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Civil Aviation Act, 2009 (Act No. 13 of 2009)
Notice No. 616 of 2009
Chapter 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Application of Act, Power to Carry Out and Apply Convention, Transit Agreement and Protocol, Functions of Minister in Connection with Act and Convention and Transit Agreement
2. Application of Act
3. Power to carry out and apply Convention, Transit Agreement and Protocol
4. Functions of Minister in connection with Act, Convention and Transit Agreement
5. Enactment of Convention, Transit Agreement and Protocol
Chapter 3
Part 1 : Acquisition of Land and Rights in Connection with Airports and Consultation with Interested Parties
6. Acquisition of land and rights in connection with airports
Part 2 : Permission to use Land held under any Reconnaissance Permission, Exploration, Prospecting or Mining Authorisation or Permission for Airports, Consultation with Interested Parties, Trespass, Nuisance and Responsibility for Damage
7. Permission to use land held under any reconnaissance permission, exploration, prospecting or mining authorisation or permission for airports
8. Trespass, nuisance, responsibility for damage and insurance for damage or loss by registered owners and operators of aircraft
Chapter 4
Part 1 : Aircraft Accidents and Aircraft Incidents, Establishment of Aviation Safety Investigation Board in Compliance with Convention, Jurisdiction of Aviation Safety Investigation Board and Objects of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
9. Application of Chapter to aircraft accidents and aircraft incidents
10. Establishment of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
11. Objects of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
12. Jurisdiction of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
13. Coordination of investigations and remedial actions
14. Compatible procedures and practices
Part 2 : Appointment of Members and Staff of Aviation Safety Investigation Board, Procedure and Requirements in Appointing Members, Filling of Vacancies, Remuneration and Duties of Members and Conflict of Interest of Members
15. Procedure and requirements in appointing members of Aviation Safety Investigation Board, , filling of vacancies and term of office
16. Disqualification and removal of members of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
17. Performance management system
18. Remuneration, fees and expenses of members of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
19. Duties of Chairperson
20. Chairperson may delegate powers and duties
21. Meetings and quorum of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
22. Expenditure in connection with execution of functions and objects of Aviation Safety In
23. Public Finance Management Act binds Aviation Safety Investigation Board
24. Conflict of interest
25. Duties of members of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
26. Appointment of staff of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
27. Agreements between Aviation Safety Investigation Board and Director
28. Remuneration of staff of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
29. Independence and impartiality of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
Part 3 : Functions and Powers of Aviation Safety Investigation Board, Powers of Director of Investigations and Investigators, Notification of Aircraft Accidents and Aircraft Incidents by Departments and Attendance and Observers at Investigations
30. Functions of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
31. Powers of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
32. Powers of Director of Investigations
33. Designation and powers of investigators
34. Search and seizure by appointed investigators
35. Power to test items seized
36. Certificate to be produced
37. Return of seized property
38. Public inquiry
39. Notification of a department of aircraft accident or aircraft incident and investigation by department
40. Notification of Minister of department having direct interest in aircraft accident
41. Attendance and removal of observers at aircraft accident and aircraft incident investigations
Part 4 : Reporting on Completion of any Aircraft Accident or Aircraft Incident Investigation
42. Rights of affected parties, making representations and publication of report
43. Manner of dealing with representations
44. Notification of findings and recommendations
45. Minister to respond to Aviation Safety Investigation Board
46. Aviation Safety Investigation Board may delegate powers
Part 5 : Access, Use and Privilege of "On-Board Recording" and "Communication Record", Power of Court or Inquest, Access and Use of Statements Used in Investigation, Rules for Protection of Identity and Certain Information Privileged
47. Definition of "on-board recording"
48. Privilege for on-board recordings
49. Access by Aviation Safety Investigation Board
50. Use of on-board recording by Aviation Safety Investigation Board
51. Access to on-board recording by peace officers, inquests and other investigators
52. Power of court or inquest
53. Use of on-board recording prohibited
54. Definition of "communication record"
55. Statement privileged
56. Access by judicial inquest and other investigators
57. Power of court or inquest with regard to statements
58. Use of statement prohibited
59. Reporting of aircraft accidents and aircraft incidents
60. Certain information privileged
61. Use of report made to Aviation Safety Investigation Board under voluntary reporting system established by rules prohibited
62. Appearance of investigator
63. Opinions inadmissible
Part 6 : Rules
64. Rules
Part 7 : Offences
65. Offences
66. Evidence
Part 8 : Transitional Arrangements and Liability of Members, Staff and Accredited Representatives, Experts and Advisers of Aviation Safety Investigation Board
67. Investigations
68. Liability of members, staff and accredited representatives
Chapter 5 : Commission of Inquiry in terms of Constitution
69. Commission of Inquiry in terms of Constitution
70. Boards of inquiry into certain offences
Chapter 6
Part 1 : Civil Aviation Authority
71. Establishment of Civil Aviation Authority
72. Objects of Civil Aviation Authority
73. Functions of Civil Aviation Authority
74. Funding of Civil Aviation Authority
Part 2 : Civil Aviation Authority Board
75. Establishment of Civil Aviation Authority Board
76. Functions and responsibilities of the Civil Aviation Authority Board
77. Appointment of members of Civil Aviation Authority Board
78. Meetings of Civil Aviation Authority Board
79. Minutes of Civil Aviation Authority Board meetings
80. Removal of member of Civil Aviation Authority Board from office
81. Committees of Civil Aviation Authority Board
82. Remuneration of members of Civil Aviation Authority Board
83. Corporate governance plan
84. Conflict of interest
Part 3 : Director of Civil Aviation Authority
85. Appointment and removal of Director
86. Duties of Director
87. Responsibilities of Director
88. Powers of Director
89. Assignment and delegation by Director
90. Appointment of acting Director
91. Consultation
92. Performance
93. Conflict of interest
Part 4 : General Provisions Regarding Civil Aviation Authority
94. Performance agreement between Minister, Civil Aviation Authority Board and Director
95. Application of Public Finance Management Act
96. Appointment and remuneration of staff of Civil Aviation Authority
97. Restriction on use of name
98. Conflict of interest
99. Limitation of liability
100. Ministerial order
101. Judicial management and liquidation of Civil Aviation Authority
Part 5 : Aviation Security
102. National civil aviation security policy
103. National civil aviation security responsibilities of Department
104. National Aviation Security Committee
105. Objects of National Aviation Security Committee
106. Meetings of National Aviation Security Committee
107. Security program information confidential
108. Designation of staff of National Aviation Security Committee by Director
109. Aviation security program submitted to Minister for approval
110. Determinations by Minister
111. Aviation participants required to have national aviation security program
112. Offences
Chapter 7 : Monitoring and Enforcement of Regulatory Compliance by Civil Aviation Authority and Issuing of Compliance Notices
113. Monitoring of regulatory compliance
114. Compliance notices
115. Grounding of aircraft and closing of facility by authorised officer or inspector
116. Prohibition on exercising of certain privileges of any aviation certificate
Chapter 8
Part 1 : Internal Appeal Against Decisions of Inspectors, Authorised Officers and Director
117. Decision and procedural rights
118. Appeal against decisions of authorised officers, authorised persons and inspectors
119. Appeal against refusal, cancellation, endorsement of medical certificate
120. Appeal against decisions of Director
121. Submission of appeal to appeal committee
Part 2 : Appeal Committees
122. Composition of appeal committees
123. Conditions of service, remuneration, allowances of members of appeal committees
124. Quorum and meetings of appeal committees
125. Decisions of appeal committees
126. General provisions regarding appeal committees
127. Appeal against decision of appeal committees
128. Administrative work of appeal committees
Chapter 9 : Procedures for Identifying and Notifying of Differences, Issuance of Exemptions by Director and Interception Orders
129. Procedures for identifying and notifying of differences
130. Issuance of exemptions by Director
131. Compliance with Annex 2 of Convention in respect of Marshalling Signals
Chapter 10 : Transfer of Certain Functions and Duties in Terms of Article 83bis of Convention
132. Transfer of certain functions and duties
Chapter 11
Part 1 : Offences and Penalties
133. Offences and penalties
134. Interference with operation of air carrier, airport or heliport
135. Nuisance, disorderly or indecent act on board any aircraft
136. Interference with Director, member or staff of the Aviation Safety Investigation Board
137. Smoking on board aircraft, tampering with smoke detectors
138. Illegal practices in connection with cargo, baggage, mail or other goods
139. Prohibition and control in aircraft
140. Prohibition and control in restricted areas
141. Prohibition and control in aviation facilities and air navigation facilities
142. Prohibition of conveyance of conventional arms, drugs or animal products in aircraft
143. Threat to safety and security
144. Penalties for contraventions other than sections 133 to 142, 145 and 148
Part 2 : Search, Seizure and Powers of Arrest of Authorised Persons, Offences And Penalties in Connection with Such Search and Seizures by Authorised Persons
145. Search, seizure and powers of arrest by authorised persons
146. Seizure or retention of harmful articles
147. Powers of arrest of authorised person
148. Call for identification
Chapter 12 : Delegation of Powers, Acts and Omissions Taking Place Outside Republic, Jurisdiction, Extradition and Admissibility of Certain Statements
149. Delegation of powers
150. Acts or omissions taking place outside Republic
151. Jurisdiction
152. Extradition
153. Admissibility of certain statements
Chapter 13 : Powers of Commander on Board Aircraft and Penalties in Connection with any Contravention therewith
154. Powers on board aircraft
Chapter 14 : Regulations
Part 1
155. Regulations
Part 2 : Application of Consultative Structures and Civil Aviation Regulations Committee
156. Application
157. Institution of the Civil Aviation Regulations Committee
158. Meetings of committee
159. Subcommittees of committee
160. Remuneration of members
161. Administration
162. Emergency regulations
Chapter 15 : Technical Standards
163. Technical standards for civil aviation
Chapter 16 : Transitional Provisions, Repeal and Amendment of Laws, Acts Binding on State, Short Title and Commencement
164. Transitional provisions
165. Matters pending under previous Acts
166. Amendment and repeal of laws
167. Act binding on State
168. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Laws Amended
Schedule 2 : Laws Repealed
Schedule 3 : Convention on International Civil Aviation (articles 1-96)
Civil Aviation Authority Passenger Safety Charge Regulations, 2010
Notice No. R. 44 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Liability to pay a Civil Aviation Authority Passenger Safety Charge
3. Procedure for payment
4. Data verification procedure
5. Withdrawal of regulations
6. Short title and commencement
Annex A : South African Civil Aviation Authority
[Repealed] Civil Aviation Security Regulations, 2011
Civil Aviation Regulations, 2011
Notice No. R. 425 of 2012
Part 1 : General Provisions
Subpart 1 : Definitions and Abbreviations
1.01.1 Definitions
1.01.2 Abbreviations
Subpart 2 : Units of Measurements
1.02.1 Units of measurement
Part 11 : Procedures for making regulations and technical standards, granting exemptions and notifying differences
Subpart 1 : General
11.01.1 Applicability
11.01.2 Publication of AICs
11.01.3 Rules, orders, directives, notices
Subpart 2 : Civil Aviation Regulations Committee
11.02.1 Institution of committee
11.02.2 Meetings of the committee
11.02.3 Subcommittees of the committee
11.02.4 Remuneration of members
11.02.5 Administration
Subpart 3 : Procedure for making regulations and issuing technical standards
11.03.1 Submission of proposal
11.03.2 Processing and consideration of proposals
11.03.3 Emergency regulations
11.03.4 Rule-making notification subscriber service
Subpart 4 : Procedure for granting of exemptions and recognition of alternative means of compliance
11.04.1 General
11.04.2 Application for exemption
11.04.3 Processing of application for exemption
11.04.4 Granting or refusal of exemption
11.04.5 Application for extension of exemption
11.04.6 Recognition of alternative means of compliance
Subpart 5 : National Airspace Committee
11.05.1 Institution of NASCOM
11.05.2 Meetings of the committee
11.05.3 Subcommittees of the committee
11.05.4 Remuneration of members
11.05.5 Administration
11.05.6 Submission of proposals
11.05.7 Processing and consideration of proposals
11.05.8 Issuing of aeronautical information
Subpart 6 : Procedure for identifying and notifying of differences
11.06.1 General
11.06.2 Identification of differences
11.06.3 Notification of differences
Part 12 : Aviation Accidents and Incidents
Subpart 1 : General
12.01.1 Applicability and General
12.01.1A Independence of investigation
12.01.1B Instituting investigation
12.01.2 Designation of body or institution
12.01.3 Designation of investigator-in-charge
12.01.4 Designation of investigator
12.01.5 Designation of pro tem investigator
12.01.6 Designation and acceptance of accredited representative
12.01.7 Designation of advisor
12.01.8 Designation of experts
12.01.9 Powers of the Investigator in Charge or an Investigator
12.01.10 Establishment of confidential aviation hazard reporting system
Subpart 2 : Accident or Incident Notification Procedures
12.02.1 Notification of accidents
12.02.2 Notification of incidents
12.02.3 Notification of accidents or incidents outside the Republic
12.02.4 Particulars of notification
12.02.5 Notification of hazards
12.02.6 Notification to other States and ICAO
Subpart 3 : Investigation of Accidents or Incidents
12.03.1 Purpose of accident or incident investigation
12.03.2 Accident or incident investigation procedures
12.03.3 Retention of objects for purposes of investigation or inquiry
12.03.4 Instituting accident or incident investigation in territory of non-Contracting State or outside the territory of any State
12.03.5 Request from State conducting investigation
Subpart 4 : Scene of an Accident
12.04.1 Guarding of aircraft involved in accident
12.04.2 Access to scene of accident
12.04.3 Control of evidence
12.04.4 Interference with objects and marks at scene of accident
12.04.5 Removal of damaged or disabled aircraft
12.04.6 Protection of accident and incident investigation records
12.04.7 Use of information for internal proceedings
12.04.8 Autopsy examinations
12.04.9 Medical examinations
12.04.10 Acts of unlawful interference
12.04.11 Coordination with judicial authorities
Subpart 5 : Preliminary Report, Final Report and Reopening of Investigation
12.05.1 Preliminary Reporting
12.05.1A Final Report
12.05.2 Appeal against findings in investigation
12.05.3 Reopening of investigation
Subpart 6 : Accident Prevention
12.06.1 Accident Prevention Measures
12.06.2 Sending of Accident and Incident Data Report to ICAO
12.06.3 Action on Safety Recommendations
Part 21 : Certification Procedures for Products and Parts
Subpart 1 : General
21.01.1 Applicability
21.01.2 Types of aircraft
21.01.3 Reporting of failures, malfunctions and defects
21.01.4 Airworthiness directives
21.01.5 Safety inspections and audits
21.01.6 Register of certificates
Subpart 2 : Type Certificates
21.02.1 Categories of type certificates
21.02.2 Application for type certificate or amendment thereof
21.02.3 Worthiness design standards
21.02.4 Type design
21.02.5 Inspections and tests
21.02.6 Statements of conformity
21.02.7 Flight tests
21.02.8 Issuing of type certificate
21.02.9 Privileges of holder of type certificate
21.02.10 Period of validity
21.02.11 Transferability
21.02.12 Special conditions
21.02.13 Duties of holder of type certificate
21.02.14 Suspension of Type Certificate
21.02.15 Revocation of Type Certificate
Subpart 3 : Changes to Type Certificates
21.03.1 Changes in type design
21.03.2 Reporting of minor changes in type design
21.03.3 Approval of major changes in type design
21.03.4 Required design changes
21.03.5 Airworthiness design standards
Subpart 4 : Type of Acceptance Certificates
21.04.1 Categories of type acceptance certificates
21.04.2 Application for type acceptance certificate
21.04.3 Airworthiness design standards
21.04.4 Data requirements
21.04.5 Issuing of type acceptance certificate
21.04.6 Period of validity
21.04.7 Duty of holder of type acceptance certificate
Subpart 5 : Supplemental Type Certificates
21.05.1 Requirements for supplemental type certificates
21.05.2 Application for supplemental type certificate
21.05.3 Issuing of supplemental type certificate
21.05.4 Privileges of holder of supplemental type certificate
21.05.5 Period of validity
21.05.6 Duty of holder of STC
21.05.7 Supplemental type certificate permission
Subpart 6 : Production under Type Certificate
21.06.1 Production under type certificate
21.06.2 Production inspection system
21.06.3 Tests for aircraft
21.06.4 Tests for aircraft engines
21.06.5 Tests for propellers
21.06.6 Statement of conformity
21.06.7 Republic as State of Design
Subpart 7 : Production Certificates
21.07.1 Requirements for production certificate
21.07.2 Application for production certificate or amendment thereof
21.07.3 Issuing of production certificate
21.07.4 Terms of approval
21.07.5 Duties of holder of production certificate
21.07.6 Privileges of holder of production certificate
21.07.7 Transferability and period of validity
Subpart 8 : Certificates of Airworthiness
21.08.1 Categories of certificates of airworthiness
21.08.2 Requirements for certificate of airworthiness
21.08.3 Application for certificate of airworthiness or amendment thereof
21.08.4 Requirements for standard category certificate of airworthiness
21.08.5 Carrying out test flights in certain circumstances
21.08.6 Requirements and application for experimental certificate
21.08.7 Requirements and application for special flight permit
21.08.8 Special flight permits with continued authorisation
21.08.9 Issue of certificate of airworthiness
21.08.10 Special flight permits with continuing authorisation
21.08.11 RVSM approval
21.08.12 Period of validity
21.08.12A Renewal of certificate of airworthiness
21.08.13 Transferability
21.08.14 Application for reissuing of certificate
Subpart 9 : Approval of Parts and Appliances
21.09.1 Replacement and modification parts
21.09.2 Inspections and tests
21.09.3 Application for ZA-PMA
21.09.4 Issuing of ZA-PMA
21.09.5 Duties of holder of ZA-PMA
21.09.6 Transferability and period of validity
Subpart 10 : Approval of Parts and Appliances: Import
21.10.1 Approval
21.10.2 Acceptance of Type Certificate
Subpart 11 : Export Airworthiness Approvals
21.11.1 Export airworthiness approvals
21.11.2 Application for export airworthiness approval
21.11.3 Issuing of export airworthiness approval
