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Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973)Securities Regulation Panel |
Notice No. 192
5 March 2010
Department of Trade and Industry
Notice in Terms of Section 440C.(4)(a) of The Companies Act, 1973, ("The Act') And Rule 2.2 of the Rules under Section 440C.(4)(a) of The Act of Amendments to the Securities Regulation Code on Takeovers And Mergers and the Rules of the Securities Regulation Panel
I, Richard John Connellan, Executive Director of the Securities Regulation Panel, established in terms of section 440B of the Companies Act (Act No. 61 of 1973), hereby give notice that the Securities Regulation Panel has in terms of Rule 2.2 determined as follows:
With effect from 1 March 2010 the fees and charges to be paid to the Panel in respect of the percentage of:
a) | the annual listing fee charged by The Stock Exchange to each company listed on The Stock Exchange which shall be levied on I March of each year; and |
b) | the initial listing fee charged by The Stock Exchange to a company which is listed during a year and is not charged The Stock Exchange annual listing fee, such fee being due and payable to the Panel at the time of listing |
has been increased from eighteen percent to twenty five percent.
R J Connellan
Executive Director: Securities Regulation Panel