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Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973)Chapter XIII: External CompaniesAdministrative and Other Duties of External Companies326. External company to have person authorised to accept service |
1) | Every external company shall appoint and shall at all times have one or more persons resident in the Republic authorised by the company to accept on its behalf service of process and any notices required to be served on the company, notwithstanding the provisions of section 71. |
2) | Any person authorised as aforesaid shall be entitled to withdraw from such authorisation after having given one month's written notice of such withdrawal to the company and shall at the same time lodge two copies of such notice with the Registrar under cover of the prescribed form. |
3) | Every external company shall within twenty-one days after receipt of the notice referred to in subsection (2) or after the termination of such authorisation in any other manner, lodge with the Registrar a notice in the prescribed form stating the alteration and the name and address of the new authorised person appointed by the company. |