21.11.4 Duties of holder of export airworthiness approval
21.11.5 Inspections and overhauls
Subpart 12 : ZA-TSO Authorisations
21.12.1 ZA-TSO markings
21.12.2 Application for ZA-TSO authorisation
21.12.3 Issuing of ZA-TSO authorisation
21.12.4 Duties of holder of ZA-TSO authorisation
21.12.5 Approval for deviation
21.12.6 Design changes
21.12.7 Record-keeping requirements
21.12.8 ZA-TSO design approval for appliances: Import
21.12.9 Transferability and period of validity
Subpart 13 : Identification of Products, Parts and Appliances
21.13.1 Applicability
21.13.2 Identification of aircraft, aircraft engine and propellers
21.13.3 Identification Information
21.13.4 Removal, alteration and replacement of identification information
21.13.5 Removal and reinstallation of a data plate
21.13.6 Identification of critical parts and life-limited parts
21.13.7 Marking of critical parts and life-limited parts
21.13.8 Identification of replacement and modification parts, appliances and critical parts
21.13.9 Marking of export aircraft
Part 24 : Airworthiness Standards: Non-Type Certificated Aircraft
Subpart 1 : General
24.01.1 Applicability
24.01.2 Airworthiness
24.01.3 Registration
24.01.4 Aircraft documentation
24.01.5 Instruments, equipment and placards
24.01.6 Airworthiness directives
24.01.7 Safety inspections and audits
24.01.8 Register of certificates
24.01.9 Transitional provision
Subpart 2 : Authority to Fly, Proving Flight Authority and Special Flight Permit
24.02.1 Application
24.02.2 Requirements
24.02.3 Issuing
24.02.4 Special flight permit
24.02.5 Form
24.02.6 Period of validity
24.02.7 International operations
24.02.8 Currency fee
24.02.9 Transferability
24.02.10 Aircraft type approval
Subpart 3 : Approval of Organisation
24.03.1 Application
24.03.2 Cost recovery
24.03.3 Approved organisations
Part 34 : Aircraft Engine Emissions
Subpart 1 : General
34.01.1 Applicability
Subpart 2 : Aircraft Emissions Certification
34.02.1 Fuel venting standards
34.02.2 Aircraft engine emission standards
34.02.3 Aircraft engine emission evaluation methods
34.02.4 Aeroplane CO2 emission standards
34.02.5 Aeroplane CO2 emission standards methods
Subpart 3 : Aircraft Emissions - Environmental Protection
34.03.1 Intentional fuel venting and environmental incident management
34.03.2 Local air quality
34.03.3 Ecosystems and species
34.03.4 Aerodromes and heliports environmental committees
Part 36 : Aircraft Noise
Subpart 1 : General
36.01.1 Applicability
Subpart 2 : Aircraft Noise Certification
36.02.1 Eligibility
36.02.2 Noise standards
36.02.3 Noise evaluation methods
36.02.4 Inspections
36.02.5 Application for noise certificate
36.02.6 Issue of a noise certificate
36.02.7 Duration and continued validity
36.02.8 Transferability
Subpart 3 : Aircraft Noise-Monitoring and Reporting
36.03.1 Monitoring and reporting of aircraft noise
36.03.2 Noise measurements
36.03.3 Noise abatement procedures
36.03.4 Aerodrome and heliport environmental committee
Part 43 : General Maintenance Rules
Subpart 1 : General
43.01.1 Applicability
43.01.2 Falsification, reproduction or alteration of maintenance documents
43.01.3 Logbooks
43.01.4 Preservation and safe keeping of logbooks
43.01.5 Entries in logbooks
43.01.6 Entries of special significance
43.01.7 Maintenance of records and logbooks
43.01.8 Loss of logbooks
Subpart 2 : Maintenance
43.02.1 Aircraft maintenance programme
43.02.2 Persons to carry out maintenance
43.02.3 Carrying out of maintenance
43.02.4 Rectification of unsatisfactory items
43.02.5 Overhaul, repair and substitution of major components
43.02.6 Maintenance for IFR operations
43.02.7 Mass and balance
43.02.8 Mandatory inspections
43.02.9 Airspeed indicator and altimeter system tests and inspections
43.02.10 ATC transponder tests and inspections
43.02.11 Emergency locator beacon tests and inspections
43.02.12 Inspection requirements
43.02.13 Non-destructive testing
43.02.14 Airworthiness limitations
43.02.15 Modifications
43.02.16 Test flights
43.02.17 Reinstatement of certificate of airworthiness after accident or incident
43.02.18 Aircraft compass requirements
43.02.19 Extended Diversion Time Operations
43.02.20 RVSM Operations
43.02.21 Aircraft withdrawn from service for storage
43.02.22 Suspected unapproved parts
43.02.23 Aircraft welding
Subpart 3 : Recording of Maintenance
43.03.1 Maintenance records
43.03.2 Recording of overhaul
43.03.3 Recording and reporting of major repairs and modifications
43.03.4 Recording of inspection and certification
43.03.5 Annual review of maintenance
Subpart 4 : Release to Service
43.04.1 Persons to certify release to service
43.04.2 Requirements for certifying release to service
43.04.3 Validity of a certificate of release to service
43.04.4 Certifying after inspection
43.04.5 Certifying after maintenance
43.04.6 Discrepancies
43.04.7 Flight manual data
43.04.8 Duplicate inspections of flight and engine controls
43.04.9 Ground running checks - reciprocating engines
43.04.10 Ground running checks - turbine engine
43.04.11 Flight folio completion
Part 44 : Maintenance Rules : Non-Type Certificated Aircraft
Subpart 1 : General
44.01.1 Falsification, reproduction or alteration of maintenance documents
44.01.2 Logbooks
44.01.3 Loss of logbooks
44.01.4 Persons to carry out maintenance
44.01.5 Rectification of unsatisfactory items
44.01.6 Annual inspections
44.01.7 Periodic and other inspections
44.01.8 Mandatory maintenance and inspections
44.01.9 Mass and balance
44.01.10 Modifications
44.01.11 Test flights
44.01.12 Aircraft compass requirements
44.01.13 Release to Service
44.01.14 Record keeping and audits
44.01.15 Entries of special significance
44.01.16 Overhaul, repair and substitution of major components
44.01.17 Temporary and permanent repairs after accidents
Subpart 2 : Private Non-Type Certificated Aircraft Use
44.02.1 Acceptance of maintenance schedule
Subpart 3 : Commercial Non-Type Certificated Aircraft Use
44.03.1 Acceptance of maintenance schedule
44.03.2 Maintenance control manual
Part 47 : Registration and Marking
Subpart 1 : General
47.01.1 Applicability
47.01.2 Requirements for aircraft registration
47.01.3 Requirements for aircraft marking
47.01.4 Reservation of special registration marks
47.01.5 Change of registration marks
47.01.6 Nationality of aircraft
47.01.7 South African Civil Aircraft Register
Subpart 2 : Registration of Aircraft
47.02.1 Application for registration of aircraft
47.02.2 Issue of certificate of registration
47.02.3 Duties of holder of certificate of registration
47.02.4 Amendment of certificate of registration
47.02.5 Application for replacement of certification of registration
47.02.6 Change of ownership
47.02.7 Cancellation of registration
47.02.8 Validity of certificate of registration
47.02.9 Re-instatement of registration
Subpart 3 : Manufacturer's Temporary Registration Marks
47.03.1 Application for allocation of registration marks for test flights
47.03.2 Application for confirmation of non-registration
Part 48 : Leasing of Aircraft
Subpart 1 : General
48.01.1 Application
Subpart 2 : Financial or Capital Leases
48.02.1 Filing of lease agreement
Subpart 3 : Operating Leases
48.03.1 Dry lease-in
48.03.2 Dry lease-out
48.03.3 Wet lease-in
48.03.4 Wet lease-out
48.03.5 Damp lease
Subpart 4 : Sub-Charters
48.04.1 Sub-charters
Subpart 5 : Insurance
48.05.1 Insurance
Subpart 6 : Transfers of Responsibilities between States
48.06.1 Article 83 bis Agreement
48.06.2 Personnel licensing
48.06.3 Airworthiness
48.06.4 Recognition
48.06.5 Transfer of responsibilities
48.06.6 Operations under article 83 bis
Part 60 : Flight Simulator Training Devices
Subpart 1 : General
60.01.1 Applicability
60.01.2 Qualification levels and FSTD Certificates
60.01.3 Application for FSTD qualification
60.01.4 Initial evaluation and qualification of FSTD
60.01.5 Issue of FSTD qualification certificate
60.01.6 Period of validity of FSTD qualification
60.01.7 Recurrent evaluation of FSTD
60.01.8 FSTD user certificate approvals
60.01.9 Quality system
60.01.10 On-going fidelity requirements
60.01.11 Modification of qualified FSTD
60.01.12 Change in qualification level of FSTD
60.01.13 Deactivation, relocation or reactivation of FSTD
60.01.14 Change of operator of qualified FSTD
60.01.15 Evaluation teams
60.01.16 Records
Part 61 : Pilot Licensing
Subpart 1 : General
61.01.1 Applicability
61.01.2 Pilot licences
61.01.3 Rating for pilots
61.01.4 Flight instructor
61.01.5 Skills test, competency check and revalidation check
61.01.6 Medical requirements and fitness
61.01.7 Language
61.01.8 Logging of flight time
61.01.9 Crediting of flight time and theoretical knowledge
61.01.10 Theoretical knowledge examinations
61.01.11 Curtailment of privileges of licence holders aged 60 years or more
61.01.12 Flight simulation training device
61.01.13 Recognition, validation and conversion of foreign pilot licence and rating
61.01.14 Register of licences
61.01.15 Training for acquiring licence, rating or validation
61.01.16 Payment of currency fee
61.01.17 Approval process and qualification of FSTD
61.01.18 Endorsement and record keeping
Subpart 2 : Student Pilot Licence
61.02.1 Requirements for a SPL
61.02.2 Application for a SPL
61.02.3 Issuing of a SPL
61.02.4 Validity of a SPL
61.02.5 Privileges and limitations of SPL
61.02.6 Ratings for special purposes for a SPL
61.02.7 Discontinuance of flight training
Subpart 3 : Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplane)
61.03.1 Requirements for a PPL (Aeroplane)
61.03.2 Application for and issue of a PPL (Aeroplane)
61.03.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for a PPL (Aeroplane)
61.03.4 Skills test for a PPL (Aeroplane)
61.03.5 Privleges and Limitations of a PPL (Aeroplane)
61.03.6 Period of validity of a PPL (Aeroplane)
61.03.7 Maintenance of Competency for a PPL (Aeroplane)
61.03.8 Ratings for special purposes for a PPL (Aeroplane)
61.03.9 Regency requirements for a PPL (Aeroplane)
Subpart 4 : Private Pilot Licence (Helicopter)
61.04.1 Requirements for a PPL (Helicopter)
61.04.2 Application for and issue of PPL (Helicopter)
61.04.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for PPL (Helicopter)
61.04.4 Skills test for PPL (Helicopter)
61.04.5 Privileges and limitations of a PPL (Helicopter)
61.04.6 Period of validity of a PPL (Helicopter)
61.04.7 Maintenance of competency for a PPL (Helicopter)
61.04.8 Ratings for special purposes for a PPL (Helicopter)
61.04.9 Recency requirements for a PPL (Helicopter)
Subpart 5 : Commercial Pilot Licence (Aeroplane)
61.05.1 Requirements for CPL (Aeroplane)
61.05.2 Application for and issue of CPL(A)
61.05.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for CPL (Aeroplane)
61.05.4 Skills test for CPL (Aeroplane)
61.05.5 Privileges and limitations of CPL (Aeroplane)
61.05.6 Period of validity of a CPL (Aeroplane)
61.05.7 Maintenance of competency for a CPL(A)
61.05.8 Ratings for special purposes for a CPL (Aeroplane)
61.05.9 Recency requirements for a CPL (Aeroplane)
Subpart 6 : Commercial Pilot Licence (Helicopter)
61.06.1 Requirements for CPL (Helicopter)
61.06.2 Application for and issue of CPL (Helicopter)
61.06.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for CPL (Helicopter)
61.06.4 Skills test for CPL (Helicopter)
61.06.5 Privileges and limitations of CPL (Helicopter)
61.06.6 Period of validity of a CPL (Helicopter)
61.06.7 Maintenance of Competency for CPL (Helicopter)
61.06.7 Ratings for special purposes for CPL (Helicopter)
61.06.8 Recency requirement for CPL (Helicopter)
Subpart 7 : Airline Transport Pilot Licence (Aeroplane)
61.07.1 Requirements for ATPL (Aeroplane)
61.07.2 Application for and issue of ATPL (Aeroplane)
61.07.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for ATPL (Aeroplane)
61.07.4 Skills test for ATPL (Aeroplane)
61.07.5 Privileges and limitations of ATPL (Aeroplane)
61.07.6 Period of validity of ATPL (Aeroplane)
61.07.7 Maintenance of competency for ATPL (Aeroplane)
61.07.8 Ratings for special purposes for ATPL (Aeroplane)
61.07.9 Recency requirements for ATPL (Aeroplane)
Subpart 8 : Airline Transport Pilot Licence (Helicopter)
61.08.1 Requirements for ATPL (Helicopter)
61.08.2 Application for and issue of ATPL (Helicopter)
61.08.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for ATPL(H)
61.08.4 Skills test for ATPL (Helicopter)
61.08.5 Privileges and limitations of ATPL (Helicopter)
61.08.6 Period of validity of ATPL (Helicopter)
61.08.7 Maintenance of competency for ATPL (Helicopter)
61.08.8 Ratings for special purposes for ATPL (Helicopter)
Subpart 9 : Class and Type Ratings
61.09.1 General
61.09.2 Requirements for the issue of class and type ratings
61.09.3 Initial training
61.09.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
61.09.5 Flight training
61.09.6 Skills test
61.09.7 Conversion training
61.09.8 Differences training
61.09.9 Familiarisation training
61.09.10 Instructor requirements for training
61.09.11 Transfer of foreign class and type ratings
61.09.12 Type rating training and testing conducted by approved foreign training
61.09.13 Non-availability of local instructors
61.09.14 Application for issuing of a class or type rating
Subpart 10 : Night Rating
61.10.1 Requirements for night rating
61.10.2 Application for night rating
61.10.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for night rating
61.10.4 Skills test for night rating
61.10.5 Privileges and limitations of night rating
Subpart 11 : Instrument Rating
61.11.1 General
61.11.2 Requirements for an IR
61.11.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for an IR
61.11.4 Skills test for an IR
61.11.5 Privileges and limitations of an IR
61.11.6 Period of validity of an IR
61.11.7 Revalidation of an IR
[Deleted] 61.11.8 Transitional provisions
Subpart 12 : Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.12.1 Requirements for Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.12.2 Application for Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.12.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.12.4 Skills test for Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.12.5 Privileges and limitations of holder of Grade III Flight Instructor Rating (Aeroplane)
61.12.6 Period of validity and re-issue of Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.12.7 Revalidation of Grade III Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
Subpart 13 : Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.13.1 Requirement for Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.13.2 Application for Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.13.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.13.4 Skills test for Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.13.5 Privileges and limitations of Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.13.6 Period of validity and re-issue of Grade II Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.13.7 Revalidation of Grade II Aeorplane Flight Instructor Rating
Subpart 14 : Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.14.1 Requirements for Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.14.2 Application for Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.14.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.14.4 Skills test for Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.14.5 Privileges and limitations of Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.14.6 Period of validity and reissue of Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
61.14.7 Revalidation of Grade I Aeroplane Flight Instructor Rating
Subpart 15 : Grade III Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.15.1 Requirements for Grade III Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.15.2 Application for Grade III Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.15.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade III Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.15.4 Skills test for Grade III Helicopter Instructor Rating
61.15.5 Privileges and limitations of Grade III Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.15.6 Period of validity and re-issue of Grade III Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.15.7 Revalidation of Grade III Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
Subpart 16 : Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.16.1 Requirement for Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.16.2 Application for Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.16.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.16.4 Skills test for Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.16.5 Privileges and limitations of Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.16.6 Period of validity and re-issue of Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.16.7 Revalidation of Grade II Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
Subpart 17 : Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.17.1 Requirements for Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.17.2 Application for Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.17.3 Theoretical knowledge examination for Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.17.4 Skills test for Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.17.5 Privileges and limitations of Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.17.6 Period of validity and reissue of Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
61.17.7 Revalidation of Grade I Helicopter Flight Instructor Rating
Subpart 18 : Flight Simulation Training Device Instructor Authorisation
61.18.1 Requirements for Flight Simulation Training Device Instructor authorisation
61.18.2 Theoretical knowledge examination for FSTD Instructor Authorisation
61.18.3 Skills test for FSTD Instructor Authorisation
61.18.4 Application for FSTD Instructor Authorisation
61.18.5 Period of validity for an FSTD Instructor Authorisation
61.18.6 Privileges and limitations of an FSTD Instructor Authorisation
61.18.7 Revalidation of an FSTD Instructor Authorisation
61.18.8 Re-issue of an FSTD Instructor Authorisation
Subpart 19 : Post Maintenance Test Flight Rating
61.19.1 Requirements for issue of rating
61.19.2 Requirement for test flight
61.19.3 General privileges of test pilot rating
61.19.4 Privileges of Class II test pilot rating
61.19.5 Privileges of Class I test pilot rating
61.19.6 Circumstances not requiring a test pilot rating
61.19.7 Circumstances requiring a test pilot rating
Subpart 20 : Tug Pilot Rating
61.20.1 Requirements for tug pilot rating
61.20.2 Privileges of tug pilot rating
Subpart 21 : Tow Rating
61.21.1 Requirements for a Tow Rating (Aeroplane)
61.21.2 Privileges of a Tow Rating (Aeroplane)
Subpart 22 : Helicopter Sling Load Rating
61.22.1 Requirements for Helicopter Sling Load Rating
61.22.2 Application for Helicopter Sling Load Rating
61.22.3 Privileges of Helicopter Sling Load Rating
61.22.4 Period of validity for Helicopter Sling Load
Subpart 23 : Helicopter Winching Rating
61.23.1 Requirements for Helicopter winching rating
61.23.2 Application for Helicopter winching rating
61.23.3 Privileges of Helicopter winching rating
61.23.4 Period of validity of Helicopter winching rating
61.23.5 Maintenance of competency for Helicopter Winching Rating
Subpart 24 : Helicopter Game of Livestock Cull Rating
61.24.1 Requirements for Helicopter Game or Livestock Cull Rating
61.24.2 Application for Helicopter Game or Livestock Cull Rating
61.24.3 Privileges of Helicopter Game or Livestock Cull Rating
Subpart 25 : Agricultural Pilot Rating
61.25.1 Requirements for Agricultural Pilot Rating
61.25.2 Skills test for Agricultural Pilot Rating
61.25.3 Application for Agricultural Pilot Rating
61.25.4 Privileges of Agricultural Pilot Rating
Subpart 26 : Designated Flight Examiners
61.26.1 Categories of DFEs
61.26.2 General requirements for DFEs
61.26.3 Specific Requirements for DFEs
61.26.4 Application for Designation as Flight Examiner
61.26.5 Issuing of designation as DFE
61.26.6 Re-designation as DFE
61.26.7 Designation, oversight, suspension and withdrawal of Designation as Flight Examiner
61.26.8 Privileges and Limitations of DFEs
61.26.9 Crew member status of DFEs
61.26.10 Conducting of skills test and proficiency check by DFEs
61.26.11 Register of DFEs
Subpart 27 : Aerobatics Rating
61.27.1 Requirements for aerobics rating (Graduate)
61.27.2 Application for aerobatics rating (Graduate)
61.27.3 Classes of aerobatics ratings
