R 385
Co-operatives Act, 2005 (Act No. 14 of 2005)Chapter 12A : Co-operatives Development AgencyPart 1 : Establishment, legal status, functions and powers of Agency91D. Functions of Agency in respect of satellite offices of Agency |
The Agency, in order to achieve its objectives in relation to satellite offices of the Agency—
(a) | must enter into a memorandum of understanding with the member of the Executive Council responsible for economic development in the province or the Municipal Council, as the case may be, on the most effective delivery mechanism for co-operative support; |
(b) | in consultation with the member of the Executive Council responsible for economic development or the Municipal Council, as the case may be, may delegate some of the functions of the satellite offices to a provincial department responsible for economic development, a metropolitan municipality or a district municipality, as the case may be, subject to any conditions the Agency may impose in respect of such delegation; and |
(c) | must implement the memorandum of understanding, which must be monitored through the MINMEC structures. |
[Section 91D inserted by section 66 of Notice No. 558, GG 36729, dated 5 August 2013]