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Children's Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)


General Regulations Regarding Children, 2010

Chapter 14 : Child and Youth Care Centres (Sections 191-212 of the Act)

74. Complaints procedure in child and youth care centre


(1) Each child and youth care centre must have a written complaints procedure, approved by the centre's management board, which must—
(a) be appropriate to the age and stage of development of the children residing at the centre;
(b) allow for children to complain about particular incidents or staff members;
(c) be accessible to the children;
(d) be structured in such a manner that it does not cause conflict;
(e) encourage restorative justice interventions, where appropriate; and
(f) allow for fair procedures for those who have allegations made against them.


(2) A child must, upon admission to the centre, be informed of the complaints procedure.