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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 141 : Aviation Training Organisations

Subpart 8 : Declared Training Organisation

141.08.9 Amendment of DTO certificate


(1) A DTO shall provide written notification to the Director for approval at least 30 days prior to any of the following changes:
(a) name of an organisation;
(b) location of an organisation;
(c) facilities, equipment or staff that could affect a DTO authorisation;
(d) additional locations of an organisation;
(e) items in a DTO approved training programme;
(f) accountable manager; or
(g) declared list of management personnel.


(2) The Director shall amend a DTO certificate if such DTO notifies the Director of a change in—
(a) location or facilities or equipment;
(b) additional locations of an organisation;
(c) items in a DTO approved training programme;
(d) name of an organisation with same ownership; or
(e) ownership.


(3) The Director may amend a DTO certificate if a DTO notifies the Director of a change of accountable manager.


(4) When the Director issues an amendment to a DTO certificate because of new ownership of a DTO which involves a name change, the Director shall assign a new DTO approval number.


(5) The Director may—
(a) prescribe, i n writing, the conditions under which an approved DTO may continue to operate during any period of implementation of changes noted in subregulation (1); or
(b) hold an approved DTO certificate in abeyance i f the Director determines that approval of a DTO certificate should be delayed, and notify a concerned DTO, in writing, of the reasons for any such delay.


(6) If changes are made by a DTO to the items listed in subregulation (1) to the Director, DTO certificate concerned may be suspended or revoked, by the Director.


(7) Except in the case of a balloon, hang-glider or paraglider, an aerodrome or operating site at which flight training is being conducted shall have the following facilities:
(a) one runway or final approach and take-off area that allows training aircraft to make a normal take-off or landing within the performance limits of an aircraft used for training flights at that aerodrome or operating site;
(b) a wind direction indicator that is visible at ground level from the ends of each runway or at appropriate holding points or launch and landing sites as applicable; and
(c) ATS, except for uncontrolled aerodrome or operating site where training requirements may be satisfied safely by another acceptable means of communication.


(8) In the case of a balloon, hang-glider or paraglider, a take-off site used by a DTO should allow a normal take-off and clearing of all obstacles i n a take-off flight path by at least 50 ft.


(9) A DTO shall ensure that a training site used for training that take place in a specific environment has the characteristics and facilities that are necessary to ensure the safe conduct of training.


(10) A DTO shall have i n place the facilities as appropriate for the type of training carried out at each aerodrome or operating site.


[Regulation 141.08.9 inserted by regulation 40 of Notice No. R.1503, GG45491, dated 15 November 2021 (Twenty-First Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2021)]