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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)RegulationsCivil Aviation Regulations, 2011Part 128 : Helicopter Aerial Work and Certain Other Air Service OperationsSubpart 1 : General128.01.01 Applicability |
(1) | This Part applies to— |
(a) | an operator of a type-certificated helicopter registered in the Republic and operated in terms of a Class III air service licence issued either in terms of the Air Services Licensing Act of 1990 or the International Air Services Act of 1993; and |
(b) | any person on board a helicopter operated under this Part. |
(2) | Notwithstanding the provision of paragraph (1)(a) certain holders of a Class Ill air service licence are required to operate under Part 127. |
(3) | For the purposes of this Part a type-certificated helicopter, registered in another State and operated by a holder of an operating certificate issued in the Republic, shall be deemed to be registered in the Republic. |
(4) | The provisions of Part 91 apply mutatis mutandis to any helicopter operated under this Part. |
(5) | Part 137 provides additional regulations in respect of certain aerial work operations. |
(6) | Unless the context suggests otherwise, throughout this Part the expression "operator" means an operator referred to in paragraph (1)(a). |
(7) | Throughout this Part the expression "aerodrome" includes any site used for take-off or landing of a helicopter, whether licensed, approved or not. |
NOTE.- This Part and its associated technical standards provide for the operation Class III air services, other than G7 emergency medical services and G16 offshore operations, by a helicopter operator who does not also operate a Class I, Class II, or one of the in this note listed other Class III air service.
However, should an operator also operate one of these Class I, Class II, or Class III air services, he or she does not require to obtain a separate Part 128 approval but may have his or her aircraft operating certificate and operating specifications, as well as the various manuals, issued or approved in terms of Part 127, endorsed for Part 128 operations.
Wherever applicable, these documents shall indicate which requirements of Part 127 and its associated technical standards are not applicable to the particular aerial work operation, and which specific additional requirements of Part 128 and its associated technical standards need to be adhered to.
[Regulation 128.01.1 substituted by regulation 34(a) of Notice No. R.1503, GG45491, dated 15 November 2021 (Twenty-First Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2021)]