61.27.4 Privileges of aerobatics rating
Subpart 28 : Private Pilot Licence for Powered-Lift
61.28.1 Requirements for PPL(PL)
61.28.2 Application for issuance of PPL(PL)
61.28.3 Skills test for PPL(PL)
61.28.4 Privileges and limitations of PPL(PL)
61.28.5 Period of validity of PPL(PL)
61.28.6 Maintenance of competency for PPL(PL)
Subpart 29 : Commercial Pilot Licence for Powered-Lift
61.29.1 Requirements for CPL(PL)
61.29.2 Application for issuance of CPL(PL)
61.29.3 Skills test for CPL(PL)
61.29.4 Privileges and limitations of CPL(PL)
61.29.5 Period of validity of CPL(PL)
61.29.6 Maintenance of competency for CPL(PL)
Subpart 30 : ATPL(PL)
61.30.1 Requirements for an ATPL(PL)
61.30.2 Application for issuance of ATPL(PL)
61.30.3 Skills test for ATPL(PL)
61.30.4 Privileges and limitations of ATPL(PL)
61.30.5 Period of validity of ATPL(PL)
61.30.6 Maintenance of competency for ATPL(PL)
Part 62 : National Pilot Licensing
Subpart 1 : General
62.01.1 Applicability
62.01.2 Authority to act as pilot
62.01.3 Part 62 licences
62.01.4 Ratings for national pilots and national flight instructors
62.01.5 Category ratings
62.01.6 Class ratings
62.01.7 Type ratings
62.01.8 Ratings for special purposes
62.01.9 Competency
62.01.10 Medical fitness
62.01.11 Language
62.01.12 Logging of flight time
62.01.13 Crediting of flight time and theoretical knowledge
62.01.14 Recognition and validation of pilot licences and ratings issued by an appropriate Authority of a Contracting State
62.01.15 Application for and issuing of a validation of a foreign pilot licence and ratings
62.01.16 Documentation
62.01.17 Register of licences
62.01.18 Aviation training providers
62.01.19 Payment of currency fee
62.01.20 Radiotelephony certificates
Subpart 2 : National Pilot Learner's Certificate
62.02.1 Requirements for the national pilot learner's certificate
62.02.2 Training
62.02.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.02.4 Certificate of competency
62.02.5 Application for national pilot learner's certificate
62.02.6 Issuing of national pilot learner's certificate
62.02.7 Period of validity
62.02.8 Privileges and limitations of national pilot learner's certificate
62.02.9 Crediting of flight time
Subpart 3 : National Pilot Licence
62.03.1 Requirements for national pilot licence
62.03.2 Application for national pilot licence
62.03.3 Issuing of national pilot licence
62.03.4 Period of validity
62.03.5 Privileges of the national pilot licence
62.03.6 Maintenance of competency
62.03.7 Requirements for the issue of a category rating
62.03.8 Requirements for the issue of an additional class rating
62.03.9 Requirements for the issue of an additional type rating
62.03.10 Requirements for the issue of a special purpose rating
Subpart 4 : Requirements for the Issue of a Category, Class or Type Rating by Name for Conventially Controlled Microlight Aeroplanes
62.04.1 General
62.04.2 Experience
62.04.3 Training
62.04.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.04.5 Skills test
62.04.6 Crediting of flight time and theoretical knowledge
62.04.7 Application
62.04.8 Issuing of a category, class or type rating by name
62.04.9 Period of validity
62.04.10 Privileges and limitations of the class rating or type rating for conventionally controlled microlight aeroplanes
62.04.11 Maintenance of competency
Subpart 5 : Requirements for the Issue of a Category, Class or Type Rating by Name for Weight-Shift Controlled Microlight Aeroplanes
62.05.1 General
62.05.2 Experience
62.05.3 Training
62.05.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.05.5 Skills test
62.05.6 Crediting of flight time and theoretical knowledge
62.05.7 Application
62.05.8 Issuing of opern class rating or type rating
62.05.9 Period of validity
62.05.10 Privileges and limitations of the class rating for weight-shift controlled microlight aeroplanes
62.05.11 Maintenance of competency
Subpart 6 : Requirements for the Issue of a Category, Class or Type Rating for Gyroplanes
62.06.1 General
62.06.2 Experience
62.06.3 Training
62.06.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.06.5 Skills test
62.06.6 Crediting of flight time
62.06.7 Application
62.06.8 Issuing of gyroplane type rating
62.06.9 Period of validity
62.06.10 Privileges and limitations
62.06.11 Maintenance of competency
Subpart 7 : Requirements for the Issue of a Category, Class or Add-on Rating for Hang-Gliders
62.07.1 General
62.07.2 Experience
62.07.3 Training
62.07.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.07.5 Skills test
62.07.6 Application for hang-glider class or add-on rating
62.07.7 Issuing of hang-glider class or add-on rating
62.07.8 Period of validity
62.07.9 Privileges and limitations
62.07.10 Maintenance of competency
62.07.11 Type ratings
Subpart 8 : Requirements for the Issue of a Category, Class or Add-on Rating for Paragliders
62.08.1 General
62.08.2 Experience
62.08.3 Training
62.08.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.08.5 Skills test
62.08.6 Application for paraglider class or add-on rating
62.08.7 Issuing of paraglider rating
62.08.8 Period of validity
62.08.9 Privileges and limitations
62.08.10 Maintenance of competency
Subpart 9 : Requirements for the Issue of a National Flight Instructor Rating
62.09.1 General
62.09.2 Experience
62.09.3 Training
62.09.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.09.5 Skills test
62.09.6 Application
62.09.7 Issuing of the national flight instructor rating
62.09.8 Privileges and limitations
62.09.9 Renewal
62.09.10 Period of validity
62.09.11 Crediting of flight time and theoretical knowledge
Subpart 10 : Requirements for the Issue of a National Post Maintenance and Repair Test Flight Rating and a National Test Flying Rating
62.10.1 General
62.10.2 Requirements
62.10.3 Experience
62.10.4 Application
62.10.5 Issuing
62.10.6 Privileges and limitations
Subpart 11 : Requirements for the Issue of Tug and Tow Ratings
62.11.1 General
62.11.2 Experience
62.11.3 Training
62.11.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.11.5 Skills test
62.11.6 Hang-gliding tug endorsement
62.11.7 Application
62.11.8 Issuing
62.11.9 Privileges and limitations
Subpart 12 : Requirements for the Issue of an Agricultural Pilot Rating
62.12.1 General
Subpart 13 : Requirements for the Issue of a Hang-Glider Aero-Tow Endorsement
62.13.1 General
62.13.2 Experience
62.13.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.13.4 Application
62.13.5 Issuing
62.13.6 Privileges and limitations
62.13.7 Period of validity
62.13.8 Maintenance of competency
Subpart 14 : Requirements for the Issue of a Part 96 Authorisation
62.14.1 General
62.14.2 Requirements for a Part 96 authorisation
62.14.3 Experience
62.14.4 Training
62.14.5 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.14.6 Skills test
62.14.7 Application for a Part 96 authorisation
62.14.8 Issuing of Part 96 authorisation
62.14.9 Period of validity
62.14.10 Privileges of a Part 96 authorisation
62.14.11 Maintenance of competency
Subpart 15 : Requirements for the Designation of Examiners (DE)
62.15.1 Categories of DFEs
62.15.2 Requirements
62.15.3 Application
62.15.4 Issuing of designation
62.15.5 Period of validity
62.15.6 Re-designation and reissue
62.15.7 Designation, oversight, suspension and withdrawal
62.15.8 Privileges and limitations
Subpart 16 : Requirements for the Issue of a Category or Type Rating by Name for Light Sport Aeroplanes
62.16.1 General
62.16.2 Experience
62.16.3 Training
62.16.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.16.5 Skills test
62.16.6 Crediting of flight time
62.16.7 Additional type rating by name for light sport aeroplanes
62.16.8 Application
62.16.9 Issuing
62.16.10 Period of validity
62.16.11 Privileges and limitations
62.16.12 Maintenance of competency
Subpart 17 : Requirements for the Issue of a Category, Class or Type Rating by Name for Touring Motor Gliders
62.17.1 General
62.17.2 Experience
62.17.3 Training
62.17.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
62.17.5 Skills test
62.17.6 Crediting of flight time
62.17.7 Additional type ratings by name for touring motor gliders
62.17.8 Application
62.17.9 Issuing
62.17.10 Period of validity
62.17.11 Privileges and limitations
62.17.12 Maintenance of competency
Part 63 : Flight Engineer Licensing
Subpart 1 : General
63.01.1 Applicability
63.01.2 Authority to act as flight engineer
63.01.3 Validation of licence issued by appropriate authority
63.01.4 Competency
63.01.5 Documentation
63.01.6 Logbooks
63.01.7 Medical fitness
63.01.8 Ratings for flight engineers and flight engineer instructors
63.01.9 Type ratings
63.01.10 Ratings for special purposes
63.01.11 Register of licences
63.01.12 Language
63.01.13 Retesting after failure
63.01.14 Designation of examiner
63.01.15 Training
Subpart 2 : Flight Engineer Licence
63.02.1 Requirements for flight engineer licence
63.02.2 Experience
63.02.3 Training
63.02.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
63.02.5 Skills test
63.02.6 Application for flight engineer licence
63.02.7 Issuing of flight engineer licence
63.02.8 Period of validity
63.02.9 Privileges
Subpart 3 : Type Rating
63.03.1 Requirements for type rating
63.03.2 Training
63.03.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
63.03.4 Skills test
63.03.5 Temporary certificate of competency
63.03.6 Application for type rating
63.03.7 Issuing of type rating
63.03.8 Period of validity
63.03.9 Privileges
63.03.10 Renewal
63.03.11 Reissue
Subpart 4 : Grade I Flight Engineer Instructor Rating
63.04.1 Requirements for Grade I flight engineer instructor rating
63.04.2 Experience
63.04.3 Training
63.04.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
63.04.5 Skills test
63.04.6 Application for Grade I flight engineer instructor rating
63.04.7 Issuing of Grade I flight engineer instructor rating
63.04.8 Period of validity
63.04.9 Privileges
63.04.10 Renewal
63.04.11 Reissue
Subpart 5 : Grade II Flight Engineer Instructor Rating
63.05.1 Requirements for Grade II flight engineer instructor rating
63.05.2 Experience
63.05.3 Training
63.05.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
63.05.5 Skill test
63.05.6 Application for Grade II flight engineer instructor rating
63.05.7 Issuing of Grade II flight engineer instructor rating
63.05.8 Period of validity
63.05.9 Privileges
63.05.10 Renewal
63.05.11 Reissue
Part 64 : Cabin Crew Licensing
Subpart 1 : General
64.01.1 Applicability
64.01.2 Authority to act as cabin crew member
64.01.3 Competency
64.01.4 Documentation
64.01.5 Logbooks
64.01.6 Medical fitness
64.01.7 Register of licences
64.01.8 Language
64.01.9 Designation of examiner
64.01.10 Designation of instructors
64.01.11 Designation of the first aid examiner
64.01.12 Designation of the first aid instructor
64.01.13 Training
64.01.14 Validation as required by this Part shall only be provided by the holder of an ATO approval issued in terms of Part 141
Subpart 2 : Cabin Crew Member Licence
64.02.1 Requirements for cabin crew member licence
64.02.2 Training
64.02.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
64.02.4 Skills test
64.02.5 Application for cabin crew member licence
64.02.6 Issuing of cabin crew member licence
64.02.7 Period of validity
64.02.8 Privileges
Part 65 : Air Traffic Service Personnel Licensing
Subpart 1 : General
65.01.1 Applicability
65.01.2 Authority to provide air traffic service
65.01.3 Conversion of licence or rating issued by appropriate Authority of another State
65.01.4 Medical fitness
65.01.5 Maximum hours of duty
65.01.6 Ratings and certificates
65.01.7 Register of licences
65.01.8 Language
[Deleted] 65.01.9 Designation of validation examiners and rating assessment examiners
65.01.10 Air traffic service training organisation
65.01.11 Consumption of alcohol and drugs
Subpart 2 : Air Traffic Servic e Licence
65.02.1 Requirements for air traffic service licence
65.02.2 Training
65.02.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
65.02.4 Application for air traffic service licence
65.02.5 Issuing of air traffic service licence
65.02.6 Period of validity of air traffic service licence
65.02.7 Privileges
Subpart 3 : Air Traffic Service Assistant Rating
65.03.1 Requirements for air traffic service assistant rating
65.03.2 Training
65.03.3 Application for issuing of air traffic assistant rating
65.03.4 Issuing of air traffic service assistant rating
65.03.5 Requirements for validation of air traffic service assistant rating
65.03.6 Application for validation of air traffic service assistant rating
65.03.7 Validation of air traffic service assistant rating
65.03.8 Privileges of air traffic service assistant rating
65.03.9 Duration or renewal of air traffic service assistant rating
65.03.10 Duration or renewal of air traffic service assistant validation
65.03.11 Renewal and re-issue of an expired air traffic service assistant rating
Subpart 4 : Air Traffic Service Assistant (Co-ordinator) Rating
65.04.1 Requirements for air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) rating
65.04.2 Training
65.04.3 Application for issuing of air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) rating
65.04.4 Issuing of air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) rating
65.04.5 Requirements for validation of air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) rating
65.04.6 Application for validation of air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) rating
65.04.7 Validation of air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) rating
65.04.8 Privileges of air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) rating
65.04.9 Duration or renewal of air traffic assistant (co-ordinator) rating
65.04.10 Duration or renewal of air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) validation
65.04.11 Renewal and re-issue of an expired air traffic service assistant (co-ordinator) rating
Subpart 5 : Air Traffic Assistant (Clearance Delivery) Rating
65.05.1 Requirements for air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
65.05.2 Training
65.05.3 Application for issuing of air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
65.05.4 Issuing of air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
65.05.5 Requirements for validation of air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
65.05.6 Application for validation of air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
65.05.7 Validation of air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
65.05.8 Privileges of air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
65.05.9 Duration or renewal of air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
65.05.10 Duration or renewal of air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) validation
65.05.11 Renewal and reissue of an expired air traffic service assistant (clearance delivery) rating
Subpart 6 : Air Traffic Service Assistant (Flight Information Service) Rating
65.06.1 Requirements for air traffic service assistant (flight information service) rating
65.06.2 Training
65.06.3 Application for issuing of air traffic service assistant (flight information service) rating
65.06.4 Issuing of air traffic service assistant (flight information service) rating
65.06.5 Requirements for validation of air traffic service assistant (flight information service) rating
65.06.6 Application for validation of air traffic assistant (flight information service) rating
65.06.7 Validation of air traffic service assistant (flight information service) rating
65.06.8 Privileges of air traffic service assistant (flight information service) rating
65.06.9 Duration or renewal of air traffic service assistant (flight information service) rating
65.06.10 Duration or renewal of air traffic service assistant (flight information service) validation
65.06.11 Renewal and reissue of an expired air traffic service assistant (flight information service) rating
Subpart 7 : Air Traffic Service Assistant (Aerodrome Flight Information Service) Rating
65.07.1 Requirements for air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
65.07.2 Training
65.07.3 Application for issuing of air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
65.07.4 Issuing of air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
65.07.5 Requirements for validation of air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
65.07.6 Application for validation of air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
65.07.7 Validation of air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
65.07.8 Privileges of air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
65.07.9 Duration or renewal of air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
65.07.10 Duration or renewal of air traffic service (aerodrome flight information service) validation
65.07.11 Renewal and re-issue of an expired air traffic service assistant (aerodrome flight information service) rating
Subpart 8 : Aerodrome Control Rating
65.08.1 Requirements for aerodrome control rating
65.08.2 Training
65.08.3 Application for issuing of aerodrome control rating
65.08.4 Issuing of aerodrome control rating
65.08.5 Requirements for validation of aerodrome control rating
65.08.6 Application for validation of aerodrome
65.08.7 Validation of aerodrome control rating
65.08.8 Privileges of aerodrome control rating
65.08.9 Duration or renewal of aerodrome control rating
65.08.10 Duration or renewal of aerodrome control validation
65.08.11 Renewal and re-issue of an expired aerodrome control rating
Subpart 9 : Approach Control Rating
65.09.1 Requirements for approach control rating
65.09.2 Training
65.09.3 Application for issuing of approach control rating
65.09.4 Issuing of approach control rating
65.09.5 Requirements for validation of approach control rating
65.09.6 Application for validation of approach control rating
65.09.7 Validation of approach control rating
65.09.8 Privileges of approach control rating
65.09.9 Duration or renewal of approach control rating
65.09.10 Duration or renewal of approach control validation
65.09.11 Renewal and reissue of an expired approach control rating
Subpart 10 : Area Control Rating
65.10.1 Requirements for area control rating
65.10.2 Training
65.10.3 Application for issuing of area control rating
65.10.4 Issuing of area control rating
65.10.5 Requirements for validation of area control rating
65.10.6 Application for validation of area control rating
65.10.7 Validation of area control rating
65.10.8 Privileges of area control rating
65.10.9 Duration or renewal of area control rating
65.10.10 Duration or renewal of area control validation
65.10.11 Renewal and re-issue of an expired control rating
Subpart 11 : Approach Control (Surveillance) Rating
65.11.1 Requirements for approach control (surveillance) rating
65.11.2 Training
65.11.3 Application for issuing of area control (surveillance) rating
65.11.4 Issuing of approach control (surveillance) rating
65.11.5 Requirements for validation of Approach Control Surveillance Rating
65.11.6 Application for validation of approach control (surveillance) rating
65.11.7 Validation of approach control (surveillance) rating
65.11.8 Privileges of approach control (surveillance) rating
65.11.9 Duration or renewal of approach control (surveillance) rating
65.11.10 Duration or renewal of approach control (surveillance) validation
65.11.11 Renewal and re-issue of an expired approach control (surveillance) rating
Subpart 12 : Area Control (Surveillance) Rating
65.12.1 Requirements for area control (surveillance) rating
65.12.2 Training
65.12.3 Application for issuing of area control (surveillance) rating
65.12.4 Issuing of area control (surveillance) rating
65.12.5 Requirements for validation of area control (surveillance) rating
65.12.6 Application for validation of area control (surveillance) rating
65.12.7 Validation of area control (surveillance) rating
65.12.8 Privileges of area control (surveillance) rating
65.12.9 Duration or renewal of area control (surveillance) rating
65.12.10 Duration or renewal of area control (surveillance) validation
65.12.11 Renewal and re-issue of an expired area control (surveillance) rating
Subpart 13 : Grade One Air Traffic Service Instructor (Operational) Rating
65.13.1 Requirements for Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.13.2 Training
