In terms of section 90(2) of the Act, a manager must transmit, electronically or otherwise, to every investor, in respect of each financial year, within three months after the end of such year, at least the following information:
(a) |
A report by the chairman or managing director in which must be disclosed every material fact or circumstance that occurred during the year and which had an effect on the financial affairs of the portfolio and its manager and, in particular, details of any deviation from the investment policy and objective as contained in the deed. |
(b) |
An abridged income statement and balance sheet of the portfolio. |
(c) |
Details of any qualification made by the auditor in his report on the financial statements of the manager and the portfolio. |
(d) |
The amount of each distribution by the portfolio and the date thereof. |
(e) |
Performance figures of the portfolio for the current and previous years, based on repurchase price to repurchase price, compared, where relevant, to a market index. |
(f) |
Details of all charges levied by the manager, any charge levied on the repurchase of participatory interests and any change in such charges or in the method of calculation thereof. |
(g) |
The composition of the assets of the portfolio classified by appropriate category or industry sector. |
(h) |
A statement that copies of the audited annual financial statements of the manager and of the scheme managed by it, are available, free of charge, on request by an investor. |
(i) |
A copy of the report by the trustee or custodian referred to in section 70(1)(f). |