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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 139 : Aerodromes and Heliports

Subpart 4 : Approval and Operation of Helistops

139.04.1 Requirements for issuing of helistop approval


(1) A helistop intended for commercial use or private use in a built-up area, shall be approved in accordance with this Subpart.


(2) A helistop located inside a licensed aerodrome as provided for in Subpart 2 shall not require approval in terms of subregulation (1) .


(3) A helistop approval referred to in subregulation (1) shall be issued subject to a helistop complying with—
(a) these regulations and associated technical standards as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 139; and
(b) any directives as may be issued by the Director.


(4) The Director shall not issue a helistop with an approval until an authorised officer, inspector or authorised person has audited such helistop and determined that it complies with these regulations and the requirements as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 139.


[Regulation 139.04.1 substituted by regulation 19(o) of Notice No. R. 3170, GG48228, dated 17 March 2023 (Twenty-Sixth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2023)]