65.13.3 Application for issuing of Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.13.4 Issuing of Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.13.5 Requirements for validation of Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.13.6 Application for validation of Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.13.7 Validation of Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.13.8 Privileges of Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.13.9 Duration of validation or renewal
65.13.10 Renewal of Grade One air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
Subpart 14 : Grade Two Air Traffic Service Instructor (Operational) Rating
65.14.1 Requirements for Grade Two air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.14.2 Training
65.14.3 Application for issuing of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.14.4 Issuing of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.14.5 Requirements for validation of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.14.6 Application for validation of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.14.7 Validation of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.14.8 Privileges of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
65.14.9 Duration of validation of renewal
65.14.10 Renewal of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (operational) rating
Subpart 15 : Grade One Air Traffic Service Instructor (Training Organisation) Certification
65.15.1 Requirements for Grade One air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certification
65.15.2 Training
65.15.3 Application for issuing of Grade One air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certificate
65.15.4 Issuing of Grade One air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certificate
65.15.5 Privileges of Grade One air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certificate
65.15.6 Duration of certificate and renewal
65.15.7 Renewal of Grade One air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certificate
Subpart 16 : Grade Two Air Traffic Service Instructor (Training Organisation) Certification
65.16.1 Requirements for Grade Two air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certification
65.16.2 Training
65.16.3 Application for issuing of Grade Two air traffic instructor (training organisation) certificate
65.16.4 Issuing of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certificate
65.16.5 Privileges of Grade Two air traffic service instructor (training organisation) certificate
65.16.6 Duration of certificate and renewal
65.16.7 Renewal of Grade Two air traffic service (training organisation) certificate
Subpart 17 : Designation of a Validation Examiner and Rating Assessment Examiner
65.17.1 Requirements for designation of designated examiner
65.17.2 Application for designation as examiner
65.17.3 Issuing of designation as designated examiner
65.17.4 Re-designation as designated examiner
65.17.5 Oversight, suspension or withdrawal of designation as designated examiner
65.17.6 Privileges and limitations of designated examiner
65.17.7 Conducting of proficiency checks and assessments by designated examiner
65.17.8 Register of designated examiner
Part 66 : Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing
Subpart 1 : General Provisions
66.01.1 Applicability
66.01.2 Authority to act as aircraft maintenance engineer
66.01.3 Classes of licences
66.01.4 Groups of airframes and engines
66.01.5 Categories of ratings
66.01.6 Competency
66.01.7 Consumption or alcohol and drugs
66.01.8 Language
66.01.9 Validation of licence issued by appropriate authority
66.01.10 Register of licences
66.01.11 Designation of examiners
66.01.12 Re-designation as DE
66.01.13 Register of DE's
66.01.14 Training
66.01.15 Logbooks
Subpart 2 : Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence and Rating
66.02.1 Requirements for licence and rating
66.02.2 Training
66.02.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
66.02.4 Experience
66.02.5 Application for licence or amendment thereof
66.02.6 Issuing of licence
66.02.7 Period of validity
66.02.8 Renewal of aircraft maintenance engineer licence
66.02.9 Reissue of aircraft maintenance engineer licence
66.02.10 Privileges of aircraft maintenance engineer or rating
Subpart 3 : Grade One and Grade Two Aircraft Maintenance Instructor Ratings
66.03.1 Requirements for grade one or grade two aircraft maintenance instructor rating
66.03.2 Training
66.03.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
66.03.4 Experience
66.03.5 Application for instructor rating
66.03.6 Issuing of instructor rating
66.03.7 Period of validity
66.03.8 Privileges of instructor rating
66.03.9 Renewal of instructor rating
Subpart 4 : Approved Person Certificate
66.04.1 Applicability
66.04.2 Authority to act as approved person
66.04.3 Categories of aircraft
66.04.4 Classes of certificates
66.04.5 Competency
66.04.6 Consumption of alcohol and drugs
66.04.7 Language
66.04.8 Requirements for approval
66.04.9 Theoretical knowledge examination
66.04.10 Experience
66.04.11 Application for approval or amendment
66.04.12 Issuing of approval certificate
66.04.13 Period of validity
66.04.14 Renewal of approved person certificate
66.04.15 Reissue
66.04.16 Privileges and limitations
66.04.17 Register of approved persons
66.04.18 Responsibilities of certificate holder
66.04.19 Suspension and cancellation of certificate and appeal
Part 67 : Medical Certification
67.00.1 Applicability
67.00.2 Classes of medical certificates
67.00.3 Functions of Director regarding medical examinations
67.00.4 Designation of aviation medical examiners
67.00.5 Class 4 medical certificates
67.00.6 Period of validity of medical certificates
67.00.7 Application for medical certificates
67.00.8 Issuing of medical certificate
67.00.9 Duties of holder of medical certificate
67.00.10 Validations
67.00.11 Foreign medical examinations
67.00.12 Period of validity of medical records
67.00.13 Substance abuse
67.00.14 Suspension or cancellation of medical certificate
67.00.15 Medical confidentiality
67.00.16 Language
Part 68 : Glider Pilot Licence
Subpart 1 : General
68.01.1 Applicability
68.01.2 Authority to act as pilot
68.01.3 Ratings for glider pilots
68.01.4 Competency
68.01.5 Medical fitness
68.01.6 Language
68.01.7 Logging of flight time
68.01.8 Recognition and validation of pilot licences and ratings by an approving authority of a Contracting State
68.01.9 Application for, and issuing of validation of a foreign pilot licence and ratings
68.01.10 Documentation
68.01.11 Register of licences
68.01.12 Aviation training providers
68.01.13 Payment of currency fee
68.01.14 Radiotelephony certificates
Subpart 2 : Student Glider Pilot Licence
68.02.1 Requirements for student glider pilot licence
68.02.2 Training
68.02.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
68.02.4 Certificate of competency
68.02.5 Application for glider student pilot licence
68.02.6 Issuing of student glider pilot licence
68.02.7 Period of validity
68.02.8 Privileges and limitations of student glider pilot license
68.02.9 Crediting of flight time
Subpart 3 : Requirements for the Issue of a Glider Pilot Licence
68.03.1 Requirements for the issue of a glider pilot licence
68.03.2 Experience
68.03.3 Training
68.03.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
68.03.5 Skills test
68.03.6 Ratings for special purposes for a glider pilot licence
68.03.7 Application
68.03.8 Issuing
68.03.9 Period of validity
68.03.10 Privileges and limitations
68.03.11 Maintenance of competency
Subpart 4 : Glider Pilot Instructor Ratings
68.04.1 General
68.04.2 Experience
68.04.3 Training
68.04.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
68.04.5 Skills test
68.04.6 Application
68.04.7 Issuing of the glider pilots instructor rating
68.04.8 Privileges and limitations
68.04.9 Renewal
Subpart 5 : Requirements for the Issue of a Glider Test Flight Rating
68.05.1 General
68.05.2 Requirements
68.05.3 Experience
68.05.4 Application
68.05.5 Issuing
68.05.6 Privileges and limitations
Part 69 : Free Balloon Pilot Licence
Subpart 1 : General
69.01.1 Applicability
69.01.2 Authority to act as pilot
69.01.3 Ratings for free balloon pilots
69.01.4 Competency
69.01.5 Medical fitness
69.01.6 Language
69.01.7 Logging of flight time
69.01.8 Recognition and validation of pilot licences and ratings by an approving authority of a Contracting State
69.01.9 Application for, and issuing of a foreign pilot licence and ratings
69.01.10 Documentation
69.01.11 Register of licences
69.01.12 Aviation training providers
69.01.13 Payment of currency fee
69.01.14 Radiotelephony certificates
Subpart 2 : Requirements for the Issue of a Free Balloon Pilot Licence
69.02.1 Requirements for the issue of a free balloon pilot licence
69.02.2 Experience
69.02.3 Training
69.02.4 Theoretical knowledge examination
69.02.5 Skills test
69.02.6 Application for and issue of a free balloon pilot licence
69.02.7 Renewal of a free balloon pilot licence
69.02.8 Privileges and limitations of a free balloon pilot licence
69.02.9 Period of validity of a free balloon pilot licence
69.02.10 Maintenace of competency
69.02.11 Ratings for special purposes for a free balloon pilot licence
Subpart 3 : Free Balloon Commercial Pilot Licence
69.03.1 General
69.03.2 Requirements for free balloon commercial pilot licence
69.03.3 Experience
69.03.4 Training
69.03.5 Theoretical knowledge examination
69.03.6 Conversion training
69.03.7 Recurrent training and checking
Part 71 : Remote Pilot Certificate
Subpart 1 : General
71.01.1 Applicability
71.01.2 Authority to act as pilot
71.01.3 Categories and ratings for holder of RPC
71.01.4 Competency and revalidation check
71.01.5. Medical fitness
71.01.6 Language
71.01.7 Logging of flight time
Subpart 2 : Organisation and Policy
71.02.1 Requirements for issuance of RPC
71.02.2 Flight training
71.02.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
71.02.4 Skills test
71.02.5 Payment of currency fee
71.02.6 Privileges and Limitations
71.02.7 Period of validity
Part 72 : Remote Pilot Licence
Subpart 1 : General
72.01.1 Applicability
72.01.2 Authority to act as pilot
72.01.3 Categories for RPL
72.01.4 Competency and revalidation check
72.01.5 Medical fitness
72.01.6 Language
72.01.7 Logging of flight time
72.01.8 Crediting of flight time
Subpart 2
72.02.1 Requirements for SRPL
72.02.2 Application for SRPL
72.02.3 Issuance of SRPL
72.02.4 Validity of SRPL
72.02.5 Privileges and limitations of SRPL
Subpart 3
72.03.1 Requirements for issuance of RPL
72.03.2 Flight training
72.03.3 Theoretical knowledge examination
72.03.4 Skills test
72.03.5 Payment of currency fee
72.03.6 Privileges and limitations
72.03.7 Period of validity
72.03.8 Type Rating
Part 91 : General Aviation and Operating Flight Rules
Subpart 1 : General Provisions
91.01.1 Applicability
91.01.2 Authority of PIC and crew members
91.01.3 Authorisation of personnel to taxi aeroplanes
91.01.4 Search and rescue information
91.01.5 Information on emergency and survival equipment
91.01.6 Method of carriage of persons
91.01.7 Admission to flight deck
91.01.8 Unauthorised carriage
91.01.9 Portable electronic devices
91.01.10 Endangering safety
91.01.11 Preservation of documents and records
91.01.12 Use of time
91.01.13 Additional flight crew member equipment
91.01.14 Carriage of dangerous goods
91.01.15 Passenger intoxication and unruly behaviour
91.01.16 Psychoactive substances
Subpart 2 : Crew
91.02.1 Crew composition and qualifications
91.02.2 Crew member emergency duties
91.02.3 Crew member responsibilities
91.02.4 Recency
91.02.5 Crew members at duty stations
91.02.6 Laws, regulations and procedures
91.02.7 Duties of PIC regarding flight preparation
91.02.8 Duties of PIC regarding flight operations
Subpart 3 : Documentation and Records
91.03.1 Documents to be carried on board
91.03.2 Aircraft flight manual
91.03.3 Aircraft checklist
91.03.4 Air traffic service flight plan and associated procedures
91.03.5 Flight folio
91.03.6 Fuel record
91.03.7 Certificate of release to service
91.03.8 Flight recorder records
91.03.9 Logbooks
Subpart 4 : Instruments and Equipment
91.04.1 Use and installation of instruments and equipment
91.04.2 Circuit protection devices
91.04.3 Aircraft operating lights
91.04.4 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for aircraft operated under VFR
91.04.5 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for aircraft operated under IFR
91.04.6 Additional equipment for single-pilot operation under IMC or at night
91.04.7 Mach number indicator
91.04.8 Radio altimeter
91.04.9 Equipment for operations in icing conditions
91.04.10 Flight recorders
91.04.11 Seat, seat safety belt, harness, child restraint device and carriage of an infant
91.04.12 Stowage of articles, baggage and cargo
91.04.13 First aid and universal precaution kits
91.04.14 First aid oxygen
91.04.15 Supplemental oxygen in case of pressurised aircraft
91.04.16 Supplemental oxygen in case of non-pressurised aircraft
91.04.17 Flight crew protective breathing equipment
91.04.18 Fire extinguishers
91.04.19 Crash axes and crowbars
91.04.20 Marking of break-in points
91.04.21 Megaphones
91.04.22 Emergency lighting
91.04.23 Emergency locator transmitters
91.04.24 Life jackets and other flotation devices
91.04.25 Life rafts and survival radio equipment for extended over-water flights
91.04.26 Survival equipment
91.04.27 Seaplanes, amphibious aeroplanes and amphibious helicopters
91.04.28 Airborne collision avoidance system
91.04.29 Cabin pressurisation
91.04.30 Terrain awareness and warning systems
91.04.31 RVSM operations
Subpart 5 : Communication and Navigation
91.05.1 Communication and surveillance equipment
91.05.2 Navigation equipment
91.05.3 Use of global navigation satellite system
91.05.4 Operational criteria for use of RNAV/BARO VNAV systems
91.05.5 ADS-B
Subpart 6 : Rules of the Air
Division One : Flight Rules
91.06.1 Landing on roads
91.06.2 Dropping objects, spraying or dusting
91.06.3 Picking up objects
91.06.4 Towing
91.06.5 Operation of vehicle- or vessel-towed aircraft
91.06.6 Proximity and formation flights
91.06.7 Right of way
91.06.8 Following line features
91.06.9 Aircraft speed
91.06.10 Lights to be displayed by aircraft
91.06.11 Taxi rules
91.06.12 Operation on and in vicinity of aerodrome
91.06.13 Signals
91.06.14 Water operations
91.06.15 Reporting position
91.06.16 Mandatory radio communication in controlled airspace
91.06.17 Mandatory radio communication in advisory airspace
91.06.18 Compliance with rules of air traffic control clearances and instructions
91.06.19 Prohibited areas
91.06.20 Restricted areas
Division Two : Visual flight rules
91.06.21 Visibility and distance from cloud
91.06.22 Special VFR weather minima
91.06.23 VFR flight determination and weather deterioration
Division Three : Instrument Flight Rules
91.06.24 Compliance with IFR
91.06.25 Aircraft equipment
91.06.26 Change from IFR flight to VFR flight
91.06.27 IFR procedures
Division Four : Specific Provisions Regarding Aircraft
91.06.28 Foreign military aircraft
91.06.29 Identification and interception of aircraft
Division Five : Air Traffic Rules
91.06.30 ATS procedures
91.06.31 Priority
Division Six : Heights and Instrument Approach and Departure Procedures
91.06.32 Minimum heights
91.06.33 Semi-circular rule
91.06.34 Aerodrome approach and departure procedures
Subpart 7 : Flight Operations
91.07.1 Routes and areas of operation
91.07.2 Minimum flight altitudes
91.07.3 Use of aerodromes
91.07.4 Helicopter landings and take-offs
91.07.5 Aerodrome operating minima
91.07.6 Threshold crossing height
91.07.7 Pre-flight selection of aerodromes
91.07.8 Planning minima for IFR flights
91.07.9 Meteorological conditions
91.07.10 VFR operating minima
91.07.11 Mass and balance
91.07.12 Fuel and oil requirements
91.07.13 Refuelling or defuelling with passengers on board
91.07.14 Smoking in aircraft
91.07.15 Instrument approach and departure procedures
91.07.16 Noise abatement
91.07.17 Submission of ATS flight plan
91.07.18 Seats, safety belts and harnesses
91.07.19 Passenger seating
91.07.20 Passenger movements and briefing
91.07.21 Passenger health and safety
91.07.22 Emergency equipment
91.07.23 Illumination of emergency exits
91.07.24 Use of supplemental oxygen
91.07.25 Approach and landing conditions
91.07.26 Approach ban
91.07.27 In-flight testing on passenger- and cargo-carrying flights
91.07.28 Turning helicopter rotors
91.07.29 Starting and running of engines
91.07.30 Acrobatic flights
91.07.31 Simulated instrument flight in aircraft
91.07.32 Aeroplane operating procedures
91.07.33 Head-up displays and vision systems
91.07.34 Electronic flight bags
91.07.35 Additional EDTO requirements
91.07.36 Disinfection of aircraft
91.07.37 Disinsection of aircraft
91.07.38 Operations in RNP designated airspace
91.07.39 Repatriation and relief flight
Subpart 8 : Performance Operating Limitations
91.08.1 General provisions
91.08.2 Helicopter operating limitations
91.08.3 Helicopter performance classification
91.08.4 Aeroplane performance classification
91.08.5 Performance limitations Class A and Class C aeroplanes
Subpart 9 : Maintenance
91.09.1 General
91.09.2 Aeroplane maintenance programme
91.09.3 Maintenance responsibilities
91.09.4 Maintenance records
91.09.5 Modifications and repairs
91.09.6 Maintenance release
91.09.7 Continuing airworthiness information
Subpart 10 : CORSIA
91.10.1 Applicability
91.10.2 Attribution of an aeroplane operator to the Republic
91.10.3 Attribution of international flights to an aeroplane operator
91.10.4 Record keeping, compliance periods and equivalent procedure
91.10.5 Monitoring requirements of aeroplane operator's annual CO2 emissions
91.10.6 Eligibility of monitoring methods
91.10.7 EMP
91.10.8 Calculation of CO2 emissions from aeroplane fuel use
91.10.9 Monitoring of CORSIA eligible fuel claims
91.10.10 Reporting requirements for aeroplane operator annual CO2 emissions
91.10.11 Reporting of CORSIA eligible fuel
91.10.12 Verification of CO2 emissions
91.10.13 Error corrections to emissions report
91.10.14 Requirements for addressing data gaps
91.10.15 CO2 offsetting requirements
91.10.16 Total final CO2 offsetting requirements for given compliance period with emissions reductions from use of CORSIA eligible fuels
91.10.17 Cancellation of CORSIA Eligible Emissions Units
91.10.18 Accreditation of verification body
91.10.19 Verification of Emissions Unit Cancellation Report
Part 92 : Conveyance of Dangerous Goods
Subpart 1 : General
92.01.1 Applicability
92.01.2 Prohibition of conveyance of dangerous goods
92.01.3 Exemptions
92.01.4 General transport requirements
92.01.5 Inspection of dangerous goods by customs and other authorities
92.01.6 Usage of Technical Instructions and related manuals
92.01.7 Surface Transport
92.01.8 Designated body or institution
92.01.9 Designation of dangerous goods Inspector
92.01.10 Powers of dangerous goods inspector
92.01.11 Classification and listing of dangerous goods
92.01.12 Packing and packaging
92.01.13 Label and marking
92.01.14 Responsibility of shipper
92.01.15 Dangerous goods transport document
92.01.16 Operator's Responsibilities
92.01.17 Operator's compliance with dangerous goods requirements
92.01.18 Requirements for operator with no approval to convey dangerous goods as cargo
92.01.19 Requirements for operator with approval to convey dangerous goods as cargo
92.01.20 Third Party personnel
92.01.21 Helicopter operation
92.01.22 Cargo carried in main cargo compartments
92.01.23 Conducting safety risk assessment
92.01.24 Fire protection systems
92.01.25 Cargo acceptance areas - provision of information
92.01.26 Dangerous goods designated area
92.01.27 Transportation of spares and company material
92.01.28 Acceptance procedures
92.01.29 Loading and stowage
92.01.30 Inspection for damage or leakage
92.01.31 Loading restrictions in passenger cabin or on flight deck
92.01.32 Separation and Segregation
92.01.33 Securing of dangerous goods cargo loads
92.01.34 Loading in cargo aircraft
92.01.35 Provision of Information to PIC
92.01.36 Dangerous goods carried by passengers or flight crew members
92.01.37 Information to passengers
92.01.38 Passenger check-in information and procedures
92.01.39 Information to be provided to employees and ground handling agent
92.01.40 Information from PIC to aerodrome authorities
92.01.41 Emergency response information
92.01.42 Retention of documents
92.01.43 Designation of person responsible for dangerous goods
92.01.44 Powers of aerodrome operator covering loading and unloading of dangerous goods
