Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)RegulationsCivil Aviation Regulations, 2011Part 62 : National Pilot LicensingSubpart 8 : Requirements for the Issue of a Category, Class or Add-on Rating for Paragliders62.08.9 Privileges and limitations |
(1) | The holder of a valid national pilot licence, endorsed for the category paragliders, shall be permitted within Class F and Class G airspace to act as PIC of a paraglider for which he or she holds the appropriate class rating, provided it is not operated for the provision of an air service. |
(2) | The holder of a paraglider basic rating shall be permitted to fly— |
(a) | unassisted at basic...graded sites; |
(b) | under supervision of a the holder of valid paraglider Sport Class rating when flying at a site requiring additional supervision according to the rules governing the site; and |
(c) | for the first 80 flights, only basic- and intermediate-rated paragliders. |
(3) | The holder of a paraglider Sport Class rating shall be permitted— |
(a) | to fly any paraglider, other than a tandem-class paraglider: Provided that heavy pilots may fly approved tandem gliders solo, on condition that they meet the minimum specified mass range; |
(b) | to fly at all sites after local site requirements have been met; and |
(c) | to conduct training as a national assistant flight instructor (paraglider) under the supervision of an appropriately rated national flight instructor (paraglider). |
(4) | The holder of a paraglider tandem rating shall be permitted to act as PIC of a paraglider while carrying a passenger, provided that, for the first 20 flights, any passenger shall be the holder of a valid national pilot licence endorsed for the paraglider category. |
(5) | Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulations (2), (3) and (4), the organisation designated for the purpose in terms of Part 149 may set minimum experience requirements for specific types and models of paragliders, to be published as an addendum in that organisation's approved operations manual. |
(6) | The grading of sites, referred to in subregulations (2) and (3), and the setting of the rules governing such sites, shall be the responsibility of the organisation designated for the purpose in terms of Part 149. |