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Commissions Act, 1947 (Act No. 8 of 1947)RulesRules of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State11. General |
11.1 | Any party wishing to make any application to the Commission which is not otherwise provided for in these rules must do so on at least seven calendar days’ notice in writing to the Commission but the Chairperson may condone non-compliance with this notice period on good cause shown. |
11.2 | The Commission may condone non-compliance with, or extend, any time-frame provided for in these Rules on good cause shown or when it is in the interests of the work of the Commission to do so. |
11.3 | Wherever these rules make provision for any person to apply to the Commission or to the Chairperson, the application must be a substantive application on affidavit with a notice of motion. The affidavit must, among other things, reflect the relevant facts, the order sought and the grounds relied upon to seek that order. |
11.4 | The application must be lodged with the Secretary of the Commission who will ensure that the original is delivered to the Chairperson and a copy to the Commission’s Legal Team. The applicant in that application must cite every other person whose rights may be adversely affected by the order sought and serve a copy on him, her or it. |
11.5 | As soon as possible after the Chairperson has become aware of such an application, he must issue such direction or order as to the future conduct of the matter as he may consider appropriate. |