92.01.45 Training requirements
92.01.46 Dangerous goods by mail
92.01.47 Dangerous goods in air cargo
92.01.48 Responsibilities of online retailer
92.01.49 Dangerous goods accident and incident reporting
92.01.50 Dangerous goods accident and incident investigation
92.01.51 Notification of undeclared or misdeclared dangerous goods
92.01.52 Reporting of undeclared or misdeclared dangerous goods
92.01.53 Reporting of dangerous goods occurrences
92.01.54 Removal of dangerous goods detained
92.01.55 Dangerous Goods Security
Subpart 2 : Training
92.02.1 Training requirements
92.02.2 Dangerous goods training programmes - establishment and maintenance
92.02.3 Issuance of certificate
92.02.4 Validation of foreign certificate
92.02.5 Validation of foreign air service operator or training organisation
Subpart 3 : Approval of Dangerous Goods Training Organisation
92.03.1 General
92.03.2 Requirements for approval
92.03.3 Procedures manual and training material
92.03.4 Personnel requirements
92.03.5 Record keeping and data records - general requirements
92.03.6 Issue of certificate
Subpart 4 : Dangerous Goods Instructor Accreditation
92.04.1 Requirements for Instructor certification
92.04.2 Authority and competency to conduct dangerous goods training
92.04.3 Period of Validity
92.04.4 Validation of certificate issued by foreign authority
92.04.5 Register of certified Instructor
Part 93 : Corporate Aviation Operations and High Performance Aircraft
Subpart 1 : General
93.01.1 Applicability
Subpart 2 : Operations Personnel Requirements
Division One : Flight crew member qualifications and requirements
93.02.1 Composition of flight crew
93.02.2 Minimum requirements for assignment as PIC
93.02.3 Flight crew member emergency duties
93.02.4 Area, route and aerodrome familiarisation
93.02.5 Flight crew member qualifications
Division Two : Requirements for personnel other than flight crew
93.02.6 Requirement for flight followers
93.02.7 Ground personnel qualifications
93.02.8 Cabin crew member complement
93.02.9 Operation on more than one type or variant by cabin crew member
93.02.10 Senior cabin crew member
93.02.11 Cabin crew member emergency duties
93.02.12 Seating of cabin crew members during flight
Division Three : Flight time and duty limitations
93.02.13 Flight time and duty period scheme
93.02.14 Fatigue risk management system
93.02.15 Approval of a fatigue risk management system
93.02.16 Fatigue risk management system manual
Subpart 3 : Training and Checking
Division One : General provisions for a CAO
93.03.1 Training and checking program
Division Two : Flight crew member training
93.03.2 Flight crew member training
Division Three : Cabin crew member training
93.03.3 Cabin crew member training
Division Four : Corporate employee and service agent training
93.03.4 Corporate employee and service agent training
Division Five : Checking, Training and Validity
93.03.5 Checking of flight crew members and operational personnel
93.03.6 Certification training and validity periods
93.03.7 Pilot proficiency check
Subpart 4 : Documentation and Records
93.04.1 Documentation requirements
93.04.2 Operations manual
93.04.3 Aircraft flight manual
93.04.4 Operational flight plan
93.04.5 Flight time and duty period records (CAOC holders only)
93.04.6 Training records
93.04.7 Load and trim sheet
Subpart 5 : Aircraft Instruments and Equipment
93.05.1 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for aircraft operated under IFR or at night
93.05.2 Terrain awareness and warning system (GPWS/TAWS)
93.05.3 Airborne weather radar equipment
93.05.4 Airborne collision avoidance system
93.05.5 Flight data recorder
93.05.6 Cockpit voice recorder
93.05.7 Equipment requirements for aeroplanes on long range over water flights
93.05.8 Microphones
93.05.9 Cabin attendant seats
93.05.10 Supplemental oxygen and requirements
Subpart 6 : Corporate Aviation Operator Certificate
93.06.1 Requirements to hold a Corporate Aviation Operator Certificate (CAOC)
93.06.2 Validity and status of CAOC
93.06.3 Application for issuance or amendment of CAOC and operations specifications
93.06.4 Application, adjudication of and issuance of CAOC and operations specifications
93.06.5 Safety and security inspections and audits
93.06.6 Administrative duties of a CAOC holder
93.06.7 Register of CAOCs
93.06.8 Operator notification
93.06.9 Operational demonstration
Subpart 7 : Flight Operations
Division One : General
93.07.1 Routes and areas of operation and aerodrome facilities for aeroplanes
93.07.2 Routes and areas of operation and aerodrome facilities for helicopters
93.07.3 Establishment of procedures
93.07.4 Competence of operations personnel
93.07.5 Use of air traffic services
93.07.6 Instrument approach and departure procedures
93.07.7 IFR or night flight without second-in-command
93.07.8 Reporting of hazardous flight conditions
93.07.9 Refuelling and de-fuelling with passengers on board
93.07.10 Reporting acts of unlawful interference
93.07.11 In-flight simulation of emergencies
93.07.12 Security of the flight crew compartment
93.07.13 Environmental protection
Division Two : Dispatch and flight release rules
93.07.14 Operational control and supervision of flight operations
93.07.15 Retention of flight operations documents and reports
93.07.16 Minimum equipment list
93.07.17 Aerodrome operating minima
93.07.18 Fuel and oil supply and record keeping
93.07.19 Operation of aircraft in icing conditions
93.07.20 Mass and balance control
93.07.21 Inertial navigation and inertial reference systems
93.07.22 Low visibility operations
93.07.23 Operations with head-up displays, enhanced vision systems and night vision goggles
93.07.24 Operations with electronic flight bags
93.7.24A RVSM
93.07.25 Helicopter offshore operations
Division Three : Cabin safety
93.07.26 Carry-on baggage
93.07.27 Securing of passenger
93.07.28 Briefing of passengers
93.07.29 Safety features card
93.07.30 Seat, seat safety belt, harness and restraint device and carriage of infant
93.07.31 Carriage of persons with disability
93.07.32 Portable electronic devices
Subpart 8 : Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations
93.08.1 General requirements
Division One : Aeroplane Limitations
93.08.2 Take-off mass limitations
93.08.3 Net take-off flight path
93.08.4 Dispatch limitations: landing at destination and alternate aerodromes
93.08.5 Dispatch limitations: wet runway - turbojet- or turbofan-powered aircraft
Division Two : Helicopter limitations
93.08.6 Helicopter limitations
Subpart 9 : Maintenance Control
93.09.1 General
93.09.2 Aircraft maintenance program
93.09.3 Maintenance contracted to approved AMO
93.09.4 Operator's maintenance responsibilities
93.09.5 Operator's maintenance control manual
93.09.6 Maintenance records
93.09.7 Continuing airworthiness information
93.09.8 Modifications and repairs
Subpart 10 : Quality Systems
93.10.1 Requirements for QMS
Part 94 : Operation of Non-Type Certificated Aircraft
Subpart 1 : General Provisions
94.01.1 Applicability
94.01.2 Authority to fly
Subpart 2 : Flight Crew
94.02.1 Ex-military aircraft
Subpart 3 : Documentation and Records
94.03.1 Operations manual
94.03.2 Logbooks
Subpart 4 : Communication and Navigation Equipment
94.04.1 Communication equipment
Subpart 5 : Rules of the Air
94.05.1 Conditions for flight
94.05.2 Aircraft speed
Subpart 6 : Flight Operations
94.06.1 Standards and procedures
94.06.2 Operation of paragliders, including powered paragliders and paratrikes
94.06.3 Operation of gyroplanes
94.06.4 Operation of manned free balloons
94.06.5 Operation of captive balloons
94.06.6 Operation of unmanned free balloons
94.06.7 Operation of amateur-built or production-built aircraft, including microlight aeroplanes
94.06.8 Operation of gliders
94.06.9 Operation of hang-gliders
94.06.10 Operation of line-controlled kites
94.06.11 Operation of model aircraft
94.06.12 Operation of parachutes
94.06.13 Operation of ex-military aircraft
94.06.14 Display authorisation
Subpart 7 : Maintenance
94.07.1 General
94.07.2 Maintenance Control Manual
Part 96 : Commercial Operation of Non-Type Certificated Aircraft
Subpart 1 : General
96.01.1 Applicability
Subpart 2 : Flight Crew
96.02.1 In-flight relief of flight crew members
96.02.2 Cabin crew member compliment
96.02.3 Flight time and duty periods
96.02.4 Training and checking
Subpart 3 : Documentation and Records
96.03.1 Operations manual
96.03.2 Exemptions
96.03.3 Disclosure
Subpart 4 : Operating Certificate
96.04.1 Operating certificate
96.04.2 Application for operating certificate
96.04.3 Adjudication of application for operating certificate
96.04.4 Period of validity of operating certificate
96.04.5 Safety inspections and audits
96.04.6 Duties of holder of operating certificate
96.04.7 Register of operating certificates
Subpart 5 : Maintenance
96.05.1 General
96.05.2 Certificate of airworthiness
Part 101 : Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
Subpart 1 : General Provisions
101.01.1 Applicability
101.01.2 Private operations
101.01.3 Grouping and classification
101.01.4 Directives
101.01.5 UA sales and re-sales labelling
Subpart 2 : Approval and Registration
101.02.1 UAS letter of approval
101.02.2 UAS system safety
101.02.3 Altimeter
101.02.4 Registration and marking
[Deleted] Subpart 3 : Personnel Licensing
Subpart 4 : UAS Operating Certificate
101.04.1 General requirements
101.04.2 Application
101.04.3 Validity
101.04.4 Duties of holder of UASOC
101.04.5 Operations manual
101.04.6 Documentation and records
101.04.7 Safety management
101.04.8 Security
101.04.9 Surveillance, safety and security audits and inspections
101.04.10 Register of operating certificates
101.04.11 Transferability
101.04.12 Liability insurance
Subpart 5 : UA Operations
101.05.1 Weather conditions
101.05.2 Landing on roads
101.05.3 Controlled airspace
101.05.4 Releasing object or substance
101.05.5 Dangerous goods
101.05.6 Accidents and incidents
101.05.7 Consumption of alcohol and drugs
101.05.8 C2 operational requirements
101.05.9 Precautions and safety considerations
101.05.10 General restrictions
101.05.11 Beyond visual-line-of-sight
101.05.12 Night operations
101.05.13 Operations in vicinity of people
101.05.14 Operations in the vicinity of property, structures and buildings
101.05.15 Operations in the vicinity of public roads
101.05.16 Radio communications requirements
101.05.16A Multi-unmanned aircraft operations
101.05.17 Pre-flight preparation
101.05.18 Duties of a pilot
101.05.19 Flight operations
101.05.20 Right of way
101.05.21 Use of time
101.05.22 Flight folio
101.05.23 Power reserves
101.05.24 First aid kits
101.05.25 Hand-held fire extinguishers
Subpart 6 : Maintenance
101.06.1 Continued system maintenance
101.06.2 UAS maintenance
101.06.3 Issuance of UASMT authorisation
101.06.4 UASMT logbook
Part 105 : Operation of Parachutes and Drop Zones
Subpart 1 : General
105.01.1 Applicability
105.01.2 Persons making parachute descent
105.01.3 Alcohol and drugs
105.01.4 Securing of articles
105.01.5 Hazard
105.01.6 Exit from aircraft
105.01.7 Minimum parachute opening altitude
105.01.8 Parachute drop zone
105.01.9 Parachute landing area
105.01.10 Ground signal
105.01.11 Controlled airspace
105.01.12 Descents into attended aerodromes
105.01.13 Descents into unattended aerodromes
105.01.14 Descents within restricted areas
105.01.15 Visibility and clearance from cloud
105.01.16 Descent from unpressurised aircraft
105.01.17 Descent from pressurised aircraft
105.01.18 Descent from above FL200
105.01.19 Seats, safety belts and harnesses
105.01.20 NTCA aircraft used from parachute drop operations
105.01.21 Pilots performing flights for purposes of parachute operations
Subpart 2 : Parachute Equipment
105.02.1 Main parachute
105.02.2 Reserve parachute
105.02.3 Night descent
105.02.4 Water descent
105.02.5 Altimeter
105.02.6 Automatic activation devices
105.02.7 Helmets
105.02.8 Parachute descent near water
105.02.9 Tandem harness
Subpart 3 : Parachute Maintenance
105.03.1 Parachute technician (Rigger)
105.03.2 Safety directives
105.03.3 Parachute serviceability
105.03.4 Modification and repair
105.03.5 Parachute assemblies
105.03.6 Parachute records
Part 108 : Air Cargo Security
Subpart 1 : General
108.01.1 Applicability
108.01.2 Requirements for carriage of cargo by air
108.01.3 Issuing of air cargo security directives
Subpart 2 : Duties and Functions of Regulated Agents and known Consignors
108.02.1 Duties of regulated agents
108.02.2 Duties of known consignor
Subpart 3 : Security Controls
108.03.1 General
108.03.2 Known cargo
108.03.3 Unknown cargo
108.03.4 Mail
108.03.5 Transfer and transit cargo mail
108.03.6 Exemptions
108.03.7 Right of inspection and refusal of carriage
Subpart 4 : Security Screening - Equipment and Explosive Detection Dog Teams
108.04.1 Requirements for security screening equipment
Subpart 5 : Approvals
108.05.1 Application for approval as a regulated agent
108.05.2 Certificate of approval
108.05.3 Renewal of certificate of approval
108.05.4 Application for accreditation certificate as a known consignor
108.05.5 Known consignor accreditation certificate
108.05.6 Safety inspections and audits
108.05.7 Designation of validator
108.05.8 Renewal of accreditation certificate
108.05.9 Inspection fee
108.05.10 Validation of foreign certificates
108.05.11 Register of certificates of approval and accreditation certificates
Subpart 6 : Training
108.06.1 Aviation security awareness training
108.06.2 Aviation security training
Part 109 : Aviation Security Training Organisations
Subpart 1 : General
109.01.1 Applicability
109.01.2 Designation of body or institution
109.01.3 Display of ASTO approval
109.01.4 Advertisements
109.01.5 Security inspections and audits
109.01.6 Register of approvals
Subpart 2 : Approval of Organisation (Aviation Security Training)
109.02.1 Requirement for approval
109.02.2 Manual of procedure
109.02.3 Quality assurance system
109.02.4 Personnel requirements
109.02.5 Facilities and equipment
109.02.6 Application for approval or amendment thereof
109.02.7 Issuing of approval
109.02.7A Issuing of instructor certificate
109.02.8 Scope of approval
109.02.9 Period of validity
109.02.10 Transferability
109.02.11 Changes in quality assurance system
109.02.12 Renewal of approval
109.02.13 Duties of holder of approval
109.02.14 Documents and records
Subpart 3 : Instructor Certification
109.03.1 Requirement for certification
109.03.2 Authority to conduct aviation security training
109.03.3 Competency
109.03.4 Application for instructor certificate
109.03.5 Issuing of instructor certificate
109.03.6 Period of validity
109.03.7 Validation of certificate issued by a foreign appropriate authority
109.03.8 Register of certified instructors
109.03.9 Functions
109.03.10 Measures to mitigate threats of cyber-attacks
Part 110 : Aviation Security Screener Certification
Subpart 1 : General
110.01.1 Applicability
110.01.2 Authority to act as a screener
110.01.3 Competency
110.01.4 Documentation
110.01.5 Logbooks
110.01.6 Register of certificates
110.01.7 Language
110.01.8 Designation of examiner
110.01.9 Screener deployment
Subpart 2 : Screener Certification
110.02.1 Requirements for screener certification
110.02.2 Training
110.02.3 Certification assessment
110.02.4 Application for screener certification
110.02.5 Issuing of screener certification
110.02.6 Validation of certification issued by appropriate authority
110.02.7 Period of validity
110.02.8 Functions
Subpart 3 : Screening Organisations
110.03.1 Requirements for screening organisation
110.03.2 Application for approval as a screening organisation
110.03.3 Certificate of approval
110.03.4 Renewal of certificate of approval
110.03.5 Register of certificates of approval
110.03.6 Duties of holder
110.03.7 Inspection fee
110.03.8 Issuing of aviation security screening directives
110.03.9 Duties of screening organisations
110.03.10 Quality assurance system
110.03.11 Personnel requirements
110.03.12 Career development
Part 111 : Aviation Security
111.01.1 Applicability
111.01.2 National Aviation Security Programme
111.01.3 Airport Security Programme
111.01.4 Air Carrier Security Programme
111.01.5 ANSP Security Programme
111.01.6 Security Programme pertaining to other aviation participants
111.01.7 Review of the National Aviation Security Programme and other aviation security programmes
111.01.8 Security programme and security manual
111.01.9 Security procedures for ground handling service provider
111.01.10 Catering stores and catering supplies service provider security manual
111.01.11 Reporting of security incidents
111.01.12 Bomb threat
111.01.13 Security exercise
111.01.14 Internal quality control protocol
111.01.15 Security controls in restricted areas and on-board aircraft
111.01.16 Aviation security awareness training
111.01.17 Application for designation of airport
111.01.18 Designation of official for aviation security
111.01.19 Measures relating to cyber threats
111.01.20 Measures relating to security risk assessments
111.01.21 Security measures for landside areas of airport
111.01.22 Measures relating to security culture
Part 112 : Aircraft Passenger Identification
112.00.1 Identification requirements
112.00.2 Verification of personal information
112.00.3 Non-compliance with identification requirements
112.00.4 Powers of authorised person
Part 113 : Aviation Pandemic Preparedness Plan
113.01.1 Applicability
113.01.2 Establishment of Aviation Pandemic Preparedness Plan
Part 114 : Aviation Security FOT Non-Scheduled Commercial Aircraft Operations
Subpart 1 : General
114.01.1 Applicability
114.01.2 Compliance with domestic law by foreign air carrier
Subpart 2 : Organisation and Policy
114.02.1 Appointment of official responsible for aviation security
114.02.2 Obligations of official responsible for aviation security
114.02.3 Air carrier security programme
114.02.4 Approval of air carrier security programme
114.02.5 Distribution
114.02.6 Communication
Subpart 3 : Aircraft Security
114.03.1 Protection of aircraft
114.03.2 Aircraft security checks and searches
114.03.3 Risk assessment
114.03.4 Threat notification
114.03.5 Flight crew compartment protection
Subpart 4 : Documentation and Information
114.04.1 Air carrier documents, records and information
Subpart 5 : Passengers and Cabin Baggage
114.05.1 Check-in and boarding protocols
114.05.2 Security controls and facilitation
114.05.3 LAGS
114.05.4 Carriage and control of weapons and firearms
Subpart 6 : Hold Baggage Security
114.06.1 Air carrier responsibility to hold baggage security
Subpart 7 : Aircraft Catering Stores and Catering Supplies
114.07.1 Air carrier responsibility aircraft catering stores and supplies
114.07.2 Catering stores and catering supplies service provider
Subpart 8 : Aircraft Cleaning Operations
114.08.1 Air carrier responsibility for aircraft cleaning operations
Subpart 9 : Security of Cargo and Mail
114.09.1 Air carrier responsibility for cargo and mail
Subpart 10 : Aircraft Maintenance Areas
114.10.1 Air carrier responsibility for aircraft maintenance areas
Subpart 11 : Recruitment and Training
114.11.1 Recruitment
114.11.2 Training
Subpart 12 : QMS
114.12.1 Requirements for QMS
114.12.2 Implementation of QMS
114.12.3 Security Inspection or Audit
Subpart 13 : Contingency Planning
114.13.1 General protocols
114.13.2 Contingency plan exercise
Subpart 14 : Incident Reporting
114.14.1 Incident reporting obligation
Subpart 15 : Protection of Personnel and Special Category Passengers
114.15.1 Security obligations
Subpart 16 : Protection of Facilities
114.16.1 Security obligations
Subpart 17 : Cyber Security
114.17.1 Cyber protection
Part 121 : Air Transport Operations - Carriage on Aeroplanes of more than 19 Passengers or Cargo
Subpart 1 : General
121.01.1 Applicability
121.01.2 Admission to flight deck
121.01.3 Passenger intoxication and unruly behaviour
121.01.4 Compliance with foreign and domestic regulations
121.01.5 Regulatory infractions during emergency situations
121.01.6 Language proficiency
Subpart 2 : Operations Personnel Requirements
Division One : Minimum crew requirements
121.02.1 Composition of flight crew
121.02.2 Crew pairing and in-flight relief of flight crew members
121.02.3 Flight and cabin crew member emergency duties
121.02.4 Cabin crew member complement
121.02.5 Operation on more than one type or variant by cabin crew member
121.02.6 Senior cabin crew member
121.02.7 Cabin crew emergency evacuation stations
121.02.8 Seating of cabin crew members during flight
