R 385
Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)RegulationsCivil Aviation Regulations, 2011Part 93 : Corporate Aviation Operations and High Performance AircraftSubpart 7 : Flight OperationsDivision Two : Dispatch and flight release rules93.07.17 Aerodrome operating minima |
(1) | A CAO shall establish aerodrome operating minima for each aerodrome planned to be used in a manner approved by the Director. |
(2) | An aerodrome operating minima referred to in subregulation (1) shall not be lower than the values prescribed in Document SA-CATS 91, except as provided in regulation 91.06.32. |
(3) | A CAO shall ensure that all instrument approaches and departures are conducted in accordance with procedures approved for such operator in its OpSpec. |
(4) | Where a CAO is operating at an aerodrome other than a South African aerodrome, an aerodrome operating minima established by such operator may be lower than a minima established by an appropriate authority of a State in which such aerodrome is located: Provided that— |
(a) | a State concerned approves a lower operating minima; and |
(b) | a CAO has been authorised in its OpSpec to operate to such lower minima. |