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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)RegulationsCivil Aviation Regulations, 2011Part 127 : Commercial Helicopter Operations: Passengers Cargo and MailSubpart 2 : Flight CrewDivision Two : Flight Crew Member, Cabin Crew Member and Flight Operations Officer Qualifications127.02.7 Flight crew member qualifications |
(1) | An operator shall not permit a person to act and no person shall act as a flight crew member of a helicopter unless, in addition to the recency requirements of regulation 91.02.4, the person— |
(a) | holds valid licences, certificates and ratings as required by Part 61 and Part 63 appropriate to the assignment; |
(b) | meets the type and variant training and checking requirements specified in Subpart 3 and has otherwise fulfilled all applicable training requirements specified in technical standard 127.03.4 of Document SA-CATS 127; and |
(c) | in the case of the pilot-in-command of a helicopter operated in accordance with regulation 127.01.1, assigned to duty on a passenger-carrying flight, meets the area, route and aerodrome familiarization requirements specified in Document SA-CATS 127. |
(2) | A pilot who does not meet the recency requirements of regulation 91.02.4 or who's training and checking validity periods have lapsed shall regain qualification as prescribed in the regaining qualification requirements specified in Subpart 3. |
(3) | The operator shall ensure that a holder of a commercial pilot licence (helicopter) does not operate as a pilot-in-command of a helicopter— |
(a) | certificated for single-pilot operations when operating under IFR unless the requirements prescribed in regulation 127.02.1(7) are complied with; or unless— |
(i) | when conducting operations in accordance with regulation 127.01.1 under VFR outside a radius of 50 nautical miles from a place of departure, the pilot has a minimum of 300 hours total flight time on helicopter or holds a valid instrument rating; or |
(ii) | when operating under IFR, the pilot has a minimum of 400 hours total flight time on helicopters, which includes 200 hours as pilot-in-command, of which 100 hours have been under IFR: Provided that the 200 hours as pilot-in-command may be substituted by hours operating as second-in-command on the basis of two hours as second-in-command being equivalent to one hour as pilot-in-command: Provided further that these hours are gained within an established multi-pilot flight crew system prescribed in the operations manual referred to in regulation 127.04.2; |
(iii) | the minimum required recent experience for a pilot engaged in a single-pilot operation under IFR shall be 5 IFR flights, including 3 instrument approaches, carried out during the preceding 90 days on a helicopter approved in the single-pilot role. This requirement may be replaced by an IFR instrument approach check on the helicopter or in a standard training device (STD). |
(iv) | 25 hours total IFR flight experience in the relevant operating environment; |
(v) | 25 hours flight experience on the specific type of helicopter, approved for single-pilot IFR, of which 10 hours is as pilot-in-command or pilot-in-command-under-supervision, including 5 sectors of IFR line flying under supervision using the single-pilot procedures; |
(b) | in multi-pilot flight crew operations, and prior to operating as pilot-in-command, the command course prescribed in paragraph 127.03.4(1)(f) is completed. |
(4) | Where a flight crew member operates more than one helicopter or variant of a helicopter under this Part the provisions of technical standard 127.02.8 shall apply. |