Division Two : Flight crew member, cabin crew member and flight operations officer qualifications
121.02.9 Flight crew member qualifications
121.02.10 Flight engineer qualifications
121.02.11 Cabin crew member qualifications
121.02.12 Flight operations officer qualificatiions
Division Three : Flight time and duty limitations
121.02.13 Flight time and duty period scheme
121.02.14 Fatigue risk management system
121.02.15 Approval of a fatigue risk management system
121.02.16 Fatigue risk management system manual
Subpart 3 : Training and Checking
Division One : General
121.03.1 Air service operator approved training programme
121.03.2 Approval of training programme
Division Two : Flight crew member training
121.03.3 Flight crew member training
121.03.4 Advanced qualification programme
Division Three : Training of cabin crew members
121.03.5 Aeroplane type and differences training
121.03.6 Operator induction training
121.03.7 Familiarisation flights
121.03.8 Recurrent training
121.03.9 Regaining qualification training
Division Four : Training of persons other than flight and cabin crew members
121.03.10 Employees and service agent training
Division Five : Training, checking, certification and validity
121.03.11 Training, checking, certification and validity periods
Subpart 4 : Documentation and Records
121.04.1 Documentary requirements
121.04.2 Operations manual
121.04.3 Aircraft operating manual
121.04.4 Aircraft flight manual
121.04.5 Operational flight plan
121.04.6 Flight time and duty period records
121.04.7 Records of emergency and survival equipment
121.04.8 Training records
121.04.9 Load and trim sheet
121.04.10 Aeroplane search procedure checklist
121.04.11 Preservation of documents
121.04.12 Cosmic radiation records
Subpart 5 : Aeroplane Instruments and Equipment
121.05.1 Approval of instruments and equipment
121.05.2 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for aeroplanes operated under VFR
121.05.3 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for aeroplanes operated under IFR
121.05.4 Altitude alerting system
121.05.5 Terrain awareness and warning system
121.05.6 Airborne weather radar equipment
121.05.7 Cosmic radiation detection equipment
121.05.8 Flight deck crew interphone system
121.05.9 Flight crew interphone system
121.05.10 Public address system
121.05.11 Windshield wipers
121.05.12 Internal doors and curtains
121.05.13 First aid, emergency and universal precaution kits
121.05.14 Means for emergency evacuation
121.05.15 Airborne collision avoidance system
121.05.16 Passenger cabin signs and placards
121.05.17 Flight recorders
121.05.18 Flight data recorders
121.05.19 Cockpit voice recorders
121.05.20 Data link recorders
121.05.21 Life saving equipment during flight over water
121.05.22 Equipment requirements for aeroplanes on long range over water flights
121.05.23 Cabin attendant seats
121.05.24 Emergency locator transmitter
121.05.25 Microphones
121.05.26 Fire Extinguishers
121.05.27 Turbo-jet aeroplanes - forward-looking wind shear warning system
Subpart 6 : Air Operator Certificate
121.06.1 Requirements to hold AOC
121.06.2 Application for the issuance or amendment of AOC and operations specifications
121.06.3 Application, adjudication of and issuance of AOC or operations specifications
121.06.4 Validity and status of AOC
121.06.5 Safety and security inspections and audits
121.06.6 Administrative duties of an AOC holder
121.06.7 Register of AOCs
121.06.8 Operator notification
121.06.9 Demonstration flights
Subpart 7 : Flight Operations
Division One : General
121.07.1 Routes and areas of operation and aerodrome facilities
121.07.2 Establishment of procedures
121.07.3 Competence of operations personnel
121.07.4 Use of air traffic services
121.07.5 Single-engine aeroplane operations
121.07.6 Defect reporting
121.07.7 Instrument approach and departure procedures
121.07.8 Environmental protection
121.07.9 Reporting of hazardous flight conditions
121.07.10 Refuelling and defuelling with passengers on board
121.07.11 Reporting acts of unlawful interference
121.07.12 Cabin and flight deck signals
Division Two : Dispatch and flight release rules
121.07.13 Operational control and supervision of flight operations
121.07.14 Contracted services for an operational control system
121.07.15 Operational flight plan and flight release
121.07.16 Familiarity with weather conditions and technical data
121.07.17 Retention of flight operation documents and reports
121.07.18 Maintenance status
121.07.19 Requirements for minimum equipment lists
121.07.20 Aerodrome operating minima
121.07.21 Minimum flight altitudes
121.07.22 Ditching
121.07.23 Fuel policy
121.07.24 Fuel supply and record keeping
121.07.25 Operation of aircraft in icing conditions
121.07.26 Surface contamination programme
121.07.27 Reduced vertical separation minima - aeroplane monitoring
121.07.28 Inertial navigation systems and inertial reference systems
121.07.29 Mass and balance control
121.07.30 Low visibility operations
121.07.31 Operations with head-up displays or vision systems
121.07.32 Operations with electronic flight bags
Division Three : Cabin Safety
121.07.33 Seat, seat safety belt, harness and child restraint device and carriage of infant
121.07.34 Carriage of persons with a disability
121.07.35 Limitations on carriage of children and passengers with disability
121.07.36 Carriage of persons without documentation, deportees or persons in custody
121.07.37 Carry-on baggage
121.07.38 Hold baggage screening
121.07.39 Securing of passenger, cabin and galley
121.07.40 Passenger services
121.07.41 [Repealed] Seats for cabin safety inspectors
121.07.42 Briefing of passengers
121.07.43 Safety features card
121.07.44 Carriage of supernumeraries
121.07.45 Seating of supernumeraries during flight
Subpart 8 : Aeroplane Performance Operating Limitations
121.08.1 General requirements
121.08.2 Take-off mass limitations
121.08.3 Net take-off flight path
121.08.4 En route limitations with one engine inoperative
121.08.5 En route limitations with two engines inoperative
121.08.6 Dispatch limitations: landing at destinations and alternate aerodromes
121.08.7 Dispatch limitations: wet runway - turbojet- or turbofan-powered aeroplanes
121.08.8 Landing at destination and alternate aerodromes
121.08.9 Landing on dry runways
121.08.10 Landing on wet and contaminated runways
Subpart 9 : Maintenance
121.09.1 General
121.09.2 Aeroplane maintenance programme
121.09.3 Maintenance contracted to approved AMO
121.09.4 Operator's maintenance responsibilities
121.09.5 Operator's maintenance control manual
121.09.6 Maintenance records
121.09.7 Continuing airworthiness information
121.09.8 Modifications and repairs
Subpart 10 : Safety and Quality Management Systems
[Repealed] Division One : Safety management system
121.10.1 [Repealed] Requirement for safety management system
121.10.2 [Repealed] Components of safety management system
121.10.3 [Repealed] Development and approval of safety management manual
121.10.4 [Repealed] Establishment and structure of safety management system
121.10.5 [Repealed] Holder of more than one certificate
121.10.6 [Repealed] Size and complexity
Division Two : Quality management system
121.10.7 Requirement for quality management system
Part 127 : Commercial Helicopter Operations: Passengers Cargo and Mail
Subpart 1 : General
127.01.1 Applicability
127.01.2 Admission to flight deck
127.01.3 Passenger intoxication and unruly behaviour
127.01.4 Compliance with foreign and domestic regulations
127.01.5 Regulatory infractions during emergency situations
127.01.6 Language proficiency
Subpart 2 : Operations Personnel Requirements
Division One : Minimum Crew Requirements
127.02.1 Composition of flight crew
127.02.2 Cabin crew member complement
127.02.3 Senior cabin crew member
127.02.4 Cabin crew emergency evacuation stations
127.02.5 Seating of cabin crew members during flight
127.02.6 Flight and cabin crew member emergency duties
Division Two : Flight Crew Member, Cabin Crew Member and Flight Operations Officer Qualifications
127.02.7 Flight crew member qualifications
127.02.8 Cabin crew member qualifications
127.02.9 Crew members, other than flight and cabin crew members
127.02.10 Flight operations personnel officer or flight follower qualifications
127.02.11 Ground personnel and service providers qualifications
Division Three : Flight Time and Duty Limitations
127.02.12 Flight time and duty periods
Subpart 3 : Training and Checking
Division One : General Provisions
127.03.1 Air service operator approved training programme
127.03.2 Publishing an approved training programme
127.03.3 Approval of a training programme
Division Two : Flight Crew Member Training
127.03.4 Flight crew member training
Division Three : Training of Cabin Crew Members
127.03.5 Initial training
127.03.6 Type and differences training
127.03.7 Operator induction training
127.03.8 Familiarisation flights
127.03.9 Recurrent training
127.03.10 Re-qualification training
Division Four : Training of Other than Flight and Cabin Crew Members
127.03.11 Training of personnel other than flight and cabin crew training
Division Five : Checking, Certification, Training and Validity
127.03.12 Checking, certification, training and validity periods
Subpart 4 : Documentation and Records
127.04.1 Documents to be carried on board a helicopter during flight and retained on the ground
127.04.2 Operations manual
127.04.3 Aircraft operating manual
127.04.4 Operational flight plan
127.04.5 Flight time and duty period records
127.04.6 Records of emergency and survival equipment
127.04.7 Flight crew member training records
127.04.8 Mass and balance sheet
127.04.9 Fuel records
127.04.10 Helicopter search procedure checklist
127.04.11 Preservation of documents
Subpart 5 : Helicopter Instruments and Equipment
127.05.1 Approval and use of instruments and equipment
127.05.2 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for helicopters operated under VFR
127.05.3 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for helicopters operated under IFR
127.05.4 Airborne weather radar equipment
127.05.5 Cockpit crew interphone system
127.05.6 Crew interphone system
127.05.7 Public address system
127.05.8 Life jackets and other floating devices
127.05.9 Survival suits
127.05.10 Emergency locator transmitters
127.05.11 Cabin attendant seats
127.05.12 Microphones
127.05.13 Passenger cabin signs and placards
127.05.14 Flight recorders
127.05.15 First-aid and universal precaution kits
Subpart 6 : Operating Certificate
127.06.1 Requirement to hold an air operator certificate
127.06.2 Application for the issuance or amendment of an air operator certificate and operations specifications
127.06.3 Adjudication of and issuance of an air operator certificate or operations specifications
127.06.4 Period of validity and status of an air operator certificate
127.06.5 Safety and security inspections and audits
127.06.7 Register of air operating certificates
127.06.8 Demonstration flights
Subpart 7 : Flight Operations
Division One : General
127.07.1 Routes and areas of operation and aerodrome facilities
127.07.2 Establishment of procedures
127.07.3 Hazardous flight conditions and unlawful interference
127.07.4 Competence of operations personnel
127.07.5 Use of air traffic services
127.07.6 Minimum flight altitudes
127.07.7 Aerodrome operating minima
127.07.8 Offshore operations
127.07.9 Refuelling and defueling with passengers on board
127.07.10 Fuel policy
127.07.11 IMC or night flight without a second-in-command
127.07.12 Instrument approach and departure procedures
127.07.13 Noise abatement procedures
127.07.14 Operation of helicopter in icing conditions
127.07.15 Surface contamination programme
127.07.16 Mass and balance control
127.07.17 Inertial navigation systems and inertial reference systems
127.07.18 Operations with head-up displays, vision systems or night vision goggles
127.07.19 Operations with electronic flight bags
127.07.20 Single-engine helicopter IMC and night operations
Division Two : Operational Control
127.07.21 Operational control and supervision of flight operations
127.07.22 Contracted services for operational control system
127.07.23 Operational flight plans
127.07.24 Familiarity with weather conditions and technical data
127.07.25 Retention of flight operations documents and reports
127.07.26 Maintenance status
127.07.27 Incidents and defects
127.07.28 Minimum equipment list
Division Three : Cabin Safety
127.07.29 Seat, seat safety belt, harness and child restraint device and carriage of an infant
127.07.30 Carriage of persons with a disability
127.07.31 Limitations on carriage of infants, children and passengers with disability
127.07.32 Carriage of inadmissible passengers, deportees or persons in custody
127.07.33 Carry-on baggage
127.07.34 Securing of passenger cabin and galley
127.07.35 Passenger services
127.07.36 Briefing of passengers
127.07.37 Safety features card
Subpart 8 : Helicopter Performance Operating Limitations
Division One : General
127.08.1 Classification
127.08.2 General provisions for all classes of helicopters
Division Two : Class 1 Helicopter
127.08.3 Take-off
127.08.4 En route with one or more engines inoperative
127.08.5 Approach and landing
Division Three : Class 2 Helicopter
127.08.6 General
127.08.7 Take-off
127.08.8 En route with one or more engines inoperative
127.08.9 Landing
Division Four : Class 3 Helicopter
127.08.10 General
127.08.11 Take-off
127.08.12 En route
127.08.13 Landing
Subpart 9 : Maintenance
127.09.1 General
127.09.2 Helicopter maintenance programme
127.09.3 Maintenance contracted to approved maintenance organisation
127.09.4 Operator's maintenance responsibilities
127.09.5 Operator's maintenance control manual
127.09.6 Maintenance records
127.09.7 Continuing airworthiness information
127.09.8 Modifications and repairs
127.09.9 Maintenance release
127.09.10 Records
Part 128 : Helicopter Aerial Work and Certain Other Air Service Operations
Subpart 1 : General
128.01.01 Applicability
128.01.02 Intoxication and unruly behaviour
128.01.03 Compliance with foreign and domestic regulations
128.01.04 Regulatory infractions during emergency situations
Subpart 2 : Operations Personnel Requirements
Division One : Minimum Crew Requirements
128.02.1 Composition of crew
128.02.2 Crew member emergency duties
Division Two : Flight Crew Member Qualifications
128.02.3 Flight crew member qualifications
128.02.4 Crew members, other than flight crew members
Division Three : Flight Time and Duty Limitations
128.02.5 Flight time and duty periods
Subpart 3 : Training and Checking
Division One : General Provisions
128.03.1 Operator approved training programme
128.03.2 Publishing an approved training programme
128.03.3 Approval of a training programme
Division Two : Flight Crew Member Training
128.03.4 Flight crew member training
Division Three : Training of Other Than Flight Crew Members
128.03.5 Personnel other than flight crew training
Division Four : Checking, Certification, Training and Validity
128.03.6 Checking, certification, training and validity periods
Subpart 4 : Documentation and Records
128.04.1 Documents to be carried on board a helicopter during flight
128.04.2 Operations manual
128.04.3 Aircraft operating manual
128.04.4 Flight time and duty period records
128.04.5 Records of emergency and survival equipment
128.04.6 Training records
128.04.7 Fuel records
128.04.8 Helicopter search procedure checklist
128.04.9 Preservation of documents
Subpart 5 : Helicopter Instruments and Equipment
128.05.1 Approval and use of instruments and equipment
128.05.2 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for helicopters operated under VFR
128.05.3 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for helicopters operated under IFR
128.05.4 Flight crew interphone system
128.05.5 Crew interphone system
128.05.6 Life jackets, flotation gear and survival equipment
128.05.7 Survival suits
128.05.8 Emergency locator transmitters
128.05.9 Microphones
128.05.10 Cabin signs and placards
128.05.11 Flight recorders
128.05.12 First-aid kits
Subpart 6 : Operating Certificate
128.06.1 Requirement to hold an air operator certificate
128.06.2 Application for the issuance or amendment of an air operator certificate or operations specifications
128.06.3 Adjudication of, and issuance of, an air operator certificate or operations specifications
128.06.4 Period of validity and status of an air operator operating certificate
128.06.5 Safety and security inspections and audits
128.06.6 Suspension and cancellation of air operator certificate and appeal
128.06.7 Administrative duties of an air operator certificate holder
128.06.8 Register of air operating certificates
Subpart 7 : Flight Operations
Division One : General
128.07.1 Areas of operation and aerodrome facilities
128.07.2 Establishment of procedures
128.07.3 Hazardous flight conditions and unlawful interference
128.07.4 Competence of operations personnel
128.07.5 Use of air traffic services
128.07.6 Minimum flight altitudes
128.07.7 Refuelling and defuelling with persons on board
128.07.8 Fuel policy
128.07.9 Night flight without a second-in-command
128.07.10 Instrument approach and departure procedures
128.07.11 Noise abatement procedures
128.07.12 Operation of helicopter in icing conditions
128.07.13 Surface contamination programme
128.07.14 Mass and balance control
128.07.15 Operations with head-up displays, vision systems or night vision goggles
128.07.16 Operations with electronic flight bags
128.07.17 Flights under IMC prohibited
Division Two : Operational Control
128.07.18 Operational flight plans
128.07.19 Retention of flight operations documents and reports
128.07.20 Maintenance status
128.07.21 Incidents and defects
128.07.22 Minimum equipment list
128.07.23 Securing of cabin area
128.07.24 Briefing of persons on board
128.07.25 Safety features card
Subpart 8 : Helicopter Performance Operating Limitations
Division One : General
128.08.1 Classification
128.08.2 General provisions for all classes of helicopters
Division Two : Class 1 Helicopter
128.08.3 Take-off
128.08.4 En route with one or more engines inoperative
128.08.5 Approach and landing
Division Three : Class 2 Helicopter
128.08.6 General
128.08.7 Take-off
128.08.8 En route with one or more engines inoperative
128.08.9 Landing
Division Four : Class 3 Helicopter
128.08.10 General
128.08.11 Take-off
128.08.12 En route
128.08.13 Landing
Subpart 9 : Maintenance
128.09.1 General
128.09.2 Helicopter maintenance programme
128.09.3 Maintenance contracted to approved aircraft maintenance organisation
128.09.4 Operator's maintenance responsibilities
128.09.5 Operator's maintenance control manual
128.09.6 Maintenance records
128.09.7 Continuing airworthiness information
128.09.8 Modifications and repairs
128.09.9 Maintenance release
128.09.10 Records
Part 129 : Foreign Air Operations
Subpart 1 : General
129.01.1 Applicability
129.01.2 Requirements for scheduled foreign air operations
129.01.3 Age restriction of pilots
129.01.4 Language proficiency
129.01.5 Compliance with regulations
129.01.6 Damage to foreign aircraft
Subpart 2 : Foreign Air Operator Operating Requirements
129.02.1 Compliance and safety and security standards
129.02.2 Surveillance of foreign operator
Subpart 3 : Documentation and Records
129.03.1 Documents to be carried on board
Subpart 4 : Security and Carriage of Cargo and Dangerous Goods
129.04.1 Requirements for carriage of cargo by air
129.04.2 Issuing of safety or security directives
129.04.3 Carriage of dangerous goods
Part 133 : Helicopter External-Load Operations
Subpart 1 : General
133.01.1 Applicability
133.01.2 Requirements for commercial external-load operations
Subpart 2 : Operating Rules and Related Requirements
133.02.1 Operating rules
133.02.2 Carriage of persons
133.02.3 Flight crew member training, currency and testing requirements
Subpart 3 : Airworthiness Requirements
133.03.1 Flight characteristics requirements
133.03.2 Structures and design
133.03.3 Operating limitations
133.03.4 Helicopter-load combination flight manual
133.03.5 Markings and placards
133.03.6 Equipment
Part 135 : Air Transport Operations - Carriage of less than 20 passengers or cargo
Subpart 1 : General
135.01.1 Applicability
135.01.2 Admission to flight deck
135.01.3 Passenger intoxication and unruly behaviour
135.01.4 Compliance with foreign and domestic regulations
135.01.5 Language proficiency - other languages
