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Civil Proceedings Evidence Act, 1965 (Act No. 25 of 1965)
Notice No. 1066 of 1965
1. Definitions
Part I : Admissibility of Evidence
2. Evidence as to irrelevant matters
3. Evidence of non-access by husband and wife
4. Evidence of genuineness of disputed writings
5. Proof of law or anything published in official publications
6. Proof of signature of public officer
7. Proof by party calling witness, of previous inconsistent statement of such witness
Part II : Competency of Witnesses
8. Save as otherwise provided, every person competent and compelled to give evidence
9. Incompetency from insanity or intoxication
10. Husband and wife not compellable to disclose communications between them
10A. Status of certain marriages
11. [Repealed]
12. No witness compellable to testify if husband or wife not compellable
13. When evidence of communication of an offence is admissible
14. Witness not excused from answering question by reason that the answer would establish a civil claim against him
Part III : Sufficiency of Evidence
15. Admissions on record
16. Sufficiency of evidence of one witness
Part IV : Documentary Evidence (General Provisions)
17. Proof of trial and conviction or acquittal of any person
18. Certified copies of or extracts from public documents admissible in evidence
19. Production of official documents
20. Certified copies of or extracts from official documents sufficient
21. Penalty for issue of false certificate
22. Proof of certain facts by affidavit
23. Preserving testimony
24. Depositions of witnesses taken on commission
25. Official reports as evidence in applications for orders presuming death of soldiers
26. Evidence of times of sunrise and sunset
Part V : Documentary Evidence (Special Provisions as to Bankers' Books)
27. Definition of "bank"
28. Entries in bankers' books admissible in certain cases
29. Examined copies of entries in bankers' books admissible
30. Notice of intention to adduce evidence relating to entries in bankers' books
31. Bank not compelled to produce books unless ordered to do so
32. This Part not to apply to proceedings to which is party
Part VI : Documentary Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions)
33. Definitions
34. Admissibility of documentary evidence as to facts in issue
35. Weight to be attached to evidence admissible under this Part
36. Proof of instrument to validity of which attestation is necessary
37. Presumptions as to documents twenty years old
38. Savings
Part VII : Oaths and Affirmations
39. Oaths
40. Affirmations in lieu of oaths
41. When unsworn or unaffirmed testimony admissible
Part VIII : General
42. Cases not otherwise provided for
43. [Repealed]
44. Repeal and amendment of laws
45. Short title and date of commencement
Laws Amended or Repealed
[Definition of “Republic” deleted by section 1 of Act 49 of 1996]
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