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Close Corporations Act, 1984 (Act No. 69 of 1984)1. Definitions |
(1) | In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates: |
"accounting records"
in relation to a corporation, includes accounts, deeds, writings and such other documents as may be prescribed;
"association agreement"
in relation to any corporation or the members thereof, means an association agreement which has been entered into in terms of section 44 by the members of the corporation, including any such agreement which has been altered or added to as contemplated in subsection (3) of section 49, or an agreement which has replaced it as contemplated in that subsection;
means the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, established by section 185 of the Companies Act;
[Definition inserted by section 224, item 1(a) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
"Companies Act"
means the Companies Act, 2008;
[Definition substituted by section 224, item 1(b) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
has the meaning set out in section 1 of the Companies Act;
[Definition substituted by section 224, item 1(c) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
means a close corporation referred to in section 2(1) which has been registered under Part III of this Act;
in relation to—
(a) | any corporation, means any court having jurisdiction in terms of section 7; |
(b) | any offence under this Act, means any court having jurisdiction in respect of that offence. |
in relation to a corporation. means the cancellation of the registration of the corporation's founding statement; and "deregister" has a corresponding meaning;
in relation to a company, has the meaning set out in section 1 of the Companies Act.
[Definition substituted by section 224, item 1(d) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
includes created, recorded, transmitted or stored in digital or other intangible form of electronic, optical or similar means;
"founding statement"
in relation to a corporation, means the founding statement of the corporation referred to in section 12 which has been registered in terms of section 13, and also any amended founding statement in respect of that corporation registered in terms of section 15(1) or (2);
"holding company"
in relation to a company, has the meaning set out in section 1 of the Companies Act;
[Definition substituted by section 224, item 1(e) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
means the Master of the Supreme Court, and in relation to—
(a) | a corporation in respect of which application is made to a Court for a winding up order, the "Master" having jurisdiction in the area of jurisdiction of the Court where application is made; |
(b) | a corporation being wound up by a Court, the Master having jurisdiction in the area of jurisdiction of the Court which issued the winding-up order; |
(c) | a corporation other than a corporation referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), the Master having jurisdiction in the area in which the registered office of that corporation is situated; |
in relation to a corporation, means a person qualified for membership of a corporation in terms of section 29 and designated as a member in a founding statement of the corporation, including, subject to the provisions of this Act, a trustee, administrator, executor or curator, or other legal representative, referred to in paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 29, in respect of any such person who is insolvent, deceased, mentally disordered or otherwise incapable or incompetent to manage his affairs but excluding any such person who has in terms of this Act ceased to be a member;
in relation to—
(a) | a corporation, means any manager or secretary thereof, whether or not such manager or secretary is also a member of the corporation; |
(b) | a company, means a prescribed officer as defined in section 1 of the Companies Act; |
[Definition, paragraph (b), substituted by section 224, item 1(f) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
means prescribe by regulation; and "prescribed" has a corresponding meaning.
means the Commissioner, appointed in terms of section 189 of the Companies Act;
[Definition substituted by section 224, item 1(g) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
in relation to—
(a) | any corporation, means the registration of the founding statement of the corporation referred to in section 12; |
(b) | the founding statement or any amended founding statement of a corporation. means the registration thereof in terms of section 13 or section 15 (1) or (2), as the case may be; |
(c) | any matter in connection with a corporation, or any member thereof, particulars of which are specified in terms of this Act in a founding statement of the corporation, means the specifying of particulars thereof in any such statement; and |
(d) | any other matter in connection with which any duty or power in relation to the registration thereof is in terms of this Act imposed on or granted to the Registrar, means the registration thereof by him in accordance with any applicable provision of this Act; and "registered" has a corresponding meaning; |
"Registration Office"
means the office of the Commission;
[Definition substituted by section 224, item 1(h) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
means any regulation made under this Act.
includes an electronic signature and an advanced electronic signature as defined in section 1 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 (Act No. 25 of 2002);
in relation to a company, has the meaning determined in accordance with section 3 of the Companies Act;
[Definition substituted by section 224, item 1(i) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
[Definition substituted by section 224, item 1(j) of Schedule 3(A), of Notice No. 421 dated 9 April 2009]
(2) | Subject to subsection (3), the performance of the acts denoted by any of the following words or expressions, namely— |
(a) | "give notice"; |
(b) | "issue, distribute, deliver or cause it to be done"; |
(c) | "lodge;" |
(d) | "lodge in the prescribed form", |
(e) | "lodge in the prescribed manner;" |
(f) | "lodge under cover of"; |
(g) | "notify in the prescribed form"; |
(h) | "payment of prescribed fee"; |
(i) | "publish"; |
(j) | "registration"; and |
(k) | "written application"; |
and any word or expression derived therefrom, must be regarded as including all electronic methods of performing such acts.
(3) |
(a) | Subsection (2) shall not apply to a section of this Act until the Registrar publishes a notice in the Gazette making it applicable to that section. |
(b) | Different dates may be determined by the Registrar in respect of the application of subsection (2) to different sections of this Act. |