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Co-operatives Act, 2005 (Act No. 14 of 2005)RegulationsCo-operatives Administrative Regulations, 2016Chapter 1 : Co-operative Registration and SupportPart 3 : Co-operatives Tribunal53. Set down of matters |
(1) | If a matter has been postponed to a date to be determined in the future, any party to the matter may apply to the recording officer for it to be re-enrolled, but no preference may be given to that matter on the roll, unless the Chairperson decides otherwise. |
(2) | The recording officer must allocate a time, date and place for the hearing and send a Notice of Hearing in Form CT8 to each party. |
(3) | If a matter is postponed to a specific date, the recording officer need not send a Notice of Set Down to the parties. |