135.01.6 Regulatory infractions during emergency situations
Subpart 2 : Operations Personnel Requirements
Division One : Flight crew requirements
135.02.1 Composition of flight crew
135.02.2 Minimum requirements for assignment as PIC
135.02.3 Flight crew member emergency duties
135.02.4 Area, route and aerodrome qualifications
135.02.5 Flight crew member qualifications
Division Two : Other than flight crew requirements
135.02.6 Requirement for flight followers
135.02.7 Flight follower qualifications
135.02.8 Ground personnel qualifications
Division Three : Flight time and duty limitations
135.02.9 Flight time and duty period scheme
135.02.10 Fatigue risk management system
135.02.11 Approval of a fatigue risk management system
135.02.12 Fatigue risk management system manual
135.02.13 Cabin crew emergency evacuation stations
135.02.14 Seating of cabin crew members during flight
Subpart 3 : Training and Checking
135.03.1 Air service operator approved training programme
135.03.2 Approval of training programme
135.03.3 Flight crew member training
135.03.4 Employee and service agent training
135.03.5 Checking of flight crew members
135.03.6 Training and pilot proficiency or competency check validity periods
135.03.7 Six-monthly proficiency checks/Initial type rating
Subpart 4 : Documentation and Records
135.04.1 Documentary requirements
135.04.2 Operations manual
135.04.3 Standard operating procedures
135.04.4 Aeroplane flight manual
135.04.5 Operational flight plan
135.04.6 Flight time and duty period records
135.04.7 Records of emergency and survival equipment
135.04.8 Training records
135.04.9 Load and trim sheet
135.04.10 Aeroplane search procedure checklist
135.04.11 Preservation of documents
135.04.12 ATS flight planning for a series of flights
Subpart 5 : Aeroplane Instruments and Equipment
135.05.1 General
135.05.2 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for aeroplanes operated under VFR
135.05.3 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for aeroplanes operated under IFR or at night
135.05.4 Altitude alerting system
135.05.5 Terrain awareness and warning system
135.05.6 Airborne weather radar equipment
135.05.7 Windshield wipers
135.05.8 Airborne collision avoidance system
135.05.9 Flight recorders
135.05.10 Flight data recorders
135.05.11 Cockpit voice recorders
135.05.12 Flight recorders utilising data link technology
135.05.13 Lifesaving equipment during flight over open water
135.05.14 Equipment requirements for aeroplanes on long range over-water flights
135.05.15 Equipment requirements for seaplanes
135.05.16 Emergency locator transmitter
135.05.17 Microphones
135.05.18 First aid kit
Subpart 6 : Air Operator Certificate
135.06.1 Requirements to hold AOC
135.06.2 Application for issuance or amendment of AOC and operations specifications
135.06.3 Application, adjudication of and issuance of AOC or operations specifications
135.06.4 Validity and status of AOC
135.06.5 Safety and security inspections and audits
135.06.6 Administrative duties of an AOC holder
135.06.7 Register of AOCs
135.06.8 Operator notification
135.06.9 Demonstration flights
Subpart 7 : Flight Operations
Division One : General
135.07.1 Routes and areas of operations and aerodrome facilities
135.07.2 Establishment of procedures
135.07.3 Competence of operations personnel
135.07.4 Use of air traffic services
135.07.5 Single-engine aeroplane IMC and night operations
135.07.6 Defect reporting
135.07.7 Instrument approach and departure procedures
135.07.7A Environmental protection
135.07.8 IFR or night flight without second-in-command
135.07.9 Report of hazardous flight conditions
135.07.10 Refuelling and defuelling with passengers on board
135.07.11 Reporting acts of unlawful interference
135.07.12 In-flight simulation of emergencies
135.07.12A Security of the flight crew compartment
Division Two : Dispatch and flight release rules
135.07.13 Operational control and supervision of flight operations
135.07.14 Services for operational control system
135.07.15 Familiarity with technical information
135.07.16 Retention of flight operations documents and reports
135.07.17 Maintenance status
135.07.18 Minimum equipment list
135.07.19 Aerodrome operating minima
135.07.20 Minimum flight altitudes
135.07.21 In-flight operational changes to a flight plan
135.07.22 Fuel policy
135.07.23 Fuel and oil supply and record keeping
135.07.24 Operation of aircraft in icing conditions
135.07.25 Surface contamination programme
135.07.26 Mass and balance control
135.07.27 Inertial navigation and inertial reference systems
135.07.28 Low visibility operations
135.07.29 Operations with head-up displays or vision systems
135.07.30 Operations with electronic flight bags
135.07.31 RVSM
Division Three : Cabin safety
135.07.32 Carry-on baggage
135.07.33 Hold baggage screening
135.07.34 Securing of passenger cabin and galley
135.07.35 Passenger services
135.07.36 Briefing of passengers
135.07.37 Safety features card
135.07.38 Seats, seat safety belts, harnesses and child restraint devices and carriage of infants
135.07.39 Portable electronic devices
Subpart 8 : Aeroplane Performance Operating Limitations
135.08.1 General requirements
135.08.2 Take-off mass limitations
135.08.3 Net take-off flight path
135.08.4 En route limitations with single-engine aeroplanes
135.08.5 En route limitations with one engine inoperative
135.08.6 En route limitations with more than one engine inoperative
135.08.7 Dispatch limitations: landing at destination and alternate aerodromes
135.08.8 Dispatch limitations: wet runway - turbojet- or turbofan-powered aeroplanes
Subpart 9 : Maintenance Control
135.09.1 General
135.09.2 Aeroplane maintenance programme
135.09.3 Maintenance contracted to approved AMO
135.09.4 Operator's maintenance responsibilities
135.09.5 Operator's maintenance control manual
135.09.6 Maintenance records
135.09.7 Continuing airworthiness information
135.09.8 Modifications and repairs
Subpart 10 : Safety Management and Quality Systems
[Repealed] Division One : Safety management system
135.10.1 [Repealed] Requirement for safety management system
135.10.2 [Repealed] Components of safety management system
135.10.3 [Repealed] Development and approval of safety management manual
135.10.4 [Repealed] Establishment and structure of safety management system
135.10.5 [Repealed] Holder of more than one certificate
135.10.6 [Repealed] Size and complexity
Division Two : Quality management system
135.10.7 Requirements for quality management system
Part 136 : Air Transport Operations - Commercial Operation of Free Balloons
Subpart 1 : General
136.01.1 Applicability
136.01.2 Intoxication
136.01.3 Dry lease-in of free balloons
136.01.4 Wet lease-in of free balloons
136.01.5 Dry lease-out of free balloons
136.01.6 Wet lease-out of free balloons
136.01.7 Leasing of free balloons between two South African Operators
136.01.8 Sub-charters
136.01.9 [Deleted] Preservation of documents
Subpart 2 : Flight Crew
136.02.1 Composition of flight crew
136.02.2 Flight crew member emergency duties
136.02.3 Flight time and duty periods
Subpart 3 : Training and checking
136.03.1 Training of flight crew members
136.03.2 Initial training of flight crew members
136.03.3 Recurrent training and checking
136.03.4 Conversion training
136.03.5 Training of ground support crew members
Subpart 4 : Documentation and Records
136.04.1 Documents to be retained
136.04.2 Operations manual
136.04.3 Balloon manufacturer's flight manual
136.04.4 Flight time and duty period records
136.04.5 Records of emergency and equipment
136.04.6 Flight crew member training records
136.04.7 Load sheet
136.04.8 Preservation of documents
Subpart 5 : Instruments and Equipment
136.05.1 Approval of instruments and equipment
136.05.2 Flight, navigation and associated equipment for balloon operated under VFR
Subpart 6 : Operating Certificate
136.06.1 Operating certificate
136.06.2 Application for operating certificate
136.06.3 Adjudication of application for operating certificate
136.06.4 Period of validity of operating certificate
136.06.5 Safety inspections and audits
136.06.6 Duties of holder of operating certificate
136.06.7 Register of operating certificates
Subpart 7 : Flight Operations
136.07.1 Establishment of procedures
136.07.2 Operational control and supervision
136.07.3 Competence of operations personnel
136.07.4 Use of air traffic services
136.07.5 Smoking in, or in the vicinity of a balloon
136.07.6 Fuel policy
136.07.7 Fuel supply
136.07.8 Carriage of children
136.07.9 Carriage of passengers with disability
136.07.10 Limitations on carriage of infants, children and passengers with disability
136.07.11 Passenger services
136.07.12 Incidents and defects
36.07.13 Briefing of passengers
Subpart 8 : Balloon Performance Operating Limitations
136.08.1 General
136.08.2 General provisions for all classes of balloons
136.08.3 Take-off
Subpart 9 : Maintenance
136.09.1 General
136.09.2 Balloon maintenance schedule
136.09.3 Maintenance contracted to approved maintenance organisation
Part 137 : Aerial Work Operations
Subpart 1 : General Provisions
137.01.1 Applicability
137.01.2 Requirements for ratings of flight crew and competency of operations personnel
137.01.3 Requirements for commercial agricultural and commercial fire-fighting operations
137.01.4 Aircraft equipment
137.01.5 Communication systems
Subpart 2 : Flight Rules
137.02.1 Dispensing agricultural or firefighting chemicals
137.02.2 Direction of turns at aerodrome
137.02.3 Heights of turns at aerodromes
137.02.4 Operation without position lights
137.02.5 Operation over populous areas
137.02.6 Operation over non-populous area
137.02.7 Fuel reserves
Subpart 3 : Special Flight Rules
137.03.1 General
137.03.2 Maximum certificated mass
137.03.3 Take-off distance and flight path
137.03.4 Take-off flight path
Subpart 4 : Commercial Operations
137.04.1 Records
137.04.2 Remote bass operations
137.04.3 Commercial agricultural operations over populous areas
137.04.5 Operations manual
Subpart 5 : Training
137.05.1 Training of flight crew and operations personnel
137.05.2 Training records
Subpart 6 : Maintenance
137.06.1 Aircraft maintenance
Part 138 : Air Ambulance Operations
Subpart 1 : General
138.01.1 Applicability
138.01.2 Requirements for commercial air ambulance operations
Subpart 2 : Flight Crew
138.02.1 Pilot qualifications
138.02.2 Medical qualifications
Subpart 3 : Training
138.03.1 Training of flight crew, medical personnel and operations personnel
Subpart 4 : Management
138.04.1 Quality assurance system
138.04.2 Manual of procedure
138.04.3 Training records
138.04.4 Presumption
Subpart 5 : Instruments and Equipment
138.05.1 Aircraft configuration
138.05.2 Lighting and electrical equipment
138.05.3 Communication systems
138.05.4 Patient restraints, stretchers and incubators
138.05.5 Medical equipment
138.05.6 Oxygen and other gas cylinders
138.05.7 Intravenous fluids
Subpart 6 : Flight Operations
138.06.1 Control of operations
138.06.2 Dispatching base
138.06.3 Landings
138.06.4 Loading and unloading
138.06.5 Night flying
Subpart 7 : Other Operations
138.07.1 Infection control and fluid contamination
Subpart 8 : Maintenance
138.08.1 Aircraft maintenance
Part 139 : Aerodromes and Heliports
Subpart 1 : General
139.01.1 Applicability
139.01.2 Use of military aerodromes and heliports
139.01.3 Restrictions
139.01.4 Publication of restrictions and deviations
139.01.5 Flights by night
139.01.6 Register of licences
139.01.7 Safety and security inspections and audits
139.01.8 Storage of flammable goods
139.01.9 Safety measures against fire
139.01.10 Lights which endanger the safety of aircraft
139.01.11 Use of runways or taxiways and landing at or taking off from aerodrome
139.01.12 Points of entry to or exit from restricted area
139.01.13 Movement of aircraft or vehicles in restricted area on direction of aerodrome operator
139.01.14 Access to apron
139.01.15 Points of access to or egress from apron
139.01.16 Movement of aircraft or vehicles on apron
139.01.17 Parking of aircraft on apron
139.01.18 Movement of aircraft on apron on direction of aerodrome operator
139.01.19 Movement of vehicles on apron on direction of aerodrome operator
139.01.20 Securing of parked aircraft
139.01.21 Embarkation or disembarkation of persons in or from aircraft
139.01.22 Loading or unloading cargo in or from aircraft
139.01.23 Supply of fuel to aircraft
139.01.24 Boarding or tampering with aircraft
139.01.25 Test-running of aircraft engines
139.01.26 Regulation of vehicular or other traffic on a licensed aerodrome or heliport
139.01.27 Entering or leaving aerodrome or heliport
139.01.28 Animals in restricted area of aerodrome or heliport
139.01.29 Acts prohibited on aerodrome, heliport or in terminal building
139.01.30 Obstacle limitation and marking outside aerodrome or heliport
139.01.31 Lead in lights
139.01.32 Surface movement guidance and control system
Subpart 2 : Licensing and Operation of Aerodromes
139.02.1 Requirements for licence
139.02.2 Application for licence or amendment thereof
139.02.3 Processing of application for licence or amendment thereof
139.02.4 Adjudication of application for licence or amendment thereof
139.02.5 Issuing of licence
139.02.6 Period of validity
139.02.7 Non-transferability
139.02.8 Renewal of licence
139.02.9 Licence of intent
139.02.10 Aerodrome design requirements
139.02.11 Aerodrome manual
139.02.12 Quality assurance system
139.02.13 Personnel requirements
139.02.14 Establishment of aerodrome emergency management system
139.02.15 Aerodrome rescue and firefighting
139.02.16 Aerodrome rescue and firefighting training facility
139.02.17 Aerodrome rescue and firefighting personnel training standards
139.02.18 Aerodrome rescue and firefighting deviations
139.02.19 Establishment of aerodrome environment management programme
139.02.20 Maintenance of aerodrome environment management programme
139.02.21 Notification of aerodrome data and information
139.02.22 Changes in quality assurance system
139.02.23 General duties of holder of licence
139.02.24 Works on aerodrome
139.02.25 Maintenance of aerodrome emergency management system
139.02.27 Demarcation of restricted area
139.02.26 Aerodrome inspection programme
139.02.28 Control of entry into restricted area
139.02.29 Demarcation of routes on apron
139.02.30 Safety measures against fire
139.02.31 Access of ground vehicles to aerodrome movement area
139.02.32 Protection of navigation aids
139.02.33 Aerodrome abandoned or not maintained
139.02.34 Approval of airside driving training
139.02.35 Airside vehicle driving training standards
139.02.36 Airport Design and Master Plan
Subpart 3 : Licensing and Operation of Heliports
139.03.1 Requirements for a licence
139.03.2 Heliport design requirements
139.03.3 Operations manual
139.03.4 Quality assurance system
139.03.5 Personnel requirements
139.03.6 Establishment of heliport emergency management system
139.03.7 Heliport rescue and fire fighting
139.03.8 Establishment of heliport environmental management programme
139.03.9 Notification of heliport data and information
139.03.10 Application for licence or amendment thereof
139.03.11 Processing of application for licence or amendment thereof
139.03.12 Adjudication of application for licence or amendment thereof
139.03.13 Issuing of licence
139.03.14 Period of validity
139.03.15 Transferability
139.03.16 Changes in quality assurance system
139.03.17 Renewal of licence
[Deleted] 139.03.18 Licence of intent
139.03.19 General duties of holder of licence
139.03.20 Works on heliport
139.03.21 Maintenance of heliport emergency management system
139.03.22 Maintenance of heliport environment management programme
139.03.23 Heliport inspection programme
139.03.24 Demarcation of restricted area
139.03.25 Control of entry into restricted area
139.03.26 Safety measures against fire
139.03.27 Access of ground vehicles to heliport movement area
139.03.28 Protection of navigation aids
139.03.29 Heliport abandoned or not maintained
Subpart 4 : Approval and Operation of Helistops
139.04.1 Requirements for issuing of helistop approval
139.04.2 Helistop design standards
139.04.3 Standard operating procedures
139.04.4 Notification of helistop data and information
139.04.5 Application for approval or amendment thereof
139.04.6 Processing of application for approval
139.04.7 Adjudication of application for approval or amendment thereof
139.04.8 Issuing of approval
139.04.9 Period of validity
139.04.10 Transferability
139.04.11 General duties of holder of helistop approval
139.04.12 Helistop abandoned or closed
139.04.13 Fire fighting
Subpart 5 : Approved Aerodromes
139.05.1 Applicability
139.05.2 Requirements for approved aerodrome
139.05.3 Issuance of aerodrome approval
139.05.4 Types of aerodromes
139.05.5 Non-transferability
Subpart 6 : Registration and Operation of Unlicenced Aerodromes
139.06.1 Applicability
139.06.2 Requirements and conditions for registration of aerodromes
139.06.3 Registration and de-registration of aerodrome
139.06.4 Register of aerodromes
Subpart 7 : Aerodrome Survey
139.07.1 Applicability
139.07.2 Requirements for person to conduct survey
139.07.3 Aerodrome Survey Classifications
139.07.4 Standard of accuracy, resolution, and integrity considerations for survey points
139.07.5 Survey Package
Part 140 : Safety Management System
Subpart 1 : Safety Management System
140.01.1 Applicability
140.01.2 Establishment of SMS
140.01.3 Requirements of SMS
140.01.4 Training requirement
140.01.5 In-house Training
Subpart 2 : Safety Data and Safety Data Collection, Analysis, Protection, Sharing and Exchange
140.02.1 Safety data collection and processing systems
140.02.2 Mandatory occurrence reporting
140.02.3 Safety data and safety information analysis
140.02.4 Safety data and safety information analyses
140.02.5 Safety information sharing and exchange
Part 141 : Aviation Training Organisations
Subpart 1 : General
141.01.1 Applicability
141.01.2 Certification of ATO
141.01.3 Duties of ATO
141.01.4 ATO certificate and Ops Specs
141.01.5 Advertising
141.01.6 Application for initial ATO certificate
141.01.7 Period of validity of ATO certificate
141.01.8 Safety inspections and audits
141.01.9 Amendment of ATO certificate
141.01.10 Location of ATO
141.01.11 Satellite ATO
141.01.12 ATO off-base training
141.01.13 Third-Party training
141.01.14 Approval of foreign ATO
141.01.15 Facilities, equipment and material
141.01.16 Personnel requirements
141.01.17 Record keeping
141.01.18 Quality assurance and quality system
141.01.19 ATO training and procedures manual
141.01.20 Duty period limitations
141.01.21 Approval of training courses where syllabus is not provided
141.01.22 Graduation certificate
141.01.23 Evaluation and checking
141.01.24 Voluntary closure of ATO
141.01.25 Competency-based training and assessment
Subpart 2 : Additional Training requirements for Flight Crew Licences
141.02.1 General
141.02.2 Approval of curriculum for flight crew training
141.02.3 Approval of training course
141.02.4 Personnel
Subpart 3 : Training Facilities, Aircraft, FSTDS, Aerodromes and sites required for Flight Crew Training
141.03.1 Requirements for aircraft
141.03.2 Addition of aircraft in more than one ATO
141.03.3 FSTD
141.03.4 Aerodromes and sites
Subpart 4 : Additional Specific Operating Rules for Flight Crew Training
141.04.1 Training and procedures manual
141.04.2 Record keeping for flight crew training
141.04.3 Transfer of credit between ATO conducting flight crew training
Subpart 5 : Additional requirements for Maintenance Training
141.05.1 General
141.05.2 Approval of curriculum for maintenance training courses
141.05.3 Approval of training course
141.05.4 Personnel
141.05.5 Facilities required for maintenance training
141.05.6 Training and procedures manual
141.05.7 Record keeping for maintenance personnel training
141.05.8 Transfer of credit between ATOs conducting maintenance training
Subpart 6 : Additional Requirements for an ATO conducting Cabin Crew Training
141.06.1 General
141.06.2 Approval of curriculum for cabin crew training
141.06.3 Approval of training course
141.06.4 Personnel
141.06.5 Facilities
141.06.6 Training and procedures manual
141.06.7 Record keeping for cabin safety training
141.06.8 Transfer of credit between ATOs conducting cabin crew training
141.06.9 Student to instructor ratio
141.06.10 Student to examiner ratio
Subpart 7 : e-Learning
141.07.1 Requirements relating to training
Subpart 8 : Declared Training Organisation
