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Co-operatives Act, 2005 (Act No. 14 of 2005)RegulationsCo-operatives Administrative Regulations, 2016SchedulesSchedule 1 : Fees |
Schedule 1
The prescribed fees to be paid in respect of the filing, verification or copying of a document in terms of the Act, or in respect of any registration and other services rendered by the registrar, are stipulated below. The fees are payable by the co-operative concern to CIPC. Fees must be aid in cash at application.
R125.00 per application |
R17.50 per section with a maximum of R125.00 |
R22.50 per co-operative |
When it follows inspection |
R1.50 per page photocopied |
When otherwise requested |
R22.50 per co-operative plus R1.50 per page photocopied |
When it is provided programmatically |
R22.50 per co-operative |
R125.00 per application |
R125.00 per application |
R125.00 per co-operative |
R17.50 per section with a maximum of R125.00 |
R17.50 per section with a maximum of R125.00 |
R125.00 per application and the fee for registering the special resolution - R17.50 per section with a maximum of R125.00 |
R52.50 per document |
R52.50 per document |
R75.00 per application if applied for manually and R50.00 if applied for electronically through the CIPC system |
Category A1 and A2 Primary Co-operative |
R50.00 and R100.00 if submitted more than 30 days after due date |
Category B Primary Co-operative |
R450.00 and R600.00 if submitted more than 30 days after due date |
Category C Primary Co-operative |
R3 000.00 and R4 000.00 if submitted more than 30 days after due date |
Secondary Co-operative, Tertiary Co-operative and National Apex Co-operative with an annual or projected annual revenue of less than R25 Million. |
R450.00 and R600.00 if submitted more than 30 days after the due date |
Secondary Co-operative, Tertiary Co-operative and National Apex Co-operative with annual or projected annual revenue of R25 Million or more. |
R3 000.00 and R4 000.00 if submitted more than 30 days after due date |