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Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973)Chapter VI: Offering of Shares and ProspectusProspectus153. Where the issue is underwritten |
1) | No prospectus containing a statement to the effect that the whole or any portion of the issue of the shares offered to the public, has been or is being underwritten shall be registered until there is lodged with the Registrar a copy of the underwriting contract and a sworn declaration by the person named as underwriter or, if such person is a company, by each of two directors of such company, or if such company has only one director, by that director, that to the best of the deponent's knowledge and belief the underwriter is and will be in a position to carry out his obligations even if no shares are applied for. |
2) | If an offer of shares is made in respect of which no prospectus is required by this Act, the copy of the contract and sworn declaration referred to in subsection (1) shall be lodged with the Registrar not later than the date of the proposed offer of shares. |
3) | If default is made in complying with the provisions of subsection (2), the company, and any person (including a body corporate) and every director or officer of the said company (or body corporate) who knowingly is a party to the contravention, shall be guilty of an offence. |
4) | In the event of any underwriter being unable, when duly called upon, to carry out his obligations under the underwriting contract, any person who has in connection with that contract made a sworn declaration as required by subsection (1) shall, unless he proves that when he made the declaration he believed and had reasonable grounds for believing that the underwriter was or would be able to carry out such obligations, be guilty of an offence. |