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Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 2002 (Act No. 45 of 2002)Board NoticesAdvertising, marketing and information disclosure requirements for collective investment schemesPart VI : General Provisions20. Commencement and transitional arrangements |
(1) The following provisions are repealed from the date of coming into operation of this Notice—
(a) Notice 571 of 2003;
(b) subclause 1(e) of Notice 576 of 2003; and
(c) paragraph 5 of Notice 569 of 2003,
as published in Government Gazette 24984 of 28 February 2003.
(2) | This Notice comes into effect on 1 March 2015. |
[Subsection (2) has been amended by Board Notice 54 of 2015 - effective date extended to 1 May 2015]