R 385
Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973)Regulations Winding-Up and Judicial management of Companies3. Statement of Affairs |
1) | Any person who is required under section 363 of the Act to make out a statement of the affairs of a company, shall, before or after such statement has been lodged with the Master, attend on the Master at such places and times as the Master may appoint and furnish the Master with such information as he may require. |
2) | No person who is required to make out a statement of the affairs of a company, shall incur any costs or expenses in connection with the making out of such statement without previously having submitted to the Master an estimate of the costs and expenses which he expects to incur and having obtained the consent of the Master to the incurrence of such costs and expenses, and any costs or expenses incurred without the prior consent of the Master may be disallowed by him. |