R 385
Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973)Companies Administrative Regulations, 197328. Annual Return |
1) | The annual return contemplated in section 173 of the Act must be lodged electronically with the Registrar in the format as made available for electronic completion and lodgment on the CIPRO portal, and must contain particulars in respect of at least the following matters: |
a) | The registered name, registered translated and shortened form of the name, if any, and trading name, if any, of the company; |
b) | registration number of the company; |
c) | type of company; |
d) | the main business of the company; |
e) | date of incorporation of the company; |
f) | the end of the financial year of the company; |
g) | the end of the period for which the last financial statements of the company were lodged with the Registrar; |
h) | the date of the last annual general meeting held by the company; |
i) | the amount of the turnover of the company during the previous financial year; |
j) | the holding company, if any, of the company; |
k) | the registered and postal addresses of the company; |
l) | telephone and other contact numbers and addresses of the company; |
m) | the auditor of the company; |
n) | the secretary of the company; |
o) | the directors of the company; |
p) | the officers of the company; |
q) | the local managers of the company; |
r) | the capital of the company; |
s) | such other information relating to information to be disclosed in terms of the Act and these Regulations as may be required in the annual return. |
2) | The prescribed fees for lodgment of annual returns are contained in Schedule 1. |
3) | The information required under sub-regulation (1) must be furnished as required irrespective of whether the same information was previously furnished in any CM form or not. |
4) | If a company has been deregistered due to its failure to lodge an annual return in terms of section 173 of the Act, the following documents must be lodged with the Registrar, together with the prescribed application fee set out in item 20A of Schedule 1: |
a) | A written application for the restoration of the company; |
b) | proof of lodgment of the outstanding annual return; and |
c) | proof of payment of the relevant outstanding annual return prescribed fee. |