Right of Appearance in Courts Act, 1995
R 385
Children's Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)RegulationsGeneral Regulations Regarding Children, 2010Chapter 17 : Inter-Country Adoption (Sections 254-273 of the Act)112. Report on child in the Republic to be adopted by person from convention or non-convention country |
(1) | In addition to the requirements set out in article 16 of the Hague Convention on Inter-country Adoption, the report on a child required by section 261(3) or 262(3) of the Act must be a comprehensive child study report compiled by an adoption social worker employed by a designated child protection organisation. |
(2) | The report contemplated in sub-regulation (1) must include— |
(a) | identifying information of the child with an original birth certificate or identity document, or where these are not available, a sworn statement from the social worker to supplement the lack of documentary information; |
(b) | detail regarding the child's language, culture, race and religion; |
(c) | a medical report confirming the health status of the child, and where applicable, a description of any special needs of the child; |
(d) | information about the child's natural parents, where such information is known, including— |
(i) | a description of the counselling they have received; |
(ii) | whether they have consented to the adoption; and |
(iii) | if their consent is not required, the reasons for such non-requirement; |
(e) | information regarding the sibling or siblings of the child, where applicable; |
(f) | comprehensive information regarding the efforts that have been made to provide suitable alternative care within the Republic; |
(g) | the views of the child concerning the adoption, where the child is capable of forming his or her own view; and |
(h) | the child's consent, if he or she is ten years of age or older, which must be annexed to the report. |