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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)RegulationsCivil Aviation Regulations, 2011Part 21 : Certification Procedures for Products and PartsSubpart 2 : Type Certificates21.02.7 Flight tests |
(1) | Subject to the provisions of subregulations (2) and (3), an applicant for the issuing of a type certificate for an aircraft, or an amendment thereof, shall carry out such flight tests as the Director may require to determine whether— |
(a) | the aircraft complies with the appropriate airworthiness design standards referred to in regulation 21.02.3; |
(b) | the aircraft and the aircraft components and equipment are reliable and function properly. |
(2) | The applicant shall ensure that, before carrying out any flight tests referred to in subregulation (1)— |
(a) | the aircraft complies with the structural requirements of the appropriate airworthiness design standards referred to in regulation 21.02.3; |
(b) | the aircraft has undergone the necessary ground inspections and tests; and |
(c) | the aircraft conforms to the type design. |
(3) | The flight tests referred to in subregulation (1) shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 21. |