistrate, additional magistrate or assistant magistrate. |
2) | A commissioner of child welfare shall perform such functions as may be assigned to him by this Act or by any other law. |
3) | An assistant commissioner of child welfare shall perform such of the functions of a commissioner as he is not generally or in any particular case prohibited from performing either by the minister or by the magistrate of the district of which he is additional or assistant magistrate. |
4) | Every additional magistrate and every assistant magistrate holding office as a commissioner or assistant commissioner of child welfare, shall in his capacity as commissioner or assistant commissioner be subject to the administrative control of the magistrate of the district of which he is an additional or assistant magistrate. |
5) | [Deleted by section 2 of Act 34/86] |
6) | [Deleted by section 2 of Act 34/866) |