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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 174 : Meteorological Information Services

Subpart 5 : Meteorological Service for Air Service Operator and Flight Crew Members

174.05.1 General


(1) A meteorological service provider shall supply meteorological service and related information to an air service operator and flight crew members for—
(a) pre-flight planning by an air service operator;
(b) in-flight replanning by an air service operator using centralized operational control of flight operations;
(c) use by flight crew members before departure; and
(d) aircraft in flight.


(2) Meteorological information supplied in accordance with subregulation (1) shall cover a flight in respect of time, altitude, and geographical extent and shall relate to appropriate fixed times, or periods of time, and shall—
(a) extend to an aerodrome of intended landing; and
(b) cover the meteorological conditions expected between an aerodrome of intended landing and alternate aerodrome designated by an air service operator.


(3) Meteorological information supplied to an air service operator shall be in accordance with the requirements prescribed in Document SA-CATS 174.


[Regulation 174.05.1 inserted by regulation 8(c) and (r) of Notice No. 5008, GG50880, dated 28 June 2024 (Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2024)]