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Co-operatives Act, 2005 (Act No. 14 of 2005)RegulationsCo-operatives Administrative Regulations, 2016Chapter 2 : Winding Up and Judicial Management of Co-operativesPart B : Judicial Management of Co-operatives134. Cancellation of judicial management order |
(1) | If at any time on application by the judicial manager or any person having an interest in the co-operative it appears to the court or the Tribunal which granted a judicial management order that the purpose of such order has been fulfilled or that for any reason it is undesirable that such order should remain in force, that court may cancel such order, and thereupon the judicial manager will be divested of his functions. |
(2) | In cancelling any such order the court or the Tribunal must give such directives as may be necessary for the resumption of the management and control of the co-operative by a Board of directors referred to in section 32(1), including directives for the convening of a general meeting of members for the purpose of electing such directors. |
(3) | When a co-operative under judicial management amalgamates with another co-operative it will be deemed that the judicial management order is cancelled with effect from the date on which the first-mentioned co-operative ceased to exist in terms of section 58. |