Right of Appearance in Courts Act, 1995
R 385
Children's Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)RegulationsGeneral Regulations Regarding Children, 2010Chapter 4 : Partial Care (Sections 76-90 of the Act)21. Inspection of partial care facility |
(1) | All partial care facilities must be subjected to inspection and monitoring to determine compliance with these Regulations and Part I of Annexure B. |
(2) | The inspection and monitoring contemplated in sub-regulation (1) must be executed by a person designated by the provincial head of social development. |
(3) | All inspections and monitoring visits must be followed by a report that must be submitted to the provincial head of social development and the management of the partial care facility. |
(4) | Inspection of a partial care facility must take place every five years or may take place at shorter intervals if inspection is a condition for registration or where inspection of the facility becomes necessary for the cancellation of a registration referred to in section 84(2)(a) of the Act. |
(5) | Inspection as a result of a written complaint may at any time be ordered by the provincial head of social development. |