R 385
Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)RegulationsCivil Aviation Regulations, 2011Part 93 : Corporate Aviation Operations and High Performance AircraftSubpart 2 : Operations Personnel RequirementsDivision One : Flight crew member qualifications and requirements93.02.1 Composition of flight crew |
(1) | A CAO shall, when a type of operation so requires, allocate additional flight crew members as specified in its operations manual. |
(2) | A flight crew shall include at least one member who is proficient in navigating over a route to be flown using equipment required for such navigation. |
(3) | A CAO shall designate a PIG for each flight. |
(4) | When a separate flight engineer's station is incorporated in a design of an aircraft, at least one flight engineer should be assigned to that station, unless the duties associated with that station can be satisfactorily performed by another flight crew member, holding a flight engineer license issued in terms of Part 63 of these regulations, without interference with that flight engineer's regular duties. |