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Children's Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)RegulationsGeneral Regulations Regarding Children, 2010Chapter 13 : Foster Care (Sections 180-190 of the Act)Part II : Cluster Foster Care68. Requirements for registration as cluster foster care scheme |
(1) | Any organisation contemplated in section 183(1)(a) of the Act that wants to operate or manage a cluster foster care scheme must apply for that scheme to be registered with the provincial department of social development in a form identical to Form 42. |
(2) | Upon granting an application contemplated in sub-regulation (1) the provincial head of social development must issue to the applicant a certificate of registration in a form identical to Form 43 and may impose such conditions as he or she deems necessary or expedient. |
(3) | In rejecting an application for registration of a cluster foster care scheme, the provincial head of social development must duly inform the applicant of the rejection in a form identical to Form 44 by registered post and must furnish written reasons for such rejection. |
(4) | Where a non-profit organisation seeks registration for more than one cluster foster care scheme such organisation must complete a form in respect of each scheme. |
(5) | A head of a provincial department of social development may deregister a registered cluster foster care scheme if such scheme has failed to comply with any condition of registration or if such a scheme has failed to comply with any requirement for registration, provided that 90 days notice is given to the cluster foster care scheme in a form identical to Form 45 of the intention to deregister such scheme. |
(6) | A cluster foster care scheme which has received a notice contemplated in subregulation (5) may make representations to the head of the department of social development of that province in a form identical to Form 46 within the 90 days notice contemplated in sub-regulation (5). |
(7) | If a cluster foster care scheme is deregistered as contemplated in sub-regulation (5) after consideration of the representations contemplated in sub-regulation (6), the scheme must be notified thereof, together with the reasons for such decision, in a form identical to Form 47. |