Acts Online
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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)


Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011

Part 21 : Certification Procedures for Products and Parts

Subpart 5 : Supplemental Type Certificates

21.05.7 Supplemental type certificate permission


(1) An STC holder providing permission in terms of regulation 21.5.6 shall ensure that such permission includes the following information:
(a) a specific product to be altered;
(b) an STC number;and
(c) the names of a person being granted permission to use an STC.


[Regulation 21.05.7 inserted by regulation 3(a) and (b) of Notice No. 5008, GG50880, dated 28 June 2024 (Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 2024)]