141.08.1 Applicability
141.08.2 Approval of DTO
141.08.3 DTO certificate and OpSpec
141.08.4 Advertising
141.08.5 Application for initial DTO certificate
141.08.6 Issuance of DTO certificate
141.08.7 Period of validity and renewal of DTO certificate
141.08.8 Surveillance
141.08.9 Amendment of DTO certificate
141.08.10 Location of DTO
141.08.11 Facilities, Equipment, Material, Aerodromes and Operating Sites
141.08.12 Personnel Requirements
141.08.13 DTO training programme and syllabi
141.08.14 Safety Policy and Quality Assurance
141.08.15 Record keeping
141.08.16 Graduation certificate
141.08.17 Evaluation and Checking
141.08.18 Voluntary Closure of DTO
141.08.19 Competency-based Training and Assessment
Part 145 : Aircraft Maintenance Organisations
Subpart 1 : General
145.01.1 Applicability
145.01.2 Requirement for approval
145.01.3 Display of AMO approval
145.01.4 Advertisements
145.01.5 Safety inspections and audits
145.01.6 Categories of ratings
145.01.7 Privileges of approved AMO
145.01.8 Limitations on approved AMO
145.01.9 Register of approvals
145.01.10 Designation of airworthiness representatives
145.01.11 Training and checking
Subpart 2 : Approval of Aircraft Maintenance Organisation
145.02.1 Manual of procedure
145.02.2 Quality assurance system
145.02.3 Accommodation and facilities
145.02.4 Personnel requirements
145.02.5 Equipment, tools and material
145.02.6 Application for approval or amendment thereof
145.02.7 Issuing of approval
145.2.7A Capability list
145.02.8 Privileges
145.02.9 Period of validity
145.02.9A Extension of an approval
145.02.10 Transferability
145.02.11 Renewal of approval
145.02.12 Changes in quality system
145.02.13 Duties of holder of approval
145.02.14 Record of certifying personnel
145.02.15 Maintenance records
145.02.16 Reports on defects or non-airworthy conditions
145.02.17 Airworthiness data
145.02.18 Drug and substance abuse management plan
Subpart 3 : Approval of Foreign AMO
145.03.1 Applicability
145.03.2 Issuance of approval
145.03.3 Safety inspections and audits
Part 147 : Design Organisations for Products, Parts and Appliances
Subpart 1 : General
147.01.1 Applicability
147.01.2 Display of design organisation approval
147.01.3 Advertisements
147.01.4 Safety inspections and audits
147.01.5 Register of approvals
Subpart 2 : Approval of Design Organisation
147.02.1 Requirement for approval
147.02.2 Manual of procedure
147.02.3 Design control system
147.02.4 Personnel requirements
147.02.5 Accommodation, facilities and equipment
147.02.6 Application for approval or amendment thereof
147.02.7 Issuing of approval
147.02.8 Terms of approval
147.02.9 Privileges
147.02.10 Period of validity
147.02.11 Transferability
147.02.12 Changes in design control system
147.02.13 Changes in terms of approval
147.02.14 Duties of holder of approval
147.02.15 Renewal of approval
Part 148 : Manufacturing Organisations
Subpart 1 : General
148.01.1 Applicability
148.01.2 Eligibility
148.01.3 Display of manufacturing organisation approval
148.01.4 Advertisements
148.01.5 Safety inspections and audits
148.01.6 Ratings
148.01.7 Register of approvals
Subpart 2 : Approval of Manufacturing Organisation
148.02.1 Approval requirements
148.02.2 Application
148.02.3 Issuing of approval
148.02.4 Quality system
148.02.5 Manual of procedure
148.02.6 Changes to the Organisation
148.02.7 Changes in location
148.02.8 Transferability
148.02.9 Terms of approval
148.02.10 Changes to the terms of approval
148.02.11 Period of validity
148.02.12 Privileges
148.02.13 Duties of approval holders
148.02.14 Renewal of approval
Part 149 : Aviation Recreation Organisations
Subpart 1 : General
149.01.1 Applicability
149.01.2 Designation of body or institution
149.01.3 Display of aviation recreation organisation approval
149.01.4 Advertisements
149.01.5 Safety inspections and audits
149.01.6 Register of approvals
Subpart 2 : Approval of Aviation Recreation Organisation
149.02.1 Requirement for approval
149.02.2 Manual of procedure
149.02.3 Quality assurance system
149.02.4 Personnel requirements
149.02.5 Resource requirements
149.02.6 Application for approval or amendment thereof
149.02.7 Issuing of approval
149.02.8 Scope of approval
149.02.9 Period of validity
149.02.10 Transferability
149.02.11 Changes in quality assurance system
149.02.12 Renewal of approval
149.02.13 Duties of holder of approval
149.02.14 Technical and regulatory data
149.02.15 Records
149.02.16 Operational and maintenance procedures
Part 171 : Aeronautical Telecommunication Service Providers (Electronic Services Organisations)
Subpart 1 : General
171.01.1 Applicability
171.01.2 Requirement for approval
171.01.3 Display of electronic services organisation approval
171.01.4 Advertisements
171.01.5 Safety inspections and audits
171.01.6 Categories of ratings
171.01.7 Privileges of approved electronic services organisation
171.01.8 Limitations on approved electronic services organisation
171.01.9 Register of approvals
Subpart 2 : Approval of Electronic Services Organisation
171.02.1 Manual of procedure
171.02.2 Quality assurance system
171.02.3 Accommodation and facilities
171.02.4 Personnel requirements
171.02.5 Equipment, tools and material
171.02.6 Application for approval or amendment thereof
171.02.7 Issuing of approval
171.02.8 Privileges
171.02.9 Period of validity
171.02.10 Transferability
171.02.11 Renewal of approval
171.02.12 Changes in quality assurance system
171.02.13 Duties of holder of approval
171.02.14 Record of authorised personnel
171.02.15 Services records
171.02.16 Equipment specification
Subpart 3 : Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Meteorological Equipment
171.03.1 Radio site approval
171.03.2 Frequencies, identification codes and call signs
171.03.3 Protection of radio sites
171.03.4 Interference
171.03.5 Information provided by an aeronautical facility
171.03.6 Test transmissions
171.03.7 Specifications regarding navigation aids
171.03.8 Specifications regarding communication procedures
171.03.9 Specifications data and voice communication systems
171.03.10 Specifications regarding surveillance and collision avoidance systems
171.03.11 Specifications regarding radio frequency spectrum utilisation
[Deleted] 171.03.12 Specifications regarding meteorological equipment
171.03.13 Flight inspection of navigation equipment
171.03.14 Station (site) logs
Part 172 : Airspace and Air Traffic Services
Subpart 1 : General
172.01.1 Applicability
172.01.2 Providing of an ATS at own initiative
172.01.3 Allocation of air traffic services
172.01.4 Requirement for ATSU approval
172.01.5 Display of ATSU approval
172.01.6 Safety inspections and audits
172.01.7 Register of approvals
172.01.8 Substitute ATS provider
Subpart 2 : Designation and Classification of Airspace
172.02.1 Designation of airspace
172.02.2 Classification of airspace and level of service provision
172.02.3 Designation of control areas
172.02.4 Designation of flight information regions
172.02.5 Designation of advisory areas
172.02.6 Designation of Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas
Subpart 3 : Approval of Air Traffic Service Unit
172.03.1 Manual of procedure
172.03.2 Quality assurance system
172.03.3 Personnel requirements
172.03.4 Facility requirements
172.03.5 Application for approval, amendment, change or termination of service
172.03.6 Issuing of approval
172.03.7 Scope of approval
172.03.8 Period of validity
172.03.9 Renewal of approval
172.03.10 Transferability
172.03.11 Changes in quality assurance system
172.03.12 Duties of holder of approval
172.03.13 Station standing instructions manual
172.03.14 Documentation
172.03.15 Internal inspection
172.03.16 Air traffic control clearances
172.03.17 Responsibility for control
172.03.18 Transfer of responsibility for control
172.03.19 Reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents
172.03.20 Reporting of aeronautical information
172.03.21 Air traffic controller scheme
172.03.22 FRMS
172.03.23 Approval of FRMS
172.03.24 FRMS manual
Subpart 4 : GNSS ATS Provisions
172.04.1 GNSS ATS requirements
Part 173 : Flight Procedure Design
Subpart 1 : General
173.01.1 Applicability
173.01.2 Requirement for approval
173.01.3 Display of flight procedure design approval
73.01.4 Safety inspections and audits
173.01.5 Ratings
173.01.6 Register of approvals
173.01.7 Training and checking
173.01.8 Quality assurance system
173.01.9 Facilities and equipment
173.01.10 Application for approval or amendment of flight procedure design approval
173.01.11 Issuing of a flight procedure design approval
173.01.12 Period of validity of a flight procedure design approval
173.01.13 Renewal of flight procedure design approval
173.01.14 Documents and records
Subpart 2 : Approval of Flight Procedure Design Organisation (Category A)
173.02.1 Operations manual
173.02.2 Personnel requirements
173.02.3 Privileges
173.02.4 Duties of approval holder
173.02.5 Transferability of maintenance of flight procedures
Subpart 3 : Approval of Flight Procedure Design Organisation (Category B)
173.03.1 Operations manual
173.03.2 Personnel requirements
173.03.3 Privileges
173.03.4 Duties of approval holder
173.03.5 Transferability of maintenance of flight procedures
Part 174 : Meteorological Information Services
Subpart 1 : General
174.01.1 Applicability
174.01.2 Designation of aviation meteorological authority
174.01.3 Determination and provision of meteorological service
174.01.4 Supply and use meteorological information
174.01.5 Agreement between meteorological service provider, aerodrome licence holder and ATSU
174.01.6 Notifications required from air service operator
Subpart 2 : Requirements for Provision of Meteorological Services
174.02.1 Personnel requirements
174.02.2 Facilities requirements
174.02.3 QMS
174.02.4 SMS
174.02.5 Manual of procedure
Subpart 3 : Meteorological Observations and Reports
174.03.1 General
174.03.2 Maintenance and calibration of aeronautical meteorological station
174.03.3 Siting of aeronautical meteorological stations
174.03.4 Routine observations and reports
174.03.5 Special observations and reports
174.03.6 Special aircraft observations
174.03.7 Recording and post-flight reporting of aircraft observations of volcanic activity
Subpart 4 : Provision of Meteorological Information
174.04.1 General
174.04.2 Terminal aerodrome forecast
174.04.3 Landing forecast
174.04.4 Forecast for take-off
174.04.5 World area forecast products
174.04.6 Area forecasts for low-level flights
174.04.7 SIGMET information
174.04.8 AIRMET information
174.04.9 Aerodrome warnings
174.04.10 Wind shear warnings
174.04.11 Aircraft observations and reports
174.04.12 Briefing, consultancy and display
174.04.13 Aerodrome climatological tables and summaries
174.04.14 Aerodrome climatological tables
174.04.15 Aerodrome climatological summaries
174.04.16 Copies of meteorological observational data
174.04.17 Relay of air-reports by ATSU
Subpart 5 : Meteorological Service for Air Service Operator and Flight Crew Members
174.05.1 General
174.05.2 Meteorological information for air service operator and flight crew members
174.05.3 Automated pre-flight information systems
174.05.4 Flight documentation
174.05.5 VOLMET
174.05.6 Meteorological information for ATSU
174.05.7 Meteorological information for search and rescue services
Subpart 6 : Requirements for and use of Communications
174.06.1 Telecommunication facilities
174.06.2 AFS
174.06.3 Aeronautical mobile service communications
174.06.4 Requirements for VOLMET Broadcast
174.06.5 Transmission of meteorological bulletins
174.06.6 Grid point data for ATS and air service operator
174.06.7 Use of aeronautical mobile service communications
174.06.8 Use of aeronautical data link service
174.06.9 Use of aeronautical broadcasting service
Part 175 : Aeronautical Information Services
Subpart 1 : General
175.01.1 Applicability
175.01.2 Requirements for AIS certificate
175.01.3 Provision of AIS at own initiative
175.01.4 Display of AIS certificate
175.01.5 Safety inspections and audits
175.01.6 Register of certificates
175.01.7 Data originator
Subpart 2 : Requirements for AIS certificate
175.02.1 Manual of procedure
175.02.2 QMS
175.02.3 Personnel requirements
175.02.4 Facility requirements
175.02.5 Application for approval or amendment of certificate
175.02.6 Issuing of certification
175.02.7 Period of validity
175.02.8 Renewal of certificate
175.02.9 Duties of holder of certificate
175.02.10 Station standing instructions manual
175.02.11 Documentation
175.02.12 Continued compliance
Subpart 3 : Operating Requirements
175.03.1 Responsibilities and functions
175.03.2 AIM
175.03.3 Scope of aeronautical data and aeronautical information
175.03.4 Aeronautical information products and services
175.03.5 Aeronautical information updates
175.03.6 Human factor principles consideration
Part 176 : Allocation of Radio Telephony (RTF) Call Signs, 3-Letter Aircraft Designators and Location Indicators
176.00.1 Applicability
176.00.2 Allocation of RTF call signs and 3-letter aircraft designators
176.00.3 Allocation of location indicators
Part 177 : Aeronautical Charts
Subpart 1 : General
177.01.1 Applicability
177.01.2 Requirements for approval
177.01.3 Aeronautical cartography design standards
177.01.4 Safety inspections and audits
177.01.5 Register of certificates
177.01.6 Display of certificate
Subpart 2 : Requirements for Approval
177.02.1 Manual of procedure
177.02.2 Quality assurance system
177.02.3 Personnel requirements
177.02.4 Facility requirements
177.02.5 Application for approval or amendment of certificate
177.02.6 Issuing of certificate
177.02.7 Period of validity
177.02.8 Renewal of certificate
177.02.9 Documentation
177.02.10 Duties of holder of aeronautical cartography certificate
Subpart 3 : Training Requirements
177.03.1 Training and checking
Part 178 : Aeronautical Assessment of Aviation Obstacles
Subpart 1 : General
178.01.1 Applicability
178.01.2 Requirement for approval
178.01.3 Inspection of aeronautical assessment of aviation obstacles approval
178.01.4 Register of approvals
Subpart 2 : Approval of Aeronautical Assessment of Aviation Obstacles
178.02.1 Manual of procedure
178.02.2 Quality assurance system
178.02.3 Personnel requirements
178.02.4 Minimum requirements for competent persons
178.02.5 Application for issuing or amendment approval
178.02.6 Issuing of approval
178.02.7 Period of validity
178.02.8 Renewal of approval
178.02.9 Duties of an aeronautical assessment of aviation obstacles approval holder
178.02.10 Documents and records
178.02.11 Standards and requirements
Part 185 : Enforcement
Subpart 1 : General
185.01.1 Administrative action
185.01.2 Offences
185.01.3 Presumptions against continuing offences, multiple offences and multiple administrative penalties
185.01.4 Evidence
Subpart 2 : Enforcement Process
185.02.1 General
185.02.2 Notice of investigation
185.02.3 Penalty notice
185.02.4 Service of documents and records
185.02.5 Protection of information
185.02.6 General provisions regarding penalties
Subpart 3 : Penalties
185.03.1 Penalties
185.03.2 Administrative penalty
Subpart 4 : Suspension, Cancellation, Downgrade, Endorsements and Appeal
185.04.1 Suspension, cancellation, downgrade or endorsement
185.04.2 Appeal against decisions of authorised officers, authorised persons, inspectors and enforcement officers
185.04.3 Appeal against refusal, cancellation or endorsement of medical certificate or declaration of unfitness
185.04.4 Appeal against decisions of Director
Part 187 : Fees and Charges
Subpart 1 : User Fees
187.01.1 Fees relating to Part 11 (Exemptions and notifying differences)
187.01.2 Fees relating to Part 21 (Certification Procedure for Products and Parts)
187.01.3 Fees relating to Part 24 (Airworthiness Non-type Certificated Aircraft)
187.01.4 Fees relating to Part 36 (Aircraft Noise)
187.01.5 Fees relating to Part 43 (General Maintenance Rules)
187.01.6 Fees relating to Part 47 (Registration and Marking)
187.01.7 Fees relating to Part 48 (Leasing of Aircraft)
187.01.8 Fees relating to Part 60 (Flight Simulator Training Devices)
187.01.9 Fees relating to Part 61 (Pilot Licensing)
187.01.10 Fees relating to Part 62 (National Pilot Licensing)
187.01.11 Fees relating to Part 63 (Flight Engineer Licensing)
187.01.12 Fees relating to Part 64 (Cabin Crew Licensing)
187.01.13 Fees relating to Part 65 (Air Traffic Service Personnel Licensing)
187.01.14 Fees relating to Part 66 (Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing)
187.01.15 Fees relating to Part 67 (Medical Certification)
187.01.16 Fees relating to Part 68 (Glider Pilot Licensing)
187.01.17 Fees relating to Part 69 (Free Balloon Pilot Licensing)
187.01.18 Fees relating to Part 71 (RPAS Personnel Licensing)
187.01.19 Fees relating to Part 91 (General Aviation and Operating Flight Rules)
187.01.20 Fees relating to Part 92 (Conveyance of Dangerous Goods)
187.01.21 Fees relating to Part 93 (Corporate Aviation Operations and High Performance Aircraft)
187.01.22 Fees relating to Part 96 (Commercial Operation of Non-Type Certificated Aircraft)
187.01.23 Fees relating to Part 101 (Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems)
187.01.24 Fees relating to Part 105 (Operation of Parachutes and Drop Zones)
187.01.25 Fees relating to Part 108 (Air cargo security)
187.01.26 Fees relating to Part 109 (Aviation Security Training Organisations)
187.01.27 Fees relating to Part 110 (Aviation Security Screener Certification)
187.01.28 Fees relating to Part 111 (Aviation Security)
187.01.29 Fees relating to Part 114 (Aviation Security for Non-Scheduled Commercial Aircraft)
187.01.30 Fees relating to Part 121 (Air Transport Operations - Carriage on Aeroplanes of more than 19 Passengers or Cargo)
187.01.31 Fees relating to Part 127 (Commercial Helicopter Operations: Passengers, Cargo, and Mail)
187.01.32 Fees relating to Part 135 (Air Transport Operations - Carriage of less than 20 Passengers or Cargo)
187.01.33 Fees relating to Part 136 (Air Transport Operations - Commercial Operations of Free Balloons)
187.01.34 Fees relating to Part 137 (Aerial Work Operations)
187.01.35 Fees relating to Part 138 (Air Ambulance Operations)
187.01.36 Fees relating to Part 139 (Aerodromes and Heliports)
187.01.37 Fees relating to Part 141 (Aviation Training Organisations)
187.01.38 Fees relating to Part 145 (Aircraft Maintenance Organisations)
187.01.39 Fees relating to Part 147 (Design Organisations for Products, Parts and Appliances)
187.01.40 Fees relating to Part 148 (Manufacturing Organisations)
187.01.41 Fees relating to Part 149 (Aviation Recreation Organisations)
187.01.42 Fees relating to Part 172 (Airspace and Air Traffic Services)
187.01.43 Fees relating to Part 173 (Flight Procedure Design)
187.01.44 Fees relating to Part 175 (Aeronautical Information Services)
187.01.45 Fees relating to Part 176 (Allocation of Radio Telephony (RTF) Call Signs, 3-Letter Aircraft Designators and Location Indicators)
187.01.46 Fees relating to Part 185 (Enforcement)
187.01.47 Fees for appeal to the appeal committee
187.01.48 Hourly rate
Subpart 2 : Passenger Safety Charge
187.02.1 Fees for passenger safety charge
187.02.2 Procedure for payment
187.02.3 Data verification procedure
Part 188 : Administration
188.00.1 Repeal of regulations
188.00.2 Savings and transitional provisions
188.00.3 Short title and commencement
Ministerial Order regarding Foreign Operator's Permit
Notice No. 334 of 2021
Coming into operation of the amended National Aviation Security Program 2022
Notice No. 1368 of 2022
Notice of Withdrawal of Government Notice No. 1348 published in Government Gazette No. 42773 - Rules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings of the Appeals Committee
Notice No. 4460 of 2024
[Withdrawn] Rules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings of the Appeals Committee
Notice No. 1348 of 2019
1. Purpose and Application of Rules
2. Definitions
3. Jurisdiction of the Appeal Committee
4. Lodging of Appeal
5. Rules Relating to Pleadings Generally
6. Service of Process, Notices and other Documents
7. Discovery of Documents
8. Subpoena
9. Hearing
10. Decision
11. Record of Proceedings
12. Adjournment and Postponement
13. Non-appearance of a Party
14. Representation of Parties
15. Urgent Appeals
16. Amendment of Pleadings
17. Filing, Preparation and Inspection of Documents
18. Amendment of Rules
19. Short Title and Commencement
Subpart 1 : General
34.01.1 Applicability
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