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Co-operatives Act, 2005 (Act No. 14 of 2005)RegulationsCo-operatives Administrative Regulations, 2016Chapter 1 : Co-operative Registration and SupportPart 1 : Co-operative Registration, Governance and Maintenance20. Submission of audited report, independent reviewed report and annual report (sections 47 and 48) |
(1) | The Board of directors of a co-operative must submit a copy of the audited report, independent reviewed report or annual report (Forms CO-OP 15.1 or CO-OP 15.2) of the cooperative including the financial statements compiled in accordance with regulation 30, as well as the management decision and social reports within fifteen (15) days of the discussion and consideration thereof by the annual general meeting under cover of Form CO-OP7 to the registrar. |
(2) | In the event that the annual general meeting resolves to delay submitting the said audited report, independent reviewed report or annual report and the financial statements to the registrar, the chairperson of the Board or the person who acted as chairperson at the general meeting, must within 15 days of the resolution notify the registrar of the decision to delay the submission of the audited report, independently reviewed report or annual report, the reasons for the delay and the action the co-operative proposes to take to address the situation under cover of Form CO-OP 7. |