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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)RegulationsCivil Aviation Regulations, 2011Part 61 : Pilot LicensingSubpart 11 : Instrument Rating61.11.7 Revalidation of an IR |
(1) | If the period of validity of an IR has not yet lapsed, or has lapsed for a period of 36 months or less, the applicant must pass a revalidation check with a DFE, as prescribed in Document SA-CATS 61. |
(2) | If the period of validity of the IR has lapsed for more than 36 months the applicant must— |
(a) | re-write the IR theoretical knowledge examination; |
(b) | undergo sufficient ground and flight training at an approved ATO to reach the standard required for the skills test of an IR; and |
(c) | pass the skills test as stipulated in regulation 61.11.4. |
(3) | Where the IR is endorsed with SEA and MEA, every alternate revalidation of this rating may be carried out in a single engine aeroplane or in an FSTD approved for the purpose. |
(4) | The revalidation check for an IR revalidates the maintenance of competency of a licence endorsed with an IR for a period of 12 months, provided that the aircraft or FSTD meets the requirements for the maintenance of competency of that licence. |
(5) | Where a pilot holds an instrument rating in the helicopter and aeroplane categories, the revalidation check shall be carried out in each category at least once in every 24 months. |
(6) | The pilot proficiency check (PPC) conducted by a South African Part 121 operator may revalidate the IR and the maintenance of competency of a CPL or ATPL, provided that the check is conducted by a DFE and that the following documentation is submitted to the Director within 30 days of successful completion of the proficiency check— |
(a) | a copy of the logbook summary for the 12 months preceding the proficiency check; |
(b) | a copy of the PPC report; and |
(c) | the applicable application form duly completed and signed by the DFE and the applicant. |
(7) | The PPC or type rating skills test conducted by a foreign training organisation approved by the appropriate authority of a Contracting State may, upon prior approval by the Director, revalidate the IR and the maintenance of competency of a licence, provided that the check or test is conducted by an appropriately qualified examiner and upon submission of the following documents to the Director: |
(a) | a copy of the approval certificate issued to the training organisation by the foreign authority; |
(b) | a copy of the authorisation issued by the foreign licensing authority to the foreign examiner; |
(c) | a copy of the flight simulator qualification certificate, if applicable. |
(8) | The IR and maintenance of competency shall be revalidated, provided the applicant has successfully passed a ground evaluation conducted by a DFE and the following documentation is submitted to the Director within 30 days of the ground evaluation— |
(a) | appropriate application form duly completed and signed by the DFE and the applicant; |
(b) | a copy of the check or test report from the foreign training organisation; |
(c) | a copy of the logbook summary for the 12 months preceding the revalidation or proficiency check; |
(d) | a copy of the approval referred to in subregulation (7). |
(9) | No requests for acceptance of tests or checks conducted by a foreign examiner will be considered where prior approval was not granted. |
(10) | The holder of a valid South African CPL or ATPL who is a full time employee of a foreign operator may apply for the revalidation of his or her IR and maintenance of competency provided that – |
(a) | he or she is the holder of a valid CPL, ATPL or validation issued by the appropriate authority of the foreign State; |
(b) | the foreign operator is operating under the appropriate authority of a Contracting State; |
(c) | the following documents are received by the Director within 30 days of the successful completion of the foreign revalidation or proficiency check— |
(i) | a copy of the valid foreign licence or validation; |
(ii) | a copy of a valid Class 1 or Class 2 South African or foreign medical certificate, as applicable; |
(iii) | a written confirmation of full time employment signed by the foreign operator or the employment agency, as the case may be; |
(iv) | a copy of the revalidation or proficiency check report stamped and signed by the foreign examiner; |
(v) | a copy of the logbook summary for the 12 months preceding the revalidation or proficiency check; |
(vi) | the applicable application form duly completed and signed by the applicant. |
(d) | the licence will be endorsed with a restriction indicating that the holder may not exercise the privileges of the licence on a South African registered aircraft. For the restriction to be removed, the licence holder shall have successfully passed the appropriate ground evaluation conducted